24 March 2012

Tweets of 14-20 Mar 2012

20 Mar
The Five C’s of Change Management: Choice, Conviction, Commitment, and Compassion http://socialbusinessnews.com/the-five-cs-of… via @thecustomerblog

20 Mar
How to create a compelling user experience vision http://is.gd/i1Bkvl via @mjayliebs @GrahamHill #servicedesign #ux

20 Mar
Great design: http://ow.ly/9KMwd via @colourlovers

20 Mar
I like random events/encounters. But they only seem random because I/we experience them at a micro level. Step back and see the connections

20 Mar
There are no best practices, each brand is unique via @JimJosephExp | Only if it is perceived as unique by user. Differentiate or die! #cxo

20 Mar
Unforgettable is preferred to memorable. There is a fine line between unforgettable and memorable! #cxo

20 Mar
To be memorable, CARE. via @ValaAfshar where CARE = consistency, authenticity, relevance and empathetic. #cxo

20 Mar
@LovelyLu Brand experience = customer experience + employee experience #cxo

20 Mar
@Vivisimo_Inc The equation is "customer first, employee always, brand forever."

20 Mar
Q6: How can we ensure the entire org has bought into the brand experience we’ve defined? | Employee experience will tell. #cxo

20 Mar
Must have consistency in equation RT @Choypw: A5: With consistent unique positive experience comes profitable sustainability. #CXO

20 Mar
A5: With consistent unique positive experience comes profitable sustainability. #cxo

20 Mar
A5: Each touchpoint needs a measurement process and benchmark via @JimJosephExp #cxo

20 Mar
Q5: How do we ensure that touchpoint experiences created are effective? | Check share of wallet and market share over time. #cxo

20 Mar
A4: Begin with the end (outcome) in mind. Define touchline, identify critical touchpoint, design 5+ senses, manage expectation. #cxo

20 Mar
A4: What are the keys to map, activate and tailor touch points? Understand now. Create new. Make a difference! #cxo

20 Mar
Companies begin defining their brand by the people they hire and retain. Your people are your brand via @ValaAfshar #cem

20 Mar
@Choypw its the co. leadership (not necessarily C-level) customers wouldnt even know of company without branding #cxo

20 Mar
Will you help? @pgreenbe is on a mission to find the "little things" that make/break a customer experience. http://ow.ly/9J3H8@DnBUS #cem

20 Mar
@mpace101 So who defines brand? #cxo

20 Mar
@Choypw gotta disagree, brand is not defined by the customer. it can be shaped or coursecorrected #cxo

20 Mar
A2: Customer first. Employee always. Brand forever! #cxo

20 Mar
A2: Brand is defined by customer, but shaped by employee. #cxo

20 Mar
A1. A brand is not the promise of an experience, it is experiences that build brands. via @jbondre | So why brand is not a promise? #cxo

20 Mar
A1. The experience turns an ordinary product into a beloved brand via @JimJosephExp | That's lovemark! #cxo

20 Mar
A1. A brand that captures mind gains behavior. A brand that captures heart gains commitment. #cxo

20 Mar
A1. A brand is a promise of the experience! #cxo

20 Mar
A1: What exactly is a brand? A brand is a promise. And a promise made is a debt unpaid. #cxo

19 Mar
When should we add marketing? http://bit.ly/FR3gGD via @ThisIsSethsBlog | It really depends on how you define marketing!

19 Mar
#CEM. It’s Not Just for Customers Anymore! by @andy_rudin http://goo.gl/fb/aU8gk via @YourCustomers

19 Mar
"To change an organization you must first change minds." http://bit.ly/FP8wsF via @farnamstreet @ralph_ohr #innovation

19 Mar
What's Your Influencing Style? http://lnkd.in/Env95F

18 Mar
Alan Mitchell on what's wrong with so-called 'engagement' http://is.gd/a3jAJ8 via @GrahamHill #scrm #crm #cem

18 Mar
How do you discover your customers' unrealized needs? http://bit.ly/vjFbnf via @ariegoldshlager #cem #custserv

18 Mar
Go With the Flow by @MarkTamis http://slidesha.re/zEmvhh via @GrahamHill #scrm #e20 #crm #cem

18 Mar
What #cocreation is, what co-creation is not. Back to basics http://bit.ly/sG4U1o via @GrahamHill @MCCOUNL @VernetteE

18 Mar
Big brands' performance driven by service proposition http://ow.ly/2bseDt via @GrahamHill @onthewavelength #servicebranding

18 Mar
What’s Your Touchpoint #ROI? http://www.touchpointdashboard.com/2012/03/whats-your-touchpoint-roi/ via @TPDashboard #cem

18 Mar
How To Bring Out The #Magic In #Marketing http://bit.ly/w28aWZ via @meannie @FastCompany @FastCoLead @CultureofFuture

18 Mar
Happy Employee Happy Customer? http://wisdomboom.blogspot.com/2012/03/happy-employees-wont-necessarily-create.html?spref=tw #cem

17 Mar
Check out our Customer Journey LAB modules http://bit.ly/dANzLn via @DesignThinkers #servicedesign #designthinking #innovation #cem

