19 Jun
user is subset of human “@Choypw: Consumer is subset of user. #ux #cem”
19 Jun
Consumer is subset of user. #ux #cem
19 Jun
8 real-life examples where fewer words convey more meaning http://goo.gl/yQwms via @BeckyGaylord @jeanniecw
19 Jun
#Gamification --> Engagement --> Adoption --> Viral Growth via @mich8elwu
19 Jun
Do you need your customers more than they need you? http://blogs.forrester.com/harley_manning/12-06-18-you_need_your_customer_more_than_your_customers_need_you?cm_mmc=RSS-_-MS-_-64-_-blog_178 via @thecustomerblog #cem
19 Jun
Faster is not better. Quality trumps quantity. Fidelity trumps noise. Right time trumps real time via @rwang0 @tdebaillon
19 Jun
The Evolution of #Gamification in the Workplace http://buff.ly/Kzqwff via @Jon_Ferrara
19 Jun
Exceptional Customer Experience - 6 Steps to Achieving One by @WBendle http://ow.ly/bFbk3 via @Brainzooming #cem #custserv
19 Jun
@Choypw I'm not opposed to firing a customer. But first let's look at why that abuse is happening.
19 Jun
Customer-centric culture: Everyone working toward a common goal, with customer in mind. @CXJourney
What if customer abuses firm?
19 Jun
@Choypw The customer is the "common perspective."
18 Jun
Customer advocacy is the key to brand longevity: It's either revamp or regret. via @KnowledgeBishop #custserv #cem
18 Jun
On finding what matters most to your customers: http://ow.ly/bjPem vis via @jimtincher @LindaIreland #cem
18 Jun
#Brand talk isn't helping your company, replace it? http://www.fastcodesign.com/1670044/branding-talk-isnt-helping-your-company-heres-what-should-replace-it?partner=homepage_newsletter via @thecustomerblog #cem
18 Jun
The “Doing” of Customer Experience http://nblo.gs/yTwaC via @jeanniecw #cem
18 Jun
Who Knows Your Brand Promise? http://bit.ly/KBVW3F via @CXJourney #brand #marketing #cem #culture
18 Jun
A strong customer-centric culture: Everyone working toward a common goal, with a common perspective in mind. @CXJourney | Where is customer?
18 Jun
Gamification for HR http://lnkd.in/5xF6si
18 Jun
Here's an example of negative and more positive cultures http://www.kay-lambertassociates.co.uk/how-to-avoid-a-vulture-cultureand-create-a-culture-of-construction/ via @tedcoine @timothykla #hr
17 Jun
All the good advertising in the world can't compare to one good personal experience. via @MossiTech #cem
17 Jun
Build Customer Experience by Focusing on Employee Experience With Same Vigor http://bit.ly/OVfnmU via @CXJourney @cmswire #cem #hr
17 Jun
Experience is never about 5 senses, but beyond: hands, head, and heart. #cem #ux
17 Jun
Wow Customer Experiences – Defined and Delivered http://bit.ly/Mb0cE3 via @CustExpNews #cem #voc
17 Jun
Pick a number between 1 and 1000. http://risd.cc/LWLpAg via @johnmaeda
17 Jun
It's Time to Focus on Employee Experience http://bit.ly/KGPQQ2 via @CXJourney #hr #tchat #culture #cem
17 Jun
Designing a Customer Experience http://bit.ly/L2vxNt via @JTinKC @TPDashboard #cem
17 Jun
Simplifying Loyalty Driver Analysis http://tinyurl.com/7derq9w via @bobehayes #cem
16 Jun
Interesting piece on happiness and failure? http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/2012/jun/15/happiness-is-being-a-loser-burkeman via @thecustomerblog
16 Jun
Changing the World, One Thank You at a Time http://bit.ly/Jylopb via @CXJourney #culture
16 Jun
Are these the 4 stages of the customer centric journey? http://www.customerthink.com/article/let_your_customers_inspire_you_four_stages_of_customer_centric_journey via @thecustomerblog
16 Jun
Customer Journey Map
Continuous Improvement http://bit.ly/ONfhh2 via @shmula @TPDashboard #cem
15 Jun
What's Your Customer Effort (Score)? http://ow.ly/bAA37 by @annettefranz via @LindaIreland #cem
15 Jun
Are Employees Your Competitive Advantage? via @shawmu @tedcoine
15 Jun
Remove the 7 Inhibitors to Customer Experience Success http://ow.ly/bAvlN via @MichaelHinshaw #cem
15 Jun
Exceptional Customer Experience - Six Steps to Achieving One - http://ow.ly/bzATk via @Brainzooming @wbendle #CEM #custserv
14 Jun
The new elevator pitch: Now in five slides or less http://bit.ly/Kq8Ott
14 Jun
Branding is Storytelling - To Thine Own Brand Be True http://buff.ly/JZlNxh via @Jon_Ferrara @Meghatron5 #Marketing
14 Jun
CEOs and CMOs have to be in it to deliver the customer experience? http://www.forbes.com/sites/johnellett/2012/06/13/cmos-as-bridge-builders/ via @thecustomerblog #cem
14 Jun
The smartest way to close the deal focuses on the bottom-line impact for the #customer http://bit.ly/LylU7b via @Sales_Source @TheForumCorp
14 Jun
#Brand Management and the King Oyster Principle: http://dld.bz/b5gkN via @LindaIreland @brandamentalist
14 Jun
The problem with traditional #CRM is that it turns people into data and relationships into rules of engagement. http://buswk.co/KpcQyC via @BW
14 Jun
Moving Beyond Customer Engagement to Advocacy http://bit.ly/Ls1AEs via @MichaelHinshaw @farlandgroup @RoanneNeuwirth #cem #crm
13 Jun
Can loyalty program's be bad for business? http://blogs.hbr.org/cs/2012/06/why_loyalty_programs_can_be_ba.html?referral=00563&cm_mmc=email-_-newsletter-_-daily_alert-_-alert_date&utm_source=newsletter_daily_alert&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=alert_date via @thecustomerblog
13 Jun
What The Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast
Fast Company http://bit.ly/MrtrEp via @DeliverBliss
13 Jun
How To Win The Talent War
Fast Company http://bit.ly/L1k3cv via @TPDashboard
13 Jun
Method 10x10: Who's the Chief Experience Officer? http://10x10.method.com/whos-the-chief-experience-officer/ via @kimkorn #cem
13 Jun
Why Strategy Matters - Forbes http://lnkd.in/2qdRDq
13 Jun
Agility: the ingredient that will define next generation Leadership - Forbes http://lnkd.in/-X7NtK
25 June 2012
15 June 2012
Tweets of 6-12 Jun 2012
12 Jun
Journey Mapping Principles that Influence Business Strategy & Tactics http://bit.ly/Lx0aaA via @TPDashboard #cem
12 Jun
Keeping the brand experience, not as easy as it sounds? http://www.business2community.com/branding/keeping-your-brand-promise-0186551?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+B2CMarketingInsider+%28Business+2+Community%29 via @thecustomerblog @MichaelHinshaw #cem
12 Jun
Experience based Segmentation http://zite.to/LwHbgh via @bsdalton #cem #crm
12 Jun
"Customers don't want to be managed and acquired. They want to be listened to and helped." @Jon_Ferrara via @BernardoBorjas #crm #cem #scrm
12 Jun
"Customer co-creation is open innovation with customers" (Frank Piller) http://mass-customization.de/key-words-defined.html via @Yannigroth
12 Jun
Feel or die and six other essentials for creating happy customers http://www.1to1media.com/weblog/2012/06/7_ways_to_customer_happiness.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+ThinkCustomersThe1to1Blog+%28Think+customers%3A+The+1to1+Blog%29 via @thecustomerblog #cem #crm
11 Jun
"How consumers think about brands is shaped more by experience than adverts" http://is.gd/pHJtow via @GrahamHill #cem
11 Jun
Lippincott on the importance of authentic branding stories and inspiring branded experiences http://is.gd/jF3eN7 via @GrahamHill #cem
11 Jun
Ten Lessons from Peter Thiel's Class On Startups - Forbes http://onforb.es/LEU9qZ via @Brainzooming @thinkbigkc
11 Jun
How to Thank Your Employees in Only 8 Words http://ow.ly/btNV7 via @Hyken @Inc
10 Jun
Customer Experience – Next Competitive Battlefield
w for wow !!!!!! http://lnkd.in/UFqpdN
10 Jun
Canon makes every touch a “power touch”: Multichannel sales and service success story http://bit.ly/LzLNEw #cem #crm
10 Jun
4 Brands That Know How to Tell a Story http://lnkd.in/wEWtJH
9 Jun
"Breath is between conscious and subconscious." Kelly Dobson http://risd.cc/LHncYZ via @johnmaeda
9 Jun
Former Coke executive slams 'share of stomach' marketing campaign http://lnkd.in/ABtQJw
8 Jun
"how consumers think about brands is shaped more by customer experience than adverts" http://www.marketingweek.co.uk/trends/how-legends-harness-power-of-brand-story/4002075.article via @thecustomerblog #cem
8 Jun
Know When to Manage and When to Coach http://lnkd.in/AF225Y
8 Jun
Foster A Collaborative Sales Team: 5 Ways http://lnkd.in/xiy974
8 Jun
Customer Reference Programs at The Tipping Point http://lnkd.in/F2UFem
8 Jun
The Art of Letting Go http://lnkd.in/svZxvW
7 Jun
Useful excerpt from McKinsey book on sales operations http://tinyurl.com/6sbnlc9 via @1to1media @DonPeppers
7 Jun
Meetings, by Steve Jobs http://www.fastcodesign.com/1669936/meetings-are-a-skill-you-can-master-and-steve-jobs-taught-me-how via @DeliverBliss
7 Jun
The wise know all the whys, and let you find the hows. @johnmaeda
7 Jun
For B2B Marketers, the Zero Moment of Truth Is Also Mobile by @steveolenski http://goo.gl/fb/Zn3CU via @YourCustomers #cem
7 Jun
What do @Amazon, @LEGO_Group and @zappos have in common? http://bit.ly/L2FGpy Personal touch in #custserv via @TheForumCorp #cem
7 Jun
FIVE yes-or-no questions can determine whether your business is genuinely trusted by customers http://tinyurl.com/76nreu3 via @DonPeppers
7 Jun
Never forget that to the customer it's about one moment. Not about the trends. via @MichaelHinshaw @novologic @KateNasser #cem
6 Jun
@Choypw @shaunsmith_cem Wealthy consumers prefer to 'experience' except in China where the rich still prefer to acquire expensive brands.
