25 April 2006

A Revisit of PID

PID is an acronym for People, Information and Deliverables.
In earlier blog, it is said that "People use Information to produce Deliverables." It is valid as far as iTX is concerned. When dealing with eTX, however, the statement may seem unreasonable.
People - Senior Management, Middle Management, Frontline Staff
Information - Instructions, Guidelines
Deliverables - Reports, Systems
People use Information to produce Deliverables. Frontline staff produce deliverables based on the information available to them. Without information, no staff can deliver results. Information includes instructions and guidelines given by task assigner.
People - Suppliers, Customers, Consumers
Information - Marketing Communications, Public Relations
Deliverables - Products, Services
People use Information to produce Deliverables. Customers do not use information to produce deliverables. Instead, customers hire* deliverables based on the information provided to them by iPeople, or internal people. Of course, they will fire deliverables should the information provided to them is irrelevant.
PID are the critical success factors of an enterprise.
i / e TX - People produce / hire Deliverables based on available Information.
* Hire is a term used by Professor Clayton Christensen, Harvard Business School. For more information, please refer to the article "Marketing Malpractice" published in Harvard Business Review December 2005.

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