17 Mar
Delighting Customers vs. Meeting Their Expectations http://ow.ly/9HwH0 via @GrahamHill @ImpactLearning #custserv #crm #cem

17 Mar
12 Most Powerful Words in Business By Becky Gaylord http://goo.gl/Pkk5U via @12Most @tedcoine

17 Mar
Who Cares What I Think? http://goo.gl/HzfRz via @JessicaNorthey @tedcoine

17 Mar
@GrahamHill @choypw @knowledgebishop they (somewhat) acknowledged flaws in last book. Now it's NPSystem.. I find that hardly credible

17 Mar
@KnowledgeBishop @choypw @grahamhill I find myself honorable and credible too and I have lots of crapy ideas ;)

17 Mar @GrahamHill
@Choypw @wimrampen @KnowledgeBishop It is one of a number of useful indicators. It is amateurish to suggest that it is the only one

17 Mar
@Choypw @wimrampen @KnowledgeBishop #NPS has attracted a following of unthinking disciples. Just like a crackpot religion #scrm #crm

17 Mar
@GrahamHill @KnowledgeBishop @wimrampen Well... everyone is a salesman after all... :)

17 Mar
@KnowledgeBishop @Choypw @wimrampen His earlier work has been largely discredited. I think he is honourable too. But he is a... SALESMAN

17 Mar
@KnowledgeBishop @wimrampen @grahamhill NPS works only in theory but not really in practice?

17 Mar
@Choypw @grahamhill don't forget NPS is outcome, not actionable metric.. imo drivers are similar to csat, top box etc etc. @knowledgebishop

17 Mar
@Choypw @wimrampen @knowledgebishop LIke any measure #NPS is ONLY useful if you understand all the biz drivers that influence it #scrm #crm

17 Mar
@Choypw @wimrampen @grahamhill For the record, personally, I find Reicheld to be both honorable and credible.My 2 cents. :) #scrm #crm

17 Mar
An Integrative Framework of Value http://is.gd/G40XVC by @ireneclng via @GrahamHill #servicedesign

17 Mar
@Choypw @wimrampen I find #netpromoter to be a meaningful metric that I use alongside others, as @grahamhill suggests #scrm #crm 1/2

17 Mar
Handmade type - check out the animation http://ow.ly/9HsjR via @method_inc

17 Mar
@Choypw @wimrampen @knowledgebishop NPS has a place in a balanced scorecard of measures. It is USELESS as a single measure #scrm #crm

17 Mar
10 Lessons from Einstein http://shar.es/pgIQt via @thecustomerblog

17 Mar
@GrahamHill @wimrampen @KnowledgeBishop That's why I asked Graham... I want to believe in NPS but I find it hard to convince myself...

17 Mar
@KnowledgeBishop @Choypw @wimrampen The evidence from Reichheld & Co is untrustworthy. They are nothing more than #NPS salesmen

17 Mar
@wimrampen @Choypw @KnowledgeBishop The hard evidence suggests that the relationship between NPS and business success is not at all clear

17 Mar
@KnowledgeBishop @Choypw @wimrampen Unfortunately, correlation is useless next to as a driver of management action. Only causation is useful

17 Mar
@Choypw @knowledgebishop thus in increased profit... Also relation w/ increased loyalty (rep.purch) 2/2 @grahamhill @marc_c_mandel

17 Mar
@Choypw @knowledgebishop in theory > sat/nps results in lower price sensitivity or > willingness to pay more 1/2 @grahamhill @marc_c_mandel

16 Mar
@KnowledgeBishop @choypw if it doesn't relate to profit it doesn't make sense to pursue imo @grahamhill @marc_c_mandel

16 Mar
Excellent article on how to handle customer inquiries correctly http://tinyurl.com/7lj7o6u via @DonPeppers #cem #custserv

16 Mar
Customer Experience: It’s in the Little Things | Futurelab http://j.mp/A7Q9ee via @thecustomerblog #cem

16 Mar
@KnowledgeBishop @GrahamHill @marc_c_mandel @wimrampen I ain't sure if high nps could improve sales. Word is not action? It only influences?

16 Mar
@Choypw Not clear on profit (since that requires cost containment) but clear correlation with sales cc @GrahamHill @marc_c_mandel @wimrampen

16 Mar
@Choypw I found some at http://www.satmetrix.com/ - More are at http://www.bain.com/publications/business-insights/loyalty.aspx

16 Mar
High NPS could be result of pos #cem. But can high NPS lead to big profit? cc @GrahamHill @KnowledgeBishop @marc_c_mandel @wimrampen

16 Mar
Happy employees don't necessarily create happy customers. http://switchandshift.com/happy-employees-create-happy-customers-by-stan-phelps cc @9INCHmarketing #cem

16 Mar
@Choypw Correlation is not very useful. What you need is causation cc @TPDashboard @KnowledgeBishop @GrahamHill @marc_c_mandel

16 Mar
Is there any solid correlation between NPS and experience indeed? Proof please! cc @TPDashboard @KnowledgeBishop @GrahamHill @marc_c_mandel