6 Jun
#cem Wealthy consumers are moving from 'owning' to 'experiencing'. http://bit.ly/L9Wqd3 via @ShaunSmith_CEM
6 Jun
The big boys in marketing are interested in the Customer Journey http://is.gd/ZG83TZ and http://is.gd/v0hB2c via @GrahamHill
6 Jun
#Cocreation is a double-edged sword; it increases customer value but increases employee stress http://is.gd/3YQXmh via @GrahamHill
6 Jun
Customer Experience #Brand Strategy - 22 Articles to Explore Your Strategy http://ow.ly/bo53x via @Brainzooming #ux #custserv #cem
6 Jun
Facebook Will Disappear by 2020, Says Analyst http://lnkd.in/HFdScE
6 Jun
A Short Manifesto on Disconnecting http://goo.gl/yBFkC via @jeanniecw
6 Jun
How the intersection of customer experience & performance chains can set you up to win http://www.game-changer.net/2012/06/05/3-common-innovation-mistakes/#.T84feFgnERk.twitter via @jorgebarba @clavm
Journey Mapping Principles that Influence Business Strategy & Tactics http://bit.ly/Lx0aaA via @TPDashboard #cem
12 Jun
Keeping the brand experience, not as easy as it sounds? http://www.business2community.com/branding/keeping-your-brand-promise-0186551?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+B2CMarketingInsider+%28Business+2+Community%29 via @thecustomerblog @MichaelHinshaw #cem
12 Jun
Experience based Segmentation http://zite.to/LwHbgh via @bsdalton #cem #crm
12 Jun
"Customers don't want to be managed and acquired. They want to be listened to and helped." @Jon_Ferrara via @BernardoBorjas #crm #cem #scrm
12 Jun
"Customer co-creation is open innovation with customers" (Frank Piller) http://mass-customization.de/key-words-defined.html via @Yannigroth
12 Jun
Feel or die and six other essentials for creating happy customers http://www.1to1media.com/weblog/2012/06/7_ways_to_customer_happiness.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+ThinkCustomersThe1to1Blog+%28Think+customers%3A+The+1to1+Blog%29 via @thecustomerblog #cem #crm
11 Jun
"How consumers think about brands is shaped more by experience than adverts" http://is.gd/pHJtow via @GrahamHill #cem
11 Jun
Lippincott on the importance of authentic branding stories and inspiring branded experiences http://is.gd/jF3eN7 via @GrahamHill #cem
11 Jun
Ten Lessons from Peter Thiel's Class On Startups - Forbes http://onforb.es/LEU9qZ via @Brainzooming @thinkbigkc
11 Jun
How to Thank Your Employees in Only 8 Words http://ow.ly/btNV7 via @Hyken @Inc
10 Jun
Customer Experience – Next Competitive Battlefield
w for wow !!!!!! http://lnkd.in/UFqpdN
10 Jun
Canon makes every touch a “power touch”: Multichannel sales and service success story http://bit.ly/LzLNEw #cem #crm
10 Jun
4 Brands That Know How to Tell a Story http://lnkd.in/wEWtJH
9 Jun
"Breath is between conscious and subconscious." Kelly Dobson http://risd.cc/LHncYZ via @johnmaeda
9 Jun
Former Coke executive slams 'share of stomach' marketing campaign http://lnkd.in/ABtQJw
8 Jun
"how consumers think about brands is shaped more by customer experience than adverts" http://www.marketingweek.co.uk/trends/how-legends-harness-power-of-brand-story/4002075.article via @thecustomerblog #cem
8 Jun
Know When to Manage and When to Coach http://lnkd.in/AF225Y
8 Jun
Foster A Collaborative Sales Team: 5 Ways http://lnkd.in/xiy974
8 Jun
Customer Reference Programs at The Tipping Point http://lnkd.in/F2UFem
8 Jun
The Art of Letting Go http://lnkd.in/svZxvW
7 Jun
Useful excerpt from McKinsey book on sales operations http://tinyurl.com/6sbnlc9 via @1to1media @DonPeppers
7 Jun
Meetings, by Steve Jobs http://www.fastcodesign.com/1669936/meetings-are-a-skill-you-can-master-and-steve-jobs-taught-me-how via @DeliverBliss
7 Jun
The wise know all the whys, and let you find the hows. @johnmaeda
7 Jun
For B2B Marketers, the Zero Moment of Truth Is Also Mobile by @steveolenski http://goo.gl/fb/Zn3CU via @YourCustomers #cem
7 Jun
What do @Amazon, @LEGO_Group and @zappos have in common? http://bit.ly/L2FGpy Personal touch in #custserv via @TheForumCorp #cem
7 Jun
FIVE yes-or-no questions can determine whether your business is genuinely trusted by customers http://tinyurl.com/76nreu3 via @DonPeppers
7 Jun
Never forget that to the customer it's about one moment. Not about the trends. via @MichaelHinshaw @novologic @KateNasser #cem
6 Jun
@Choypw @shaunsmith_cem Wealthy consumers prefer to 'experience' except in China where the rich still prefer to acquire expensive brands.
6 Jun
#cem Wealthy consumers are moving from 'owning' to 'experiencing'. http://bit.ly/L9Wqd3 via @ShaunSmith_CEM
6 Jun
The big boys in marketing are interested in the Customer Journey http://is.gd/ZG83TZ and http://is.gd/v0hB2c via @GrahamHill
6 Jun
#Cocreation is a double-edged sword; it increases customer value but increases employee stress http://is.gd/3YQXmh via @GrahamHill
6 Jun
Customer Experience #Brand Strategy - 22 Articles to Explore Your Strategy http://ow.ly/bo53x via @Brainzooming #ux #custserv #cem
6 Jun
Facebook Will Disappear by 2020, Says Analyst http://lnkd.in/HFdScE
6 Jun
A Short Manifesto on Disconnecting http://goo.gl/yBFkC via @jeanniecw
6 Jun
How the intersection of customer experience & performance chains can set you up to win http://www.game-changer.net/2012/06/05/3-common-innovation-mistakes/#.T84feFgnERk.twitter via @jorgebarba @clavm
Tweets of 30 May-5 Jun 2012
5 Jun
5 Ways To Be An Entrepreneur For Life http://lnkd.in/YgnyTi
5 Jun
@Choypw RE OPtimisation. Cos want stuff. Partners want stuff. Customers want stuff. Others want stuff too. You have to find an optimum
5 Jun
Evidence that value-in-use throughout the lifecycle of goods is a key driver of repurchase http://is.gd/BjAFuf via @grahamhill #sdlogic
5 Jun
@Choypw They are trade-offs around how much value is available to be created by each party. Don't worry about the XYZisation word
5 Jun
@GrahamHill But what do you mean by "optimising trade-offs?" Why optimize not maximize nor minimize? What are the trade-offs?
5 Jun
Play to win as opposed to playing not to lose. @JohnDiJulius
5 Jun
If every dollar spent on #customer #experience is matched by a dollar for the #employee #experience, results accelerate via @mikewittenstein
5 Jun
The Art of Listening and Its Impact on the Customer Experience
http://Loyalty360.org http://lnkd.in/q2P-u5
5 Jun
5 Leadership Behaviors Loyal Employees Trust http://lnkd.in/GeGX_y
5 Jun
Our (global) Consumer Trend Seminars (Aug-Oct 2012). Give half a day & leave fully in the know! http://bit.ly/Ibu1nM via @trendwatching
4 Jun
@Choypw pretty much all companies with large numbers of customers. Banks, telcos, airlines...