16 Mar
Customer Experience Isn't the Only Thing; It's Everything http://shar.es/pfJ5X via @TPDashboard #cem

16 Mar
12 Most Genius Questions in the World http://goo.gl/VDa3O via @2learn2

16 Mar
“The journey to customer loyalty is no longer linear, but a continuous process of exploration and interaction.” @jenwhang via @Desk #cem

16 Mar
Why do customers come back or visit just once? http://bit.ly/z4lRsO via @DisneyInstitute

16 Mar
The Magic of Doing One Thing at a Time - HBR: http://s.hbr.org/w0JZQl via @JenKuhnPR

16 Mar
Managing The Hidden Sales Cycle by @mattat3forward http://goo.gl/fb/OsYRb via @YourCustomers

16 Mar
Goods & Services not enough. Experiences & Transformation The Keys For Keeping Brand Relevant http://bit.ly/ADY1wy via @joepine @GetBillG

16 Mar
Happy Employees Create Happy Customers by Stan Phelps http://switchandshift.com/happy-employees-create-happy-customers-by-stan-phelps via @tedcoine @9INCHmarketing

15 Mar
Be part of a world record! Making the first read out loud video book in the world http://bit.ly/xAu9HM via @joepine @brandexpedition

15 Mar
Faster, Better, Cheaper - Pick any two http://bit.ly/ABuIkb via @andrewhargadon @ralph_ohr #innovation

15 Mar
Why Multichannel #Retail Is Obsolete: from channels to touchpoints http://onforb.es/yTvo3b via @GrowthStories #ecommerce #cem

15 Mar
What's Possible: http://youtu.be/33tmKcZ3TlQ via @thecustomerblog

15 Mar
All Creation Is Co-Creation. - http://eepurl.com/j3CvL

15 Mar
Nine Keys to Staging Experiences http://bit.ly/yYgzIQ via @joepine #cem

15 Mar
Customer trust and employee loyalty are business growth engines http://bit.ly/z63cRx via @1to1media @ValaAfshar #custserv #cem

15 Mar
Your Call to Action is Lame! Here are 10 Ways to Make it Convert Better [Examples] http://goo.gl/ZyqCa via @unbounce @tedcoine

15 Mar
Increasingly your "brand" is determined by customer experiences, not by traditional marketing via @matthewtrifiro @Desk #cem

15 Mar
Customer Brand Expectations http://brainzooming.com/customer-brand-expectations-7-steps-to-service-failure-recovery/11373/ via @SociableSite @WriteTheCompany @Reaburn #cem

14 Mar
I like words http://bit.ly/xRNTut via @LettersOfNote

14 Mar
Co-Creating the Future of Credit Cards with Customers: http://bit.ly/wRJY2B via @ariegoldshlager #innovation #cocreation #cem

14 Mar
The art of trying http://shar.es/p3XJZ via @thecustomerblog

14 Mar
6 Strategies For Dealing With Uncertainty In Business via @FastCompany

14 Mar
8 Qualities of Exceptional NEW Employees via @tedcoine @YouTernMark

14 Mar
The Queen: Never complain. Never explain. http://twrt.me/sbwzg4 via @shawmu @tedcoine

14 Mar
I wish I could buy from me http://www.themana.gr/about-themanagr/ via @themanagr @billquiseng #cem #custserv

14 Mar
Press on: Eventually, the wave defeats the wall. via @KnowledgeBishop #motivation

14 Mar
The Value in Wowing Your Customers http://s.hbr.org/Ac2vD7 via @LiorStrativity #cem

14 Mar
Masters of Design Thinking http://is.gd/eCS4mM Great preso from @roscamabbing @GrahamHill #servicedesign

14 Mar
A worthy 8-minute disruption of your day... http://ow.ly/9D5Jx via @MichaelHinshaw

17 March 2012


"Every magic trick consists of three parts or acts.
The first part is called the Pledge.
The magician shows you something ordinary.
The second act is called the Turn.
The magician takes the ordinary something...
... and makes it into something extraordinary.
But you wouldn't clap yet...
... Because making something disappear isn't enough.
You have to bring it back.
Now you're looking for the secret.
But you won't find it because, of course, you're not really looking.
You don't really want to work it out.
You want to be fooled."
The Prestige

Should firm fool customer?
Or should firm delight customer?
Who cares?!

Whatever wows customer...
That's what the firm should do.

Happy Employee Happy Customer?

“Happy employees won’t necessarily create happy customers! Accountable employees do.”

My recent experience with Apple Store confirms this statement.
That Genius is definitely very happy with how he’s being treated in Apple.
Cool employer brand. Cool benefits and perks. Cool status!
But he is so happy that he forgets to align his own personal value with Apple’s brand promise.
So when he comes to interact with customer...
He treats every customer as his customer, but not Apple’s!
And that’s a serious problem!
I am Apple’s fan, not his!

He’s happy; I am definitely not.
But one thing for sure...
He won’t stay happy forever…
I filed complaints against that Genius.
And his manager called me several times to apologize.
I believe that Genius will be sorry for being too happy.

Happy employee only means that employee is happy.
It does not mean that the happy employee will perform.
There is still chance that happy employee will upset customer.
Happy customer is NOT a product of happy employee.
Instead, happy employee is only one of the many ways to create happy customer.

15 March 2012

Tweets of 7-13 Mar 2012

13 Mar
Customer experience trends from #SXSW http://ow.ly/9CTJn via @jeanniecw #cem

13 Mar
The Experience Alignment Model by @evanderkoogh: bring the Experience Economy to aligning your initiatives http://bit.ly/y8Ckqv via @joepine

13 Mar
The Problem With Management http://bit.ly/wXIPfL via @100open @ralph_ohr @profhamel #leadership

13 Mar
What do you get when you cross Magic with Experience Design? http://bit.ly/wh3kVt via @joepine #ux

13 Mar
Replicating Random. http://danwaldschmidt.com/2012/03/leadership/why-their-strategy-doesnt-work via @danwaldo @thecustomerblog

13 Mar
Mapping the Customer Journey http://www.piworld.com/blog/mapping-customer-journey-your-printing-company-improve-service-dustin-lefebvre via @TPDashboard @PIconnects #cem

13 Mar
Employee satisfaction = customer happiness. Right? http://su.pr/2dEzKg via @YourCustomers

13 Mar
'Brands as Panels' panel at #SXSW in @MarketingUK http://ow.ly/9BrOb via @threepress @method_inc

13 Mar
Seek customer input. Solve the need. Free junk is still junk. via @bsdalton #cxo #cem

12 Mar
Jim Gilmore's take on the next 100 years for @Steelcase! http://bit.ly/yMkvwg via @joepine #Steelcase100

12 Mar
Apple's Design Genius Jony Ive: Why We're Better Than Everyone Else http://bit.ly/AabJbd | Not true for IFC Apple Store! #fail

12 Mar
Customer #Brand Expectations & 7 Steps to Service Failure Recovery - http://brainzooming.com/customer-brand-expectations-7-steps-to-service-failure-recovery/11373/ via @sociablesite @Reaburn #cem

12 Mar
Consumers see a brand as having a singular “voice”… here's why companies should always reflect that: http://bit.ly/zkQnwm via @FastCoDesign

12 Mar
Great brands grow because they connect with pll. Not just built on ideas, but ideals. via @brucemaudesign #sxvoice

12 Mar
Why The Future Of Work Is Play [Video] http://bit.ly/x4V1V6 via @psfk @kimkorn #gamification

12 Mar
Perception: The Customer Journey and Business Success http://bit.ly/w20F3K via @GrahamHill @juliebhunt #cem

11 Mar
Customer experience: It’s in the little things http://feedly.com/k/yxyjbl via @jorgebarba #cem

10 Mar
99 Legendary Customer Service Quotes http://bit.ly/wG5wYa via @StoreMapleLeaf #custserv #cem

10 Mar
Build Your Brand by Deepening Customer Experiences http://twrt.me/qhy2qu via @jeanniecw @nporte #cem

9 Mar
Six Circles: An Experience Design Framework by @jameskelway http://bit.ly/xhEUph via @UXMag @nathaliepmachon @joepine #ux #cem

9 Mar
3 Competitors That We ALL Face http://twrt.me/782bny via @tedcoine @danielnewmanUV

9 Mar
The Traits of Great Customer Experience Leaders http://bit.ly/AwV8wZ via @ralph_ohr @cxacademy #cem

9 Mar
3 Competitors That We ALL Face http://twrt.me/xo0iu9 via @jeanniecw @danielnewmanUV

9 Mar
Strategy: 6 Guiding Principles: Branding Strategy Insider by @BrandingInsider http://bit.ly/zaFK3J via @BULLDOGDRUMMOND

9 Mar
The Value of the Habit in #CustomerService http://shar.es/gRoNA via @jlwatsonconsult @TPDashboard #custserv #cem

9 Mar
Design is about translating a customer need into a business capability. via @wimrampen

8 Mar
NPS and The Customer Experience: http://wp.me/ptqv0-7s via @wimrampen #cem

8 Mar
How to Make Your Company Think Like a Customer http://zite.to/xLbHVu via @bsdalton #scrm #crm #cem

8 Mar
Put Yourself in Your Customers’ Shoes Harvard Business Review: http://s.hbr.org/x9gJ0b via @rolandomarketer @bcarroll7 @HarvardBiz

8 Mar
Cooking Up a Winning Customer Journey Map Part II: The Recipe http://www.touchpointdashboard.com/2011/12/cooking-up-a-winning-customer-journey-map-part-ii-the-recipe/ via @TPDashboard #cem

8 Mar
The Importance of Employee Engagement http://ow.ly/1hScaL via @WalkerInfo

8 Mar
Building customer loyalty - Create enlightening experiences. http://stuf.in/b1tf7 via @MIGnCo #CRM #cem

7 Mar
Using #NPS to Segment Customers http://cxjourney.blogspot.com/2012/03/using-nps-to-segment-customers.html?spref=tw via @CXJourney #voc #cem

7 Mar
How to use #storytelling to grow #business http://bit.ly/x18Mll from @FastCompany via @TheForumCorp

7 Mar
H&M and the Ethics of "Disposable Marketing" by @thinkbrandfirst http://goo.gl/fb/hrR0D @YourCustomers #cem

08 March 2012

Tweets of 29 Feb-6 Mar 2012

6 Mar
Customer Experience And Silos http://bit.ly/Apctzw via @davidabrock #cem | Inside-out is still ok as long as VMV is customer-centric.