4 Jun
Business is about optimising trade-offs. Not about putting customers first. via @GrahamHill #scrm #cem #crm
4 Jun
"The past is history, the future is a mystery, and today is a gift. That is why we call it the present." Kung Fu Panda via @johnmaeda
3 Jun
Customer Journey Map
Experience Research http://bit.ly/L5yzcI via @TPDashboard #cem #ux
2 Jun
Tom Nies: Putting the burden down http://www.sbnonline.com/2012/02/tom-nies-putting-the-burden-down/#.T8oqg1YJ3G0.twitter via @jvdt
2 Jun
Build a Product Customers Will Buy: 5 Tips http://bit.ly/LgzkSl via @Inc @TPDashboard
2 Jun
32 Innovations That Will Change Your Tomorrow http://nyti.ms/LTQisp via @frogdesign @NYTmag
2 Jun
"Make a customer, not a sale." Katherine Barchetti via @KentHuffman #cem #crm #custserv
2 Jun
Consumers Do/Don’t Want Relationships With Brands http://feedly.com/k/N4hx5l via @wimrampen
2 Jun
Understand What Customer Journey Mapping is all about: http://bit.ly/KwkDgk via @motivstrategies @TPDashboard #cem
2 Jun
Passion is the emotional fuel that drives your vision. @JohnDiJulius
2 Jun
Interesting video on Customer Journey Mapping http://bit.ly/KwjPIz via @rmukeshgupta @TPDashboard #cem
1 Jun
Service Excellence- Deconstructing the Magic http://lnkd.in/J5XaxS
1 Jun
The Simple Solution For Improved Performance - Forbes http://lnkd.in/aTFS3a
1 Jun
Too Funny: Google wants .LOL Domain http://lnkd.in/KW8afC
1 Jun
Principle no 1 for using money to get happy: Buy experiences instead of things http://hvrd.me/KO7y0G via @KrisOestergaard @joepine
1 Jun
Holistic experience design and the Experience Economy by @pedrocustodio http://bit.ly/M3I8NR via @joepine
1 Jun
"Noise is music that people don't want to hear." @DanielCavicchi via @johnmaeda
1 Jun
"Is more always better? Sometimes, only better is better." @ThisIsSethsBlog
1 Jun
Service Design Inspiration http://bit.ly/LcfaZY via @GrahamHill @Cuatripatipedo #servicedesign
1 Jun
Leading Through Connections http://lnkd.in/-KB43z
1 Jun
Customer Expectations for Trust are Rising http://lnkd.in/h4jEsi
1 Jun
Four Ways Brands Can Build Better Relationships http://lnkd.in/Ww-xgn
1 Jun
The 8 keys to successful branding - why Mad Men and bourbon are not going to cut it http://lnkd.in/nunB8B
1 Jun
A Simple Tool You Need to Manage Innovation http://lnkd.in/4gYA8Q
1 Jun
Gamification and motivation: Tapping into psychology via @iMediaTweet http://bit.ly/JTzZci featuring @mich8elwu @bjfogg #scem #socbiz
31 May
20 Revealing Stats, Charts, and Graphs Every Marketer Should Know http://buff.ly/JZJglA via @Jon_Ferrara #cem #crm #ux
31 May
Achieving #Brand Integrity http://goo.gl/pL7Xh via @jeanniecw @CXJourney #cem #ux
31 May
3 Secret Weapons For Better Communication, From Professional Actors http://is.gd/e6f6Dz via @GrahamHill
30 May
Lessons in Complementary Leadership from Disney and Coca-Cola - Forbes http://lnkd.in/Dk6ukx
30 May
Creativity and customer intimacy are key according to IBM CEO survey: http://is.gd/czyp6i via @GrahamHill @GregKinsey
30 May
MADE BETTER IN CHINA http://is.gd/AJNFEQ via @GrahamHill @gleonhard
30 May
The Power of Persuasion, Effective Use of Influencer #Marketing http://buff.ly/LkwHAI via @Jon_Ferrara
30 May
Three tips for #smartcompanies to support #smartcustomers. http://ow.ly/be0vq via @MichaelHinshaw
30 May
Creative Strategy Lessons from the 100 Most Creative People in Business 2012 http://ow.ly/1k582g via @EQRocksEQHeals
5 Ways To Be An Entrepreneur For Life http://lnkd.in/YgnyTi
5 Jun
@Choypw RE OPtimisation. Cos want stuff. Partners want stuff. Customers want stuff. Others want stuff too. You have to find an optimum
5 Jun
Evidence that value-in-use throughout the lifecycle of goods is a key driver of repurchase http://is.gd/BjAFuf via @grahamhill #sdlogic
5 Jun
@Choypw They are trade-offs around how much value is available to be created by each party. Don't worry about the XYZisation word
5 Jun
@GrahamHill But what do you mean by "optimising trade-offs?" Why optimize not maximize nor minimize? What are the trade-offs?
5 Jun
Play to win as opposed to playing not to lose. @JohnDiJulius
5 Jun
If every dollar spent on #customer #experience is matched by a dollar for the #employee #experience, results accelerate via @mikewittenstein
5 Jun
The Art of Listening and Its Impact on the Customer Experience
http://Loyalty360.org http://lnkd.in/q2P-u5
5 Jun
5 Leadership Behaviors Loyal Employees Trust http://lnkd.in/GeGX_y
5 Jun
Our (global) Consumer Trend Seminars (Aug-Oct 2012). Give half a day & leave fully in the know! http://bit.ly/Ibu1nM via @trendwatching
4 Jun
@Choypw pretty much all companies with large numbers of customers. Banks, telcos, airlines...
4 Jun
Business is about optimising trade-offs. Not about putting customers first. via @GrahamHill #scrm #cem #crm
4 Jun
"The past is history, the future is a mystery, and today is a gift. That is why we call it the present." Kung Fu Panda via @johnmaeda
3 Jun
Customer Journey Map
Experience Research http://bit.ly/L5yzcI via @TPDashboard #cem #ux
2 Jun
Tom Nies: Putting the burden down http://www.sbnonline.com/2012/02/tom-nies-putting-the-burden-down/#.T8oqg1YJ3G0.twitter via @jvdt
2 Jun
Build a Product Customers Will Buy: 5 Tips http://bit.ly/LgzkSl via @Inc @TPDashboard
2 Jun
32 Innovations That Will Change Your Tomorrow http://nyti.ms/LTQisp via @frogdesign @NYTmag
2 Jun
"Make a customer, not a sale." Katherine Barchetti via @KentHuffman #cem #crm #custserv
2 Jun
Consumers Do/Don’t Want Relationships With Brands http://feedly.com/k/N4hx5l via @wimrampen
2 Jun
Understand What Customer Journey Mapping is all about: http://bit.ly/KwkDgk via @motivstrategies @TPDashboard #cem
2 Jun
Passion is the emotional fuel that drives your vision. @JohnDiJulius
2 Jun
Interesting video on Customer Journey Mapping http://bit.ly/KwjPIz via @rmukeshgupta @TPDashboard #cem
1 Jun
Service Excellence- Deconstructing the Magic http://lnkd.in/J5XaxS
1 Jun
The Simple Solution For Improved Performance - Forbes http://lnkd.in/aTFS3a
1 Jun
Too Funny: Google wants .LOL Domain http://lnkd.in/KW8afC
1 Jun
Principle no 1 for using money to get happy: Buy experiences instead of things http://hvrd.me/KO7y0G via @KrisOestergaard @joepine
1 Jun
Holistic experience design and the Experience Economy by @pedrocustodio http://bit.ly/M3I8NR via @joepine
1 Jun
"Noise is music that people don't want to hear." @DanielCavicchi via @johnmaeda
1 Jun
"Is more always better? Sometimes, only better is better." @ThisIsSethsBlog
1 Jun
Service Design Inspiration http://bit.ly/LcfaZY via @GrahamHill @Cuatripatipedo #servicedesign
1 Jun
Leading Through Connections http://lnkd.in/-KB43z
1 Jun
Customer Expectations for Trust are Rising http://lnkd.in/h4jEsi
1 Jun
Four Ways Brands Can Build Better Relationships http://lnkd.in/Ww-xgn
1 Jun
The 8 keys to successful branding - why Mad Men and bourbon are not going to cut it http://lnkd.in/nunB8B
1 Jun
A Simple Tool You Need to Manage Innovation http://lnkd.in/4gYA8Q
1 Jun
Gamification and motivation: Tapping into psychology via @iMediaTweet http://bit.ly/JTzZci featuring @mich8elwu @bjfogg #scem #socbiz
31 May
20 Revealing Stats, Charts, and Graphs Every Marketer Should Know http://buff.ly/JZJglA via @Jon_Ferrara #cem #crm #ux
31 May
Achieving #Brand Integrity http://goo.gl/pL7Xh via @jeanniecw @CXJourney #cem #ux
31 May
3 Secret Weapons For Better Communication, From Professional Actors http://is.gd/e6f6Dz via @GrahamHill
30 May
Lessons in Complementary Leadership from Disney and Coca-Cola - Forbes http://lnkd.in/Dk6ukx
30 May
Creativity and customer intimacy are key according to IBM CEO survey: http://is.gd/czyp6i via @GrahamHill @GregKinsey
30 May
MADE BETTER IN CHINA http://is.gd/AJNFEQ via @GrahamHill @gleonhard
30 May
The Power of Persuasion, Effective Use of Influencer #Marketing http://buff.ly/LkwHAI via @Jon_Ferrara
30 May
Three tips for #smartcompanies to support #smartcustomers. http://ow.ly/be0vq via @MichaelHinshaw
30 May
Creative Strategy Lessons from the 100 Most Creative People in Business 2012 http://ow.ly/1k582g via @EQRocksEQHeals
05 June 2012
Tweets of 23-29 May 2012
29 May
Understand your Tipping Points http://ow.ly/bbLZb via @wimrampen @colinshaw_cx #CEM #custserv
29 May
The Future of Branding http://goo.gl/fb/yWlnF via @yourcustomers
29 May
The experience economy http://cdixon.org/2012/05/26/the-experience-economy/ @cdixon #cem
28 May
World Class Customer Experience http://lnkd.in/ge3eQd