6 Mar
Why User Experience Is Different From Consumer Experience http://j.mp/xsL7dK via @PatriceF @grahamhill #cem #ux

6 Mar
When Does the "Customer" Experience Begin? http://shar.es/gKCic via @thecustomerblog #cem

5 Mar
A little about the importance of Mission Statements http://twrt.me/uyc0uv via @jeanniecw @mqtodd

5 Mar
We are all customers http://bit.ly/x9VBH3 via @GrahamHill @AchimMuellers

5 Mar
Every Experience Counts http://www.gapinternational.com/thinkgrowth/?p=210 #cem

5 Mar
Neutralizing #Competition is a Speed Game http://bit.ly/yajIKM

4 Mar
20 Things I Learned About Browsers and The Web http://www.20thingsilearned.com/en-US/home #ux

4 Mar
Surfing the experience WAVE http://bit.ly/zT0tlm based on 10+ years of research #cem #ux cc @wimrampen

4 Mar
Why lie? http://bit.ly/xbZM71 via @ThisIsSethsBlog #cem

4 Mar
Love Thy Customer: Let Us Count the Ways http://buswk.co/g59tHk #cem

4 Mar
Love Thy Customer http://tinyurl.com/4p2c72g via @fastcompany #cem

4 Mar
The Mismanagement of Customer Loyalty - Not All Customers Are Created Equal http://hbswk.hbs.edu/archive/3028.html #cem

4 Mar
MINI Cooper, Amazon, and McDonald's: Are Customers Lovin' It? - Forbes http://onforb.es/u0ZTQ7 via @scottdavisshift #cem

4 Mar
5 businesses that have redefined customer experiences http://www.flywheel.org.uk/2010/08/5-businesses-that-have-redefined-customer-experiences/ via @flywhl #cem

4 Mar
A consistent customer experience requires consistency in managing social interactions... http://bit.ly/oiOtJ4 via @kateleggett #cem

4 Mar
Touchpoints Matter http://j.mp/xtoWmo via @DeliverBliss #cem | Experience matters more.

4 Mar
Virtual reality so realistic, it makes your palms sweat http://smrt.io/A9zbXW via @joepine @infinitereal #ux

4 Mar
The Rise of the Employee #Brand http://twrt.me/6hvfzz via @tedcoine @ckburgess

3 Mar
Companies should be more concerned with what customers want than with how they interact with them. via @MichaelHinshaw #cem

2 Mar
Customer Service vs Customer Experience http://www.cogiva.com/2012/03/02/customer-service-customer-experience/ via @Cogiva #custserv #cem

2 Mar
8 Guaranteed Ways to Drive Customers Away http://www.inc.com/jeff-haden/8-reasons-why-youre-losing-customers.html?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=socialmedia&utm_campaign=button&usrid=57372 via @annettefranz @Inc #cem #culture #hr #custserv #leadership

2 Mar
Emotional Equations. http://bit.ly/zcAWrN via @kimkorn @ChipConley

2 Mar
Customer Experience: The Next Corporate Battleground http://bit.ly/AyEwzb via @TopsyRT #cem

2 Mar
Evaluating the #B2B customer experience and why it matters to you - http://bit.ly/ww4r6O via @ciouk @OnionInsights @ciouk #cem

2 Mar
#Gamification Grows Customer Loyalty http://twrt.me/5a7dp1 via @jeanniecw @kathysteele #cem

2 Mar
4 secrets to customer #loyalty http://www.entrepreneur.com.ph/get-started/article/4-secrets-to-customer-loyalty via @TPDashboard #custserv #cxo #cem

1 Mar
Read Surfing the Experience WAVE by @Choypw http://bit.ly/zGemA4 Recognizes experiences more then good service w/ great tools for how

1 Mar
Every interaction isn't a moment of truth http://bit.ly/wIWfaf via @LindaIreland @joyce_hostyn #CEM

1 Mar
Unilever says that marketers have become curators of brands rather than creators http://is.gd/AoRLz1 via @GrahamHill #scrm #crm #cem

1 Mar
"Experience" is the next Frontier in Marketing http://bit.ly/Awk6YJ via @OnionInsights @MarkOrlan #cem

1 Mar
Ever wish you could search through your old Tweets? I blogged how-to using IFTTT: http://ramseymohsen.com/2012/02/automate-and-sync-everything-well-almost-everything/ via @rm

1 Mar
Innovating a superior customer experience - the role of #UX design in innovation via @LindaIreland @Paul_Brinkman @bizinovationist