28 May
Marketing Influence: The Power of Persuasion - Forbes http://lnkd.in/5UF8na
28 May
#Marketing Needs a New Metaphor http://ow.ly/b3Rks via @HarvardBiz @BrianWSelden #cocreation
28 May
Define the problem at the level of the behaviors http://bit.ly/MNdBDl via @Jabaldaia @ralph_ohr #designthinking
28 May
Let’s Be Less Productive http://nyti.ms/KtGDYb via @stevefurman
27 May
Beginning the Mobile Giving Dialogue http://blog.effectiveui.com/?p=8442 #cem #ux
27 May
Design Museum Boston + Smallbean+ Samsonite Part2 http://designingamuseum.ning.com/profiles/blogs/design-museum-boston #cem #ux
27 May
Patient Journey Map http://www.christieauw.com/Remote-Patient-Follow-Up-System-on-going #cem #ux
27 May
CX Journey: How Do You Test on Forgettability? http://lnkd.in/7QGcx2
27 May
The Genius Behind Steve Jobs’ Ability to Innovate | Business 2 Community http://lnkd.in/9Ta5zM
26 May
Should employees break the rules to help customers? http://bit.ly/6aOsqj via @ariegoldshlager #cem
26 May
Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood. via @DrEricWood
25 May
Why A Brand Matters http://lnkd.in/9fpvrc
25 May
Focus on Employee Engagement http://ow.ly/b4yfc via @sarahhedayati @impactlearning
25 May
A Habit of a Truly Memorable Person? Collect Experiences http://bit.ly/KtqzYB via @joepine @gostonemantel @incmagazine @jeff_haden #cem
25 May
Are Your Customers Hostages, Victims, or Participants? http://is.gd/ZumtQ2 via @GrahamHill #scrm
25 May
Facebook "likes" = loyalty? Show me data on a traditional brand. http://ow.ly/b82YU via @bsdalton #scrm
25 May
Boston Consulting Group quantifies the cost of losing consumer trust http://bit.ly/KRE0NT via @tpdashboard @rwang0 #crm #cem
25 May
Customer journey mapping exercise by Jason Goldberg http://instagr.am/p/K-9Nfoy8cd/ via @socialshark @crossview_inc @retailgeek #cem
25 May
The End Of #Brand Arrogance http://bit.ly/KRAJOJ via @tpdashboard @brandinginsider
25 May
Business promises. Customer promises. http://ht.ly/aypTp via @meannie @knealemann
24 May
"What one *wants* to do and what one is *capable* of doing needs to align." @johnmaeda
24 May
Really nice examples of customer journey maps http://j.mp/KfV3uB via @liou #servicedesign #cem
24 May
The customer has started the conversation w/o you! via @Jon_Ferrara #crm #cem
23 May
3 customer myths http://blogs.hbr.org/cs/2012/05/three_myths_about_customer_eng.html via @thecustomerblog #cem
23 May
Mending Gaps in the Dynamic Customer Journey http://shar.es/qgFnI via @PlurisMarketing @Loyalty360 @TPDashboard #cem
Understand your Tipping Points http://ow.ly/bbLZb via @wimrampen @colinshaw_cx #CEM #custserv
29 May
The Future of Branding http://goo.gl/fb/yWlnF via @yourcustomers
29 May
The experience economy http://cdixon.org/2012/05/26/the-experience-economy/ @cdixon #cem
28 May
World Class Customer Experience http://lnkd.in/ge3eQd
28 May
Marketing Influence: The Power of Persuasion - Forbes http://lnkd.in/5UF8na
28 May
#Marketing Needs a New Metaphor http://ow.ly/b3Rks via @HarvardBiz @BrianWSelden #cocreation
28 May
Define the problem at the level of the behaviors http://bit.ly/MNdBDl via @Jabaldaia @ralph_ohr #designthinking
28 May
Let’s Be Less Productive http://nyti.ms/KtGDYb via @stevefurman
27 May
Beginning the Mobile Giving Dialogue http://blog.effectiveui.com/?p=8442 #cem #ux
27 May
Design Museum Boston + Smallbean+ Samsonite Part2 http://designingamuseum.ning.com/profiles/blogs/design-museum-boston #cem #ux
27 May
Patient Journey Map http://www.christieauw.com/Remote-Patient-Follow-Up-System-on-going #cem #ux
27 May
CX Journey: How Do You Test on Forgettability? http://lnkd.in/7QGcx2
27 May
The Genius Behind Steve Jobs’ Ability to Innovate | Business 2 Community http://lnkd.in/9Ta5zM
26 May
Should employees break the rules to help customers? http://bit.ly/6aOsqj via @ariegoldshlager #cem
26 May
Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood. via @DrEricWood
25 May
Why A Brand Matters http://lnkd.in/9fpvrc
25 May
Focus on Employee Engagement http://ow.ly/b4yfc via @sarahhedayati @impactlearning
25 May
A Habit of a Truly Memorable Person? Collect Experiences http://bit.ly/KtqzYB via @joepine @gostonemantel @incmagazine @jeff_haden #cem
25 May
Are Your Customers Hostages, Victims, or Participants? http://is.gd/ZumtQ2 via @GrahamHill #scrm
25 May
Facebook "likes" = loyalty? Show me data on a traditional brand. http://ow.ly/b82YU via @bsdalton #scrm
25 May
Boston Consulting Group quantifies the cost of losing consumer trust http://bit.ly/KRE0NT via @tpdashboard @rwang0 #crm #cem
25 May
Customer journey mapping exercise by Jason Goldberg http://instagr.am/p/K-9Nfoy8cd/ via @socialshark @crossview_inc @retailgeek #cem
25 May
The End Of #Brand Arrogance http://bit.ly/KRAJOJ via @tpdashboard @brandinginsider
25 May
Business promises. Customer promises. http://ht.ly/aypTp via @meannie @knealemann
24 May
"What one *wants* to do and what one is *capable* of doing needs to align." @johnmaeda
24 May
Really nice examples of customer journey maps http://j.mp/KfV3uB via @liou #servicedesign #cem
24 May
The customer has started the conversation w/o you! via @Jon_Ferrara #crm #cem
23 May
3 customer myths http://blogs.hbr.org/cs/2012/05/three_myths_about_customer_eng.html via @thecustomerblog #cem
23 May
Mending Gaps in the Dynamic Customer Journey http://shar.es/qgFnI via @PlurisMarketing @Loyalty360 @TPDashboard #cem
Tweets of 16-22 May 2012
22 May
8 Rules For Creating A Passionate Work Culture
Fast Company - http://www.fastcompany.com/1837853/8-rules-for-creating-a-passionate-work-culture
22 May
Managing in the Experience Economy webcast by @joepine http://bit.ly/ABlu7B via @AMAnet #cem
22 May
Why Successful Branding Still Happens Offline http://lnkd.in/aiGVCW
22 May
@Choypw But the exchanged product is a value proposition. You are buying a call option to use the product to create value in the future
22 May
@Choypw That doesn't mean that resources (e.g. the Co's products in exchange for the customer's cash) can't be exchanged
22 May
@Choypw Enlightened service views each as queens, who co-create the value they want together. Service is no longer delivered, but co-created
22 May
@Choypw Traditional service is about delivery. It assumes that the Co is a knight and the customer a pawn.
22 May
@GrahamHill Service is about both delivery & co-creation? Similar to value-in-exchange & value-in-use? Deliverable of service is experience.
22 May
How do you make your service tangible? http://huddlespaces.com/2012/05/how-do-you-make-your-service-tangible/ via @GrahamHill @AnthonyQuinnArt @Huddlespaces #ServiceDesign
22 May
@Choypw Is service about delivery... or is it about co-creation of value by each party at the same time #sdlogic
22 May
@GrahamHill Service is how firm serves: one way. Experience is how user perceives: two-way. That's how I always define #custserv and #cem.
22 May
Does all of #servicedesign lie within experience design? via @GrahamHill | It again depends on how service and experience are defined.
22 May
Is #servicedesign a subset of experience design? via @GrahamHill | Definitely! #cem #ux
22 May
Every business decision must have "customer benefit" as top of mind requirement - with measured results. via @TPDashboard @ValaAfshar #cem
22 May
Customer Experience Quality = Perception of Brand = Business Results. via @TPDashboard @TimothyWhalin #cem
21 May
@Choypw @GrahamHill nope. Same same. I agree. Solve need=positive outcome.
21 May
8 Core Beliefs of Extraordinary Bosses http://lnkd.in/Z8CH6M
21 May
Speaking indirectly through other people multiplies (×) the mouths but divides (÷) the message. via @johnmaeda
21 May
"But love is a human emotion." Neo "No. It is a word. What matters is the connection it implies." Ramakandra via @johnmaeda
21 May
@Choypw Solving needs is much better than ignoring them. But there is a deeper and broader level for those Cos who need an edge
21 May
@GrahamHill So instead of solving needs, firm should go solve desires, or wants.
21 May
@Choypw But subconsiously you may desire a range of other outcomes too. 95% of decisioning is subconsious. I am therefore I desire outcomes
21 May
@Choypw If I ask you what you need you will give me a cognitively biased response. I thnk therefore I need. That's one set of outcomes
21 May
@GrahamHill @bsdalton Any difference between "solve my needs" and "create outcomes I desire"? Create outcomes I desire = solve my needs?
21 May
It's more than just solve my needs. It's more about help me create outcomes I desire. Works at conscious & sub-conscious levels @GrahamHill
20 May
New from Cathay Pacific: Show your i-Phone Klout at 40+ and get access to airline lounge at SFO http://tinyurl.com/75bopn7 via @DonPeppers #cem
20 May
5 Tips on How to Present Like Steve Jobs http://entrepreneur.com/ http://lnkd.in/afF_Hd
20 May
VALUE CO-CREATION IN THE DELIVERY OF OUTCOME-BASED CONTRACTS FOR BUSINESS-TO-BUSINESS SERVICE http://www.aimresearch.org/uploads/File/Working%20Papers/valueB2Bservice_5_1_2.pdf
20 May
Eg. Porsche can only see mkt for ownership. can't see mkt for driving a Porsche for a day. Outcomes change boundaries of mkt. @ireneclng
20 May
Customer outcomes r not yet focus of coz because they see only the market they can serve. OBC cd double mkt becos of the unservd. @ireneclng
20 May
Designing simplicity http://www.slideshare.net/DaveHogue/the-complexity-curve-how-to-design-for-simplicity-sxsw-march-2012 via @DaveHogue #ux
20 May
How Famous Brands Got Their Names, Logos http://lnkd.in/vbUZVm
19 May
Customer experience is a journey not a destination. https://vimeo.com/41537027 via @12mst #CEM
19 May
The Top Ten Myths of Modern China http://lnkd.in/zfrBrt
19 May
1 Thing Every New Hire Should Get On Their First Day http://lnkd.in/GHgtSN
19 May
Your startup’s top 3 priorities; Reach, Retention, Revenue by @ttunguz http://bit.ly/KpBM8q via @Jon_Ferrara
19 May
Everything is a service http://ow.ly/aSiGi via @wimrampen @GrahamHill @RobertLusch @sly #cem #ux #custserv #crm
18 May
"Intimacy comes from creating distance so that you can objectively see where you're standing on each other's toes." @johnmaeda
18 May
Mapping the Journey http://www.slideshare.net/jaminhegeman/mapping-the-journey-experience-beyond-the-screen by @jamin via @wimrampen #cem #ux
18 May
"Good judgement comes from experience and experience comes from bad judgement." Fred Rica via @sherhass
18 May
Solving needs or exceeding expectations - which is most important? - http://www.aveus.com/customer_experience_for_profit/2012/05/14/195/guest_stan_phelps_solving_needs_or_exceeding_expectations_-_which_is_most_important via @LindaIreland #cem
18 May
The Inexperience Advantage http://lnkd.in/k5H6zS
18 May
9 rules to building #customer trust from @Sales_Source http://bit.ly/Mo0Xgg via @TheForumCorp #crm
18 May
"A good story isn't about 1 + 1 = 2. It's when 1 + 1 = 3." Ken Burns http://risd.cc/KAfXpp via @kottke @johnmaeda
18 May
Three elements of @DunnBrosCoffees brand: "distinctive, connected and real” http://bit.ly/JwKRkC via @jimtincher @joepine #cem
18 May
How does @DunnBrosCoffees create a unique customer experience? Learn about "Non-Chain Chain" http://bit.ly/JwKsP5 via @joepine @jimtincher
18 May
Empathy: The Most Valuable Thing They Teach at HBS http://lnkd.in/_s_xmY
18 May
If you customize a good, it becomes a service. Customize a service, it becomes an experience. @joepine at #imspi via @Jim_Roddy
17 May
Jobs-to-be-done's place in a customer-centric organization http://wp.me/pbOIs-1Ri by @bhc3 @MarkTamis #scrm #crm #cem
17 May
4 Types of #Innovation (and how to approach them) http://feedly.com/k/LclPrq via @wimrampen
17 May
Inspiring Employee Motivation in the Workplace http://bit.ly/KNdhUT via @TPDashboard #hr #workplace
17 May
Your friends were once strangers to you. And right now, you're a stranger to millions of people. via @chadschomber
16 May
Are you mapping out a wonderful client experience? http://ow.ly/aPB5n via @andybondurant #cem
16 May
The Story of Send http://lnkd.in/vm6MTE
16 May
Ten Laws Of The Modern World - http://Forbes.com http://lnkd.in/QH8cKh
16 May
It's Time to Rethink Continuous Improvement http://lnkd.in/yUhG7h
16 May
Why Successful Branding Still Happens Offline http://lnkd.in/Tmr8HA
16 May
Advertising People Are The New Advertising Medium - Forbes http://lnkd.in/7kYm9e
16 May
Integrated Marketing: If You Knew It, You'd Do It http://lnkd.in/drNjSP
16 May
A Common Sense Approach To Measuring Brand Perception http://lnkd.in/jcw76j
16 May
You need to create a Customer Journey map to improve and change touchpoints at every level via @allegiancetweet #cem
16 May
Connecting the dots of word of mouth, customer loyalty and customer service
Adrian Swinscoe - http://www.adrianswinscoe.com/blog/connecting-the-dots-of-word-of-mouth-customer-loyalty-and-customer-service/ #cem
16 May
3 #tips to win the hearts of your #sales force and increasing their power http://bit.ly/Mg02yx via @Inc @TheForumCorp
16 May
The hierarchy of #innovation: http://bit.ly/KrNPEZ via @joepine @kimkorn @insitevc @roughtype
16 May
Brands Under Pressure: The Brand Lives in the Employees’ Voice http://goo.gl/CFwo9 via @JamieCrager @jeanniecw
8 Rules For Creating A Passionate Work Culture
Fast Company - http://www.fastcompany.com/1837853/8-rules-for-creating-a-passionate-work-culture
22 May
Managing in the Experience Economy webcast by @joepine http://bit.ly/ABlu7B via @AMAnet #cem
22 May
Why Successful Branding Still Happens Offline http://lnkd.in/aiGVCW
22 May
@Choypw But the exchanged product is a value proposition. You are buying a call option to use the product to create value in the future
22 May
@Choypw That doesn't mean that resources (e.g. the Co's products in exchange for the customer's cash) can't be exchanged
22 May
@Choypw Enlightened service views each as queens, who co-create the value they want together. Service is no longer delivered, but co-created
22 May
@Choypw Traditional service is about delivery. It assumes that the Co is a knight and the customer a pawn.
22 May
@GrahamHill Service is about both delivery & co-creation? Similar to value-in-exchange & value-in-use? Deliverable of service is experience.
22 May
How do you make your service tangible? http://huddlespaces.com/2012/05/how-do-you-make-your-service-tangible/ via @GrahamHill @AnthonyQuinnArt @Huddlespaces #ServiceDesign
22 May
@Choypw Is service about delivery... or is it about co-creation of value by each party at the same time #sdlogic
22 May
@GrahamHill Service is how firm serves: one way. Experience is how user perceives: two-way. That's how I always define #custserv and #cem.
22 May
Does all of #servicedesign lie within experience design? via @GrahamHill | It again depends on how service and experience are defined.
22 May
Is #servicedesign a subset of experience design? via @GrahamHill | Definitely! #cem #ux
22 May
Every business decision must have "customer benefit" as top of mind requirement - with measured results. via @TPDashboard @ValaAfshar #cem
22 May
Customer Experience Quality = Perception of Brand = Business Results. via @TPDashboard @TimothyWhalin #cem
21 May
@Choypw @GrahamHill nope. Same same. I agree. Solve need=positive outcome.
21 May
8 Core Beliefs of Extraordinary Bosses http://lnkd.in/Z8CH6M
21 May
Speaking indirectly through other people multiplies (×) the mouths but divides (÷) the message. via @johnmaeda
21 May
"But love is a human emotion." Neo "No. It is a word. What matters is the connection it implies." Ramakandra via @johnmaeda
21 May
@Choypw Solving needs is much better than ignoring them. But there is a deeper and broader level for those Cos who need an edge
21 May
@GrahamHill So instead of solving needs, firm should go solve desires, or wants.
21 May
@Choypw But subconsiously you may desire a range of other outcomes too. 95% of decisioning is subconsious. I am therefore I desire outcomes
21 May
@Choypw If I ask you what you need you will give me a cognitively biased response. I thnk therefore I need. That's one set of outcomes
21 May
@GrahamHill @bsdalton Any difference between "solve my needs" and "create outcomes I desire"? Create outcomes I desire = solve my needs?