1 Mar
Differentiation is in the eye of the beholder by @jweinberger http://dsrpt.it/zC2UuB via @ralph_ohr @ExponentialEdge #marketing #cem

1 Mar
CX Journey: The ABCs of CX http://cxjourney.blogspot.com/2012/02/abcs-of-cx.html?spref=tw via @annettefranz @cxjourney #cem

1 Mar
Value Co-Creation http://bit.ly/zzi32X via @GrahamHill @DesignThinkers #SDlogic #ServiceDesign #Agile #lean #innovation #cem

1 Mar
The Road to Success http://bit.ly/Ane3j8 via @brucemaudesign

1 Mar
Surfing the experience WAVE http://bit.ly/y1gmwZ based on 10+ years of research via @choypw #cem #ux #scxp #socbiz

1 Mar
Excellent. RT @Choypw: Surfing the experience WAVE http://bit.ly/y1gmwZ based on 10+ years of research #cem #ux

1 Mar
The evolution of the customer loyalty programme http://is.gd/pUBBkG from Promise via @GrahamHill #scrm #cem

1 Mar
Design’s Next Frontier: Nudging Consumers Into Making Better Life Choices http://is.gd/S116bF via @GrahamHill #servicedesign #scrm #cem

29 Feb
Brand is a promise, and a promise made is a debt unpaid. http://bit.ly/zABlp8 @Choypw

29 Feb
EXCELLENT! Must read. RT @Choypw: Surfing the experience WAVE http://bit.ly/y1gmwZ based on 10+ years of research #cem #ux

29 Feb
Surfing the experience WAVE http://bit.ly/y1gmwZ based on 10+ years of research #cem #ux

29 Feb
Customer experience extends beyond quality of service and usability http://bit.ly/x6hm6P via @thecustomerblog #cem

29 Feb
The 3 Golden Rules of requesting Customer Feedback http://wp.me/p1oIUP-6N via @thecustomerblog #cem

29 Feb
Surfing the experience WAVE http://slidesha.re/zSzJBW based on 10+ years of research #cem #ux

29 Feb
Authentic = FLAWSOME: brands that behave more humanly, including showing flaws, are awesome http://bit.ly/zYrJvW via @joepine @trendwatching

29 Feb
"We’re in an experience economy. People pay a premium for it." http://bit.ly/A1x7TL via @joepine @IanSchragerCo @CM_World #cem

29 Feb
3 Psychological Triggers that Can Move Your Audience from Indifference to Desire http://www.copyblogger.com/curiosity-copywriting/ via @thecustomerblog @copyblogger

Tweets of 22-28 Feb 2012

28 Feb
How to Understand the Notoriously Irrational Consumer http://bit.ly/xnYlti via @ralph_ohr #innovation #marketing #cem

28 Feb
Small #servicedesign choices make a big difference to the #customerexperience. @Service360 Blog http://x.nu/KHu via @GrahamHill #cem

28 Feb
Method 10 X 10: "Gaming for Behavior Change" http://www.getthefive.com/articles/the-idealist/method-10-x-10-gaming-for-behavior-change/ via @method_inc @getthefive

28 Feb
Sun-powered typography http://ow.ly/9k7lO via @method_inc #ux

28 Feb
Experience does not equal service. How difficult is it to understand this!? #cem #custserv

28 Feb
The only differentiator today is the experience you create for your customers http://bit.ly/xhdfX7 via @joepine @miketevans #cem

27 Feb
What are you doing to ensure that your customers have a remarkable experience? http://bit.ly/yHoHnK via @joepine @CXJourney #cem

27 Feb
It’s the Jobs-to-Be-Done, Stupid! « I'm Not Actually a Geek http://bit.ly/yKEnau

27 Feb
Must-Have! | Thinking | Prophet: http://www.prophet.com/thinking/view/624-must-have#.T0ucpQsGOzQ.twitter

27 Feb
TouchPoint Cards: a tool for making touchpoints tangible during #servicedesign process http://zite.to/xZBW7f via @skewiff @business901

27 Feb
Study: Happiness Is Experiences, Not Stuff http://www.livescience.com/6158-study-happiness-experiences-stuff.html via @LiveScience

27 Feb
'Buying Happiness' Means Different Things to Different People http://www.businessnewsdaily.com/2030-selling-happiness.html via @bndarticles

27 Feb
Seven Practices of a Customer-Centric Organization http://bit.ly/zHMfz8 via @B2Community @OnionInsights #cem

27 Feb
Value co-creation http://bit.ly/4GJCaU via @ireneclng #vcc

26 Feb
The Final Frontier: Customer Expectations - Forbes http://onforb.es/rwlzPv

26 Feb
Seth Godin Blog: Perfect and impossible http://sethgodin.typepad.com/seths_blog/2012/02/perfect-and-impossible.html via @ThisIsSethsBlog

26 Feb
New trend: RANDOM TWEETS OF KINDNESS. Why kind brands will thrive, and have some fun too. http://trendwatching.com/trends/rak/ via @trendwatching

26 Feb
The 4Ps Are Out, The 4Es Are In | Ogilvy & Mather: http://bit.ly/wEmHfS

26 Feb
A Brand Ain't Nothing but a Promise | ClickZ http://shar.es/g6dTb

26 Feb
CX Journey: All Customers Are Not Created Equal: http://cxjourney.blogspot.com/2012/02/all-customers-are-not-created-equal.html

26 Feb
Make sure you've taken care of every need. Before customer leaves, ask "Is there any thing else I can do for you?" via @jimsmiller #cem

26 Feb
Create an effective presentation http://bit.ly/hE6oQM via @BradBennett

25 Feb
10 Tips on Writing Well from David Ogilvy http://bit.ly/w4QMXV via @brucemaudesign

25 Feb
Tiny Story, one of the simplest and most enjoyable piece of... http://bit.ly/xxGXN2 via @brucemaudesign

25 Feb
Zappos and the Importance of Making a Personal Emotional Connection (PEC) http://soc.li/wMGe2TT via @bsdalton #custserv #cem

25 Feb
Why Customers Who Love You Still Might Leave You http://bit.ly/xfSPDP via @bsdalton @ariegoldshlager #crm #custserv #cem

25 Feb
#Brand Connectedness http://twrt.me/32yc0q via @keenan @DanWaldo

25 Feb
3 Ways To Predict What Consumers Want Before They Know It http://bit.ly/ytvnwA via @ekolsky @BrianVellmure #innovation #cem

25 Feb
The purpose of great #custserv is to create wow #custexp. #cem

25 Feb
Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action http://on.ted.com/APCi #TED

24 Feb
ATTENTION! This is not ENGAGEMENT… http://is.gd/ZUilyz via @wimrampen @GrahamHill #cem

23 Feb
Faced with Distraction, We Need Willpower - John Coleman - Harvard Business Review: http://s.hbr.org/AESGTL via @DonPeppers @HarvardBiz

23 Feb
Intel's human digital billboard http://lnkd.in/vQEW6v

23 Feb
Posters you can listen to http://lnkd.in/xYAChf

23 Feb
Seven Ways to Keep Angry Customers (Like Me) Happy http://lnkd.in/9aptgy

23 Feb
IDEO: How Big Companies Can Learn From Start-ups - Forbes http://lnkd.in/4JdJsW

23 Feb
Brands Get Physical To Build Trust http://lnkd.in/6CFAJM

23 Feb
The Myth of the Eight-Hour Sleep http://lnkd.in/yhC3Pn

23 Feb
20 Common Grammar Mistakes That (Almost) Everyone Makes - http://bit.ly/xiiUKj via @Desk #smallbiz

23 Feb
Value Flow Modelling from Elke den Ouden in Eindhoven http://is.gd/C443XN via @bsdalton @GrahamHill @DesignThinkers #servicedesign #scrm

23 Feb
How to design the user experience and how not to do it http://tinyurl.com/7ht5gf3 via @thecustomerblog #ux #cem

22 Feb
The History of Marketing: An Exhaustive Timeline [INFOGRAPHIC] http://pinterest.com/pin/198439927300981043/

22 Feb
Where Do Ideas Come From? | An Infographics About Creativity http://pinterest.com/pin/198439927300981043/ via @pinterest

22 Feb
#Brand Engagement and Value Exchange http://ow.ly/1hyf7K via @ralph_ohr @Digitaltonto

22 Feb
Visualizing the Three Components of Customer Loyalty http://businessoverbroadway.com/visualizing-customer-loyalty via @bobehayes #cem

22 Feb
What "primal experience" is your business selling? http://bit.ly/xqGMb1 via @Desk #cem

22 Feb
The Emotion of Customer Experience by @lou_carbone http://bit.ly/zFBh48 via @andy__marshall #cem

22 Feb
A loyal customer is like a timeless work of art http://ow.ly/9c6eq via @JLWatsonConsult @dschultzszumylo #cem

22 Feb
Go With The Customer Flow http://wp.me/pCUEC-66 via @wimrampen @MarkTamis #scrm #cem

04 March 2012

Surfing the experience WAVE 120304

Life is a journey.  In each journey, every experience counts.  Consistent, unique and positive experience brings solid result.  But one negative experience could kill it all.  Experience means different things to different people.  Despite the differences, one thing is certain—experience does not equal service.  Service is about how firm serves.  Experience is more than service.  A service without experience is not good enough.

Experience is important.  It influences decision making.  Every day user has access to unlimited information within limited time, so s/he has to make a choice.  But decision can be costly.  In order to maximize satisfaction, user minimizes efforts in making choice.  One of the most effective ways is to have only one simple choice, and that is possible only with consistent, unique and positive (CUP) experience.  With CUP experience, user would stick with the firm.  The CUP experience is a win-win for both user and firm.

CUP experience is achieved through WAVE.  This big wave is made up of three small waves.  The first wave is the firm.  Consistent positive employee experience delivers a 1+1=1 impact.  Each employee is engaged and aligned with ONE goal.  The second wave is the user.  Consistent positive customer experience delivers a 1+1>2 impact, for both customer and firm co-create value to achieve a win-win success.  The third wave is the brand.  Consistent positive brand experience delivers a 1+1=infinity impact, because customer advocacy builds sustainable mindshare and market share.  Every wave induces impact, and subsequently produces cumulative powerful impact on profitable sustainability.