21 May
It's more than just solve my needs. It's more about help me create outcomes I desire. Works at conscious & sub-conscious levels @GrahamHill
20 May
New from Cathay Pacific: Show your i-Phone Klout at 40+ and get access to airline lounge at SFO http://tinyurl.com/75bopn7 via @DonPeppers #cem
20 May
5 Tips on How to Present Like Steve Jobs http://entrepreneur.com/ http://lnkd.in/afF_Hd
20 May
VALUE CO-CREATION IN THE DELIVERY OF OUTCOME-BASED CONTRACTS FOR BUSINESS-TO-BUSINESS SERVICE http://www.aimresearch.org/uploads/File/Working%20Papers/valueB2Bservice_5_1_2.pdf
20 May
Eg. Porsche can only see mkt for ownership. can't see mkt for driving a Porsche for a day. Outcomes change boundaries of mkt. @ireneclng
20 May
Customer outcomes r not yet focus of coz because they see only the market they can serve. OBC cd double mkt becos of the unservd. @ireneclng
20 May
Designing simplicity http://www.slideshare.net/DaveHogue/the-complexity-curve-how-to-design-for-simplicity-sxsw-march-2012 via @DaveHogue #ux
20 May
How Famous Brands Got Their Names, Logos http://lnkd.in/vbUZVm
19 May
Customer experience is a journey not a destination. https://vimeo.com/41537027 via @12mst #CEM
19 May
The Top Ten Myths of Modern China http://lnkd.in/zfrBrt
19 May
1 Thing Every New Hire Should Get On Their First Day http://lnkd.in/GHgtSN
19 May
Your startup’s top 3 priorities; Reach, Retention, Revenue by @ttunguz http://bit.ly/KpBM8q via @Jon_Ferrara
19 May
Everything is a service http://ow.ly/aSiGi via @wimrampen @GrahamHill @RobertLusch @sly #cem #ux #custserv #crm
18 May
"Intimacy comes from creating distance so that you can objectively see where you're standing on each other's toes." @johnmaeda
18 May
Mapping the Journey http://www.slideshare.net/jaminhegeman/mapping-the-journey-experience-beyond-the-screen by @jamin via @wimrampen #cem #ux
18 May
"Good judgement comes from experience and experience comes from bad judgement." Fred Rica via @sherhass
18 May
Solving needs or exceeding expectations - which is most important? - http://www.aveus.com/customer_experience_for_profit/2012/05/14/195/guest_stan_phelps_solving_needs_or_exceeding_expectations_-_which_is_most_important via @LindaIreland #cem
18 May
The Inexperience Advantage http://lnkd.in/k5H6zS
18 May
9 rules to building #customer trust from @Sales_Source http://bit.ly/Mo0Xgg via @TheForumCorp #crm
18 May
"A good story isn't about 1 + 1 = 2. It's when 1 + 1 = 3." Ken Burns http://risd.cc/KAfXpp via @kottke @johnmaeda
18 May
Three elements of @DunnBrosCoffees brand: "distinctive, connected and real” http://bit.ly/JwKRkC via @jimtincher @joepine #cem
18 May
How does @DunnBrosCoffees create a unique customer experience? Learn about "Non-Chain Chain" http://bit.ly/JwKsP5 via @joepine @jimtincher
18 May
Empathy: The Most Valuable Thing They Teach at HBS http://lnkd.in/_s_xmY
18 May
If you customize a good, it becomes a service. Customize a service, it becomes an experience. @joepine at #imspi via @Jim_Roddy
17 May
Jobs-to-be-done's place in a customer-centric organization http://wp.me/pbOIs-1Ri by @bhc3 @MarkTamis #scrm #crm #cem
17 May
4 Types of #Innovation (and how to approach them) http://feedly.com/k/LclPrq via @wimrampen
17 May
Inspiring Employee Motivation in the Workplace http://bit.ly/KNdhUT via @TPDashboard #hr #workplace
17 May
Your friends were once strangers to you. And right now, you're a stranger to millions of people. via @chadschomber
16 May
Are you mapping out a wonderful client experience? http://ow.ly/aPB5n via @andybondurant #cem
16 May
The Story of Send http://lnkd.in/vm6MTE
16 May
Ten Laws Of The Modern World - http://Forbes.com http://lnkd.in/QH8cKh
16 May
It's Time to Rethink Continuous Improvement http://lnkd.in/yUhG7h
16 May
Why Successful Branding Still Happens Offline http://lnkd.in/Tmr8HA
16 May
Advertising People Are The New Advertising Medium - Forbes http://lnkd.in/7kYm9e
16 May
Integrated Marketing: If You Knew It, You'd Do It http://lnkd.in/drNjSP
16 May
A Common Sense Approach To Measuring Brand Perception http://lnkd.in/jcw76j
16 May
You need to create a Customer Journey map to improve and change touchpoints at every level via @allegiancetweet #cem
16 May
Connecting the dots of word of mouth, customer loyalty and customer service
Adrian Swinscoe - http://www.adrianswinscoe.com/blog/connecting-the-dots-of-word-of-mouth-customer-loyalty-and-customer-service/ #cem
16 May
3 #tips to win the hearts of your #sales force and increasing their power http://bit.ly/Mg02yx via @Inc @TheForumCorp
16 May
The hierarchy of #innovation: http://bit.ly/KrNPEZ via @joepine @kimkorn @insitevc @roughtype
16 May
Brands Under Pressure: The Brand Lives in the Employees’ Voice http://goo.gl/CFwo9 via @JamieCrager @jeanniecw
Tweets of 9-15 May 2012
15 May
Apple Customer Service Secrets Revealed: A.P.P.L.E. http://soc.li/Qqx73Vb via @JohnDiJulius #cem #crm #custserv
15 May
Hard work on the right things http://bit.ly/JDi9eh via @ThisIsSethsBlog
15 May
The first step to customer centricity is to know who the customer is! #crm
15 May
Integration before #collaboration...? #Leadership
15 May
Keep Your Customers Happy – The #CustomerService #Infographic http://bit.ly/J5IRhX via @theitthing @OnionInsights #CustServ
15 May
3 ways to reshape customer experience at Best Buy http://bit.ly/GHy2xc via @LindaIreland #strategy #cem
15 May
Gamification Grows Up to Become a CEO's Best Friend http://lnkd.in/t7_NJU
15 May
Understanding the New ROI of Marketing - Forbes http://lnkd.in/VRifNb
15 May
Truth, Lies & Facebook Advertising http://lnkd.in/_Qe5yG
15 May
Win the Pitch: Tips from Mastercard's "Priceless" Pitchman http://lnkd.in/DNaB_t
15 May
If Customers Ask for More Choice, Don't Listen http://feedly.com/k/J4pwhn via @wimrampen #cem
15 May
How Starbucks Trains Customers to Behave http://ow.ly/aRqiQ via @MichaelHinshaw #cem
14 May
What Is Branding? We outline the basics, along with some great resources for small businesses http://bit.ly/LJhhFv via @Desk
14 May
Why Experience is Key to Customer Loyalty http://bit.ly/JaWv4T via @ConversationAge @meannie @DebbieS_Deluxe #cem #ux
14 May
How to find work that you love http://is.gd/1Wp1qP Hint for employers: Focus on employee motivation, not incentives via @GrahamHill
14 May
Unique does not mean everything has to be different. It has to be relevant first before it can become unique. #ux #cem
14 May
Moving Customers from Pinning to Purchase http://lnkd.in/JnFiB6
13 May
Four Strategies for Staying Relevant http://lnkd.in/VR78Ai
13 May
Nine Things Successful People Do Differently http://lnkd.in/yNQKyj
13 May
Sorry #NPS, I'm not buying (it) http://wp.me/ptqv0-mQ via @wimrampen #cem #scrm #crm
13 May
The Secret to Being Remarkable http://bit.ly/KQ1VwG via @DeliverBliss #custserv #cem
13 May
"Time equals truth. There is no one truth. So it's important to have enough time to ask all your questions." Robert Caro via @johnmaeda
13 May
10 Jobs That Didn't Exist 10 Years Ago - Forbes http://lnkd.in/xkFV_3
13 May
Kellogg's Completes Major Brand Overhaul - Forbes http://lnkd.in/e5pHJb
12 May
The Employee Experience: Motivate, Empower, Invest http://bit.ly/JhET4b via @TPDashboard #employeeengagement #hr #culture
12 May
Customer Love: http://bit.ly/IJ3QUn via @JohnDiJulius #custserv #cem
12 May
Excellence= design x culture http://blogs.hbr.org/cs/2012/05/culture_takes_over_when_the_ce.html?referral=00563&cm_mmc=email-_-newsletter-_-daily_alert-_-alert_date&utm_source=newsletter_daily_alert&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=alert_date via @thecustomerblog
12 May
Evaluating Your Customer Touchpoints: No Pain(point), No Gain http://bit.ly/Jhzl9J #cem #nps #voc
12 May
Keep these 13 things in mind to maintain a solid relationship with your customers http://bit.ly/K5SSdW via @Inc @TheForumCorp
11 May
Integrated Marketing: If You Knew It, You'd Do It http://lnkd.in/drNjSP
11 May
From experience to meaning by avoiding fake authenticity http://bit.ly/JiJkM0 via @thebandb @hannesleroy @joepine #cem
11 May
Corporate culture and customer experience management: How to get it wrong http://bit.ly/KoZYK8 via @crm_speak #cem
11 May
Are Brand Relationships Like Human Relationships? http://bit.ly/KGY6zo via @tpdashboard @brandinginsider #brand #marketing #cem
11 May
Net Scores are ambiguous and unnecessary. http://tinyurl.com/6nvl489 via @bobehayes #voc #cem
11 May
The littlest “wows” sometimes leave the biggest impact. http://bit.ly/IM3M55 via @disneyinstitute #cem
11 May
Profitable sustainability = customer first + employee always + brand forever #cem #ux #crm #scrm #leadership
10 May
The Six Enemies of Greatness + Happiness http://ow.ly/aP8aG via @mich8elwu #happy #success
10 May
Why ask why? http://bit.ly/Lm2ekY via @thisissethsblog
10 May
It's funny how day by day, nothing changes. But when you look back, everything is different. via @aworonick
10 May
What are your customers able to be or do because your company or product exists? That's what you solve (not what you sell). @lindaireland
10 May
Is Service Quality more Important than Product Quality? http://tinyurl.com/74yf959 via @bsdalton @bobehayes #cem
10 May
Do you repeat yourself or renew yourself? Stop bring your customers with yesterday's performance. via @liorstrativity #cem
10 May
How rising customer expectations for trust create a business opportunity http://tinyurl.com/73rexzy via @donpeppers @fastcompany #cem
10 May
How do you compete in the Age of Mass Customization? http://bit.ly/IUGmyZ via @joepine @gostonemantel @masscustom #cem
10 May
Managing PERCEIVED Customer Effort http://pulse.me/s/95mdb via @johndijulius #cem
10 May
How to Engage Your Customers and Employees http://pulse.me/s/94wYd via @johndijulius #cem
9 May
Consumers crave simplicity not engagement, latest study http://ow.ly/aNqYk via @thecustomerblog #cem
9 May
Secret Service System Implementation Criteria http://nblo.gs/xpXLM via @johndijulius #cem #ux
9 May
Five great quotations that sum up the state of #marketing today http://is.gd/fLXT3H via @grahamhill #servicedesign
9 May
4 Tips For Gamifying Your Marketing Plan http://lnkd.in/38pd2w
9 May
The danger of chasing market share and trying to harm competitors http://wp.me/pCNj-ax via @ProfByron
9 May
25 reasons why I'll leave your website in 10 seconds http://bit.ly/f80Xnj via @lakey @KISSmetrics #scrm #cem #ux
9 May
Instead of picking competitors you're "better" than, identify customers for which you are the only answer http://bit.ly/IY5jrt @TheForumCorp
Apple Customer Service Secrets Revealed: A.P.P.L.E. http://soc.li/Qqx73Vb via @JohnDiJulius #cem #crm #custserv
15 May
Hard work on the right things http://bit.ly/JDi9eh via @ThisIsSethsBlog
15 May
The first step to customer centricity is to know who the customer is! #crm
15 May
Integration before #collaboration...? #Leadership
15 May
Keep Your Customers Happy – The #CustomerService #Infographic http://bit.ly/J5IRhX via @theitthing @OnionInsights #CustServ
15 May
3 ways to reshape customer experience at Best Buy http://bit.ly/GHy2xc via @LindaIreland #strategy #cem
15 May
Gamification Grows Up to Become a CEO's Best Friend http://lnkd.in/t7_NJU
15 May
Understanding the New ROI of Marketing - Forbes http://lnkd.in/VRifNb
15 May
Truth, Lies & Facebook Advertising http://lnkd.in/_Qe5yG
15 May
Win the Pitch: Tips from Mastercard's "Priceless" Pitchman http://lnkd.in/DNaB_t
15 May
If Customers Ask for More Choice, Don't Listen http://feedly.com/k/J4pwhn via @wimrampen #cem
15 May
How Starbucks Trains Customers to Behave http://ow.ly/aRqiQ via @MichaelHinshaw #cem
14 May
What Is Branding? We outline the basics, along with some great resources for small businesses http://bit.ly/LJhhFv via @Desk
14 May
Why Experience is Key to Customer Loyalty http://bit.ly/JaWv4T via @ConversationAge @meannie @DebbieS_Deluxe #cem #ux
14 May
How to find work that you love http://is.gd/1Wp1qP Hint for employers: Focus on employee motivation, not incentives via @GrahamHill
14 May
Unique does not mean everything has to be different. It has to be relevant first before it can become unique. #ux #cem
14 May
Moving Customers from Pinning to Purchase http://lnkd.in/JnFiB6
13 May
Four Strategies for Staying Relevant http://lnkd.in/VR78Ai
13 May
Nine Things Successful People Do Differently http://lnkd.in/yNQKyj
13 May
Sorry #NPS, I'm not buying (it) http://wp.me/ptqv0-mQ via @wimrampen #cem #scrm #crm
13 May
The Secret to Being Remarkable http://bit.ly/KQ1VwG via @DeliverBliss #custserv #cem
13 May
"Time equals truth. There is no one truth. So it's important to have enough time to ask all your questions." Robert Caro via @johnmaeda
13 May
10 Jobs That Didn't Exist 10 Years Ago - Forbes http://lnkd.in/xkFV_3
13 May
Kellogg's Completes Major Brand Overhaul - Forbes http://lnkd.in/e5pHJb
12 May
The Employee Experience: Motivate, Empower, Invest http://bit.ly/JhET4b via @TPDashboard #employeeengagement #hr #culture
12 May
Customer Love: http://bit.ly/IJ3QUn via @JohnDiJulius #custserv #cem
12 May
Excellence= design x culture http://blogs.hbr.org/cs/2012/05/culture_takes_over_when_the_ce.html?referral=00563&cm_mmc=email-_-newsletter-_-daily_alert-_-alert_date&utm_source=newsletter_daily_alert&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=alert_date via @thecustomerblog
12 May
Evaluating Your Customer Touchpoints: No Pain(point), No Gain http://bit.ly/Jhzl9J #cem #nps #voc
12 May
Keep these 13 things in mind to maintain a solid relationship with your customers http://bit.ly/K5SSdW via @Inc @TheForumCorp
11 May
Integrated Marketing: If You Knew It, You'd Do It http://lnkd.in/drNjSP
11 May
From experience to meaning by avoiding fake authenticity http://bit.ly/JiJkM0 via @thebandb @hannesleroy @joepine #cem
11 May
Corporate culture and customer experience management: How to get it wrong http://bit.ly/KoZYK8 via @crm_speak #cem
11 May
Are Brand Relationships Like Human Relationships? http://bit.ly/KGY6zo via @tpdashboard @brandinginsider #brand #marketing #cem
11 May
Net Scores are ambiguous and unnecessary. http://tinyurl.com/6nvl489 via @bobehayes #voc #cem
11 May
The littlest “wows” sometimes leave the biggest impact. http://bit.ly/IM3M55 via @disneyinstitute #cem
11 May
Profitable sustainability = customer first + employee always + brand forever #cem #ux #crm #scrm #leadership
10 May
The Six Enemies of Greatness + Happiness http://ow.ly/aP8aG via @mich8elwu #happy #success
10 May
Why ask why? http://bit.ly/Lm2ekY via @thisissethsblog
10 May
It's funny how day by day, nothing changes. But when you look back, everything is different. via @aworonick
10 May
What are your customers able to be or do because your company or product exists? That's what you solve (not what you sell). @lindaireland
10 May
Is Service Quality more Important than Product Quality? http://tinyurl.com/74yf959 via @bsdalton @bobehayes #cem
10 May
Do you repeat yourself or renew yourself? Stop bring your customers with yesterday's performance. via @liorstrativity #cem
10 May
How rising customer expectations for trust create a business opportunity http://tinyurl.com/73rexzy via @donpeppers @fastcompany #cem
10 May
How do you compete in the Age of Mass Customization? http://bit.ly/IUGmyZ via @joepine @gostonemantel @masscustom #cem
10 May
Managing PERCEIVED Customer Effort http://pulse.me/s/95mdb via @johndijulius #cem
10 May
How to Engage Your Customers and Employees http://pulse.me/s/94wYd via @johndijulius #cem
9 May
Consumers crave simplicity not engagement, latest study http://ow.ly/aNqYk via @thecustomerblog #cem
9 May
Secret Service System Implementation Criteria http://nblo.gs/xpXLM via @johndijulius #cem #ux
9 May
Five great quotations that sum up the state of #marketing today http://is.gd/fLXT3H via @grahamhill #servicedesign
9 May
4 Tips For Gamifying Your Marketing Plan http://lnkd.in/38pd2w
9 May
The danger of chasing market share and trying to harm competitors http://wp.me/pCNj-ax via @ProfByron
9 May
25 reasons why I'll leave your website in 10 seconds http://bit.ly/f80Xnj via @lakey @KISSmetrics #scrm #cem #ux
9 May
Instead of picking competitors you're "better" than, identify customers for which you are the only answer http://bit.ly/IY5jrt @TheForumCorp
Tweets of 2-8 May 2012
8 May
We should treat memory, the hallmark of experiences, as consumer durable http://bit.ly/KUHWPi @GarettJones in @TheAtlantic @joepine #cem
8 May
How to Compete on Values http://goo.gl/DuPsE via @tedcoine
8 May
Proto Partners' pres "How to transform vision into value" http://bit.ly/IT8GN1 via @adamstjohn @protopartners #ServiceDesign #cem
8 May
The 5 Customer Experience Competencies http://wp.me/p2dxad-kB via @OnionInsights @jeannebliss #cem
8 May
The customer experience journey has a moving destination. If you stand still, you're falling behind. via @MichaelHinshaw @ValaAfshar #cem
8 May
#Gamification will always work in short term, but what about long term? http://ow.ly/aJfID via @mich8elwu
7 May
Economy still sucks. But here are 7 steps to winning new business in bad times http://tinyurl.com/77dhh3o via @DonPeppers
7 May
The Elegance of Simplicity: Creating Experiences the Drive Purchase
The Customer Collective http://lnkd.in/ZKMkfV
7 May
@DesignThinkers @choypw @jeffsussna @grahamhill and in #sdlogic speak: 'service is the use of one's competence for the benefit of another'
7 May
@Choypw service enables value co-creation in a value network / ecosystem of multiple stakeholders @wimrampen @jeffsussna @GrahamHill
6 May
@wimrampen @jeffsussna @DesignThinkers @GrahamHill "Design service for right experience" #cem
6 May
How Geniuses Think http://bit.ly/IQVSt2 via @Jon_Ferrara
6 May
16 Articles on Defining Brand Strategy and Business Branding Topics http://ow.ly/aJ9bl via @Brainzooming
6 May
Turn your company into a Customer Platform http://tinyurl.com/btvln9a via @2mares @enriquedem #openinnovation #scrm #cem
5 May
The Future of the Customer Experience Discipline Isn’t Paved with Gold http://bit.ly/ISDhgi via @thecustomerblog #cem #ux
5 May
What is an Experience Strategy?
Johnny Holland http://ow.ly/aIsa0 via @sly @GrahamHill #ux #cem #servicedesign
5 May
Improving #UX and CX through Customer Journey Mapping http://bit.ly/JHP96k via @TPDashboard @leisa #cem
5 May
Nine Things Successful People Do Differently http://lnkd.in/Bk5NH6
4 May
Be a winner – Dont focus on winning! http://bit.ly/K6sY9t via @Cogiva
4 May
Welcome to the Era of Design http://lnkd.in/rR5tvN
4 May
Perfecting The Art Of The Ask http://lnkd.in/jKu-iR
4 May
To inspire others, it's how you do it that counts - http://CNN.com http://lnkd.in/T7mXxe
4 May
How to Make Your Team More Creative http://lnkd.in/xF8J_y
4 May
Angry Birds has 1.4 billion people who play it; in total, 200K years have been played collectively. What a reach! via @avantgame @bcarroll7
4 May
Gamers are the biggest connected community on the planet. via @bcarroll7
4 May
The Twelve Principles of Collaboration http://bit.ly/IGRIYx via @jacobm #e20 #socbiz #cio
4 May
The collective of customer experience become the "brand" for the connected customers via @mich8elwu #cem
4 May
Why Customer Efforts Fail http://bit.ly/IrXGeY via @bsdalton @annettefranz @jeannebliss #cem
4 May
@Choypw @Choypw some info here: http://ow.ly/1LCr9t more to come later with our Social Tornado. Stay tuned w/ #LiNC
4 May
4 gear: acquisition, engagement, monetization and enlistment --> viral customer loop via @mich8elwu
More resources on the 4 gear?
4 May
90% of consumers trust what their peer said and <15% trust what brands says via @mich8elwu #LiNC #cem
3 May
Customer experience: The natural ally for #UX in #business http://j.mp/KvoGWq via @jeanniecw @juancaferraris #cem
3 May
To Increase Revenue Stop Selling http://lnkd.in/ZnZG-u
3 May
Barriers to Change: The Real Reason Behind the Kodak Downfall http://lnkd.in/PrUVgU
3 May
Multiplying or dividing? http://bit.ly/KUrkJW via @ThisIsSethsBlog
3 May
Consumers now pay more attention to online reviews than word-of-mouth http://econsultancy.com/blog/9765-consumers-now-pay-more-attention-to-online-reviews-than-word-of-mouth via @thecustomerblog #cem
3 May
"Do not say a little in many words but a great deal in a few." Pythagoras via @TPDashboard
3 May
"Be a surfer. Watch the ocean. Figure out where the big waves are breaking and adjust accordingly." @37signals via @TPDashboard
3 May
"What Do Consumers Really Want? Simplicity" http://ow.ly/aEC3h via @MichaelHinshaw #cem
3 May
Three Attributes Of Enormously Successful Companies - Forbes http://onforb.es/Ipns1P via @JohnDiJulius
3 May
Turn Your Company into a Customer Platform http://pulse.me/s/8OBUd via @JohnDiJulius #cem
3 May
Sometimes, taking care of non-customers makes your customers happier http://bit.ly/JTMCYa via @retexperience #cem
2 May
"Transparency increases cost of hiding truth. And extreme transparency will soon require extreme trust. " http://bit.ly/J130SF via @kimkorn
2 May
Why Great #Design Is the Future of Content #Marketing http://on.mash.to/JKrnsy via @Jon_Ferrara #ux
2 May
Are you offering maximum possible value with simplest possible experience http://is.gd/JgH0kD via @GrahamHill #servicedesign #cem #ux
2 May
The #1 Productivity Tool You Aren't Using http://lnkd.in/MpDevy
2 May
Getting emotional about brands - the real New Coke story http://wp.me/pCNj-as via @ProfByron #cem
2 May
The Dynamic Customer Journey http://is.gd/hhCuah by @jowyang via @GrahamHill #cem
2 May
Brands Under Pressure: The Brand Lives in the Employees’ Voice http://goo.gl/d3H0D via @ckburgess @jeanniecw
2 May
The Art of #Marketing Top 5 Takeaways from Keith Ferrazzi http://goo.gl/niDOq via @kathysteele @jeanniecw
2 May
Design the Experience from the Customer Viewpoint http://bit.ly/JEW9PS via @bsdalton @callcenterdr #cem
2 May
Why #empathy is a powerful #leadership tool via @TheForumCorp @GinnyWhitelaw @FastCompany http://bit.ly/IhNV3j
2 May
A Post-It note desk. Is this a designer's dream or what? http://bit.ly/Il3ovo via @frogdesign #ux
2 May
Strategy First, Platform Second ... Please! by @vdimauro http://goo.gl/fb/0xufk via @YourCustomers
2 May
Costco, Customer Experience Success & Little Things. http://nblo.gs/x6r0G via @jeanniecw
We should treat memory, the hallmark of experiences, as consumer durable http://bit.ly/KUHWPi @GarettJones in @TheAtlantic @joepine #cem
8 May
How to Compete on Values http://goo.gl/DuPsE via @tedcoine
8 May
Proto Partners' pres "How to transform vision into value" http://bit.ly/IT8GN1 via @adamstjohn @protopartners #ServiceDesign #cem
8 May
The 5 Customer Experience Competencies http://wp.me/p2dxad-kB via @OnionInsights @jeannebliss #cem
8 May
The customer experience journey has a moving destination. If you stand still, you're falling behind. via @MichaelHinshaw @ValaAfshar #cem
8 May
#Gamification will always work in short term, but what about long term? http://ow.ly/aJfID via @mich8elwu
7 May
Economy still sucks. But here are 7 steps to winning new business in bad times http://tinyurl.com/77dhh3o via @DonPeppers
7 May
The Elegance of Simplicity: Creating Experiences the Drive Purchase
The Customer Collective http://lnkd.in/ZKMkfV
7 May
@DesignThinkers @choypw @jeffsussna @grahamhill and in #sdlogic speak: 'service is the use of one's competence for the benefit of another'
7 May
@Choypw service enables value co-creation in a value network / ecosystem of multiple stakeholders @wimrampen @jeffsussna @GrahamHill
6 May
@wimrampen @jeffsussna @DesignThinkers @GrahamHill "Design service for right experience" #cem
6 May
How Geniuses Think http://bit.ly/IQVSt2 via @Jon_Ferrara
6 May
16 Articles on Defining Brand Strategy and Business Branding Topics http://ow.ly/aJ9bl via @Brainzooming
6 May
Turn your company into a Customer Platform http://tinyurl.com/btvln9a via @2mares @enriquedem #openinnovation #scrm #cem
5 May
The Future of the Customer Experience Discipline Isn’t Paved with Gold http://bit.ly/ISDhgi via @thecustomerblog #cem #ux
5 May
What is an Experience Strategy?
Johnny Holland http://ow.ly/aIsa0 via @sly @GrahamHill #ux #cem #servicedesign
5 May
Improving #UX and CX through Customer Journey Mapping http://bit.ly/JHP96k via @TPDashboard @leisa #cem
5 May
Nine Things Successful People Do Differently http://lnkd.in/Bk5NH6
4 May
Be a winner – Dont focus on winning! http://bit.ly/K6sY9t via @Cogiva
4 May
Welcome to the Era of Design http://lnkd.in/rR5tvN
4 May
Perfecting The Art Of The Ask http://lnkd.in/jKu-iR
4 May
To inspire others, it's how you do it that counts - http://CNN.com http://lnkd.in/T7mXxe
4 May
How to Make Your Team More Creative http://lnkd.in/xF8J_y
4 May
Angry Birds has 1.4 billion people who play it; in total, 200K years have been played collectively. What a reach! via @avantgame @bcarroll7
4 May
Gamers are the biggest connected community on the planet. via @bcarroll7
4 May
The Twelve Principles of Collaboration http://bit.ly/IGRIYx via @jacobm #e20 #socbiz #cio
4 May
The collective of customer experience become the "brand" for the connected customers via @mich8elwu #cem
4 May
Why Customer Efforts Fail http://bit.ly/IrXGeY via @bsdalton @annettefranz @jeannebliss #cem
4 May
@Choypw @Choypw some info here: http://ow.ly/1LCr9t more to come later with our Social Tornado. Stay tuned w/ #LiNC
4 May
4 gear: acquisition, engagement, monetization and enlistment --> viral customer loop via @mich8elwu
More resources on the 4 gear?
4 May
90% of consumers trust what their peer said and <15% trust what brands says via @mich8elwu #LiNC #cem
3 May
Customer experience: The natural ally for #UX in #business http://j.mp/KvoGWq via @jeanniecw @juancaferraris #cem
3 May
To Increase Revenue Stop Selling http://lnkd.in/ZnZG-u
3 May
Barriers to Change: The Real Reason Behind the Kodak Downfall http://lnkd.in/PrUVgU
3 May
Multiplying or dividing? http://bit.ly/KUrkJW via @ThisIsSethsBlog
3 May
Consumers now pay more attention to online reviews than word-of-mouth http://econsultancy.com/blog/9765-consumers-now-pay-more-attention-to-online-reviews-than-word-of-mouth via @thecustomerblog #cem
3 May
"Do not say a little in many words but a great deal in a few." Pythagoras via @TPDashboard
3 May
"Be a surfer. Watch the ocean. Figure out where the big waves are breaking and adjust accordingly." @37signals via @TPDashboard
3 May
"What Do Consumers Really Want? Simplicity" http://ow.ly/aEC3h via @MichaelHinshaw #cem
3 May
Three Attributes Of Enormously Successful Companies - Forbes http://onforb.es/Ipns1P via @JohnDiJulius
3 May
Turn Your Company into a Customer Platform http://pulse.me/s/8OBUd via @JohnDiJulius #cem
3 May
Sometimes, taking care of non-customers makes your customers happier http://bit.ly/JTMCYa via @retexperience #cem
2 May
"Transparency increases cost of hiding truth. And extreme transparency will soon require extreme trust. " http://bit.ly/J130SF via @kimkorn
2 May
Why Great #Design Is the Future of Content #Marketing http://on.mash.to/JKrnsy via @Jon_Ferrara #ux
2 May
Are you offering maximum possible value with simplest possible experience http://is.gd/JgH0kD via @GrahamHill #servicedesign #cem #ux
2 May
The #1 Productivity Tool You Aren't Using http://lnkd.in/MpDevy
2 May
Getting emotional about brands - the real New Coke story http://wp.me/pCNj-as via @ProfByron #cem
2 May
The Dynamic Customer Journey http://is.gd/hhCuah by @jowyang via @GrahamHill #cem
2 May
Brands Under Pressure: The Brand Lives in the Employees’ Voice http://goo.gl/d3H0D via @ckburgess @jeanniecw
2 May
The Art of #Marketing Top 5 Takeaways from Keith Ferrazzi http://goo.gl/niDOq via @kathysteele @jeanniecw
2 May
Design the Experience from the Customer Viewpoint http://bit.ly/JEW9PS via @bsdalton @callcenterdr #cem
2 May
Why #empathy is a powerful #leadership tool via @TheForumCorp @GinnyWhitelaw @FastCompany http://bit.ly/IhNV3j
2 May
A Post-It note desk. Is this a designer's dream or what? http://bit.ly/Il3ovo via @frogdesign #ux
2 May
Strategy First, Platform Second ... Please! by @vdimauro http://goo.gl/fb/0xufk via @YourCustomers
2 May
Costco, Customer Experience Success & Little Things. http://nblo.gs/x6r0G via @jeanniecw
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