The relationship among employee, customer, and brand is straightforward.  Customer always goes first, because his/her satisfaction makes the firm.  Employees are always the most important asset.  Nothing is possible without their engagement.  If the two waves run smooth, brand will last forever.

Touchpoint is about interaction.  It can either make, or break.  Touchpoint is everywhere.  It can be tangible, or intangible.  What gets measured gets managed.  It is important to be able to manage touchpoint.  In order to manage touchpoint, it is important to identify what makes a touchpoint, or in other words, element.  There are 5 elements: people, information, environment, device, and output.  Each touchpoint is formed when at least 2 elements interact for an outcome.  When a series of touchpoints adds together, they form touchline.  Touchline is part of relationship.  Not all touchpoints are created equal.  Some are more important, some are not.  But resources are limited.  Firm needs to effectively allocate resources for critical touchpoint to ensure CUP experience.

Conventionally, experience is always related to 5 senses, but experience can definitely be more than that.  Experience is all about LOVE, which is an acronym for touchLine, touchpOint, fiVe+ senses, and Expectation.  Touchline is the end-to-end experience, and user usually recalls overall experience instead of bits and pieces.  Movie is a good example.  Touchpoint is a platform to create experience.  Even the same touchpoint will produce different experience, because experience is in the eye of the beholder.  Experience is everywhere.  Only the relevant one will be remembered.  The unique experience will never be forgotten.  So an unforgettable experience can make all the difference.  5 senses are no longer enough.  It is necessary to move beyond 5 senses (hands), to head to heart.  Expectation is the basis of how experience will be measured.  While managing expectation is important, fulfilling user’s need is more important.

"Customer first, employee always, brand forever."  Employee, especially customer-facing employee, is always important for s/he makes or breaks customer’s relationship with firm.  Managing firm right becomes the critical first step to achieving profitable sustainability.  Not only does it deliver positive employee experience, but it also attracts the right people to become part of the winning team.  However, positive employee experience is the minimum requirement.  It does not guarantee positive customer experience; it only helps deliver non-negative customer experience.  Non-negative experience is rare in this world full of complaints.  It requires a lot more to deliver positive customer experience…

A happy employee does not necessarily make happy customers.  A happy employee is only a happy employee.  Employee’s happiness only means that the employee will stay with the company, and say good things about the company, but there is no guarantee that a happy employee will strive for the best.  Only accountable employee will create and deliver results.  It always starts with one.  Without one, it is none.  But it is just the beginning.  One best fit will spread positive energy around, which creates strong team.  When all individual team joins forces, a strong organization will be formed.  And a strong organization is all it takes to win the market.

A winning organization is built through a process: C2PO, which stands for Culture, People, Process, and Output.  Culture will attract right people to become part of the winning team, and it is made possible with great leadership who lives up to the vision, mission, values of the firm.  It is important that the firm delivers positive experience from the beginning of the employee lifecycle, and it does not start when the employee reports duty.  It starts when the employee becomes aware of the employer brand! Hierarchy of needs (HoN) will be different along the lifecycle, and task relevant maturity (TRM) needs to be monitored in order to support employee to be accountable and deliver expected results.  Firm needs to provide the right platform for employee to perform.  The process has to be designed in such a way that output will be produced in an effective and efficient manner.  The most important asset is always the right employee at the right job.

"The highest good is like water.
Water benefits everything by giving without taking.
It flows in places men reject and so is like the Tao.
In dwelling, be close to the land.
In meditation, go deep in the heart.
In dealing with others, be gentle and kind.
In speech, be true.
In ruling, be just.
In business, be competent.
In action, watch the timing.
It is only because it does not compete, that therefore it is without fault."

When everyone is like water, firm will become the most powerful ocean surf!

C2PO is what; CARE is how.  It is important that firm CARE about employee.  Firm should look after employee’s wellbeing by being Consistent, Authentic, Relevant, and Empathetic.  Empathy is the ability to ask WIIFM, or what’s in it for me.  It is putting oneself in someone else’s shoes.  Imagine how a blind person sees…  Without empathy, positive employee experience is impossible.  With empathy comes relevance.  Relevance is the ability to deliver what is needed.  When firm gives what employee wants, it touches employee’s heart.  Authenticity is the ability to say what you mean and mean what you say.  Without authenticity, relevance becomes irrelevance.  But authenticity means nothing if it does not last.  Trust is earned through consistency.  Employee engagement comes from consistent authenticity.  Engaged employee “say, stay and strive” – speaks positively about employer, stays with the firm, and strives to go beyond expectation.

With right CARE, firm will deliver CUP experience to employee.  When employees feel loved, it becomes easier to align and engage with firm’s vision, mission, and values.  Office is no longer just a place to work, but it becomes their second home.  Employees are willing to go the extra mile to make, rather than watch, it happen.  No one can beat an organization full of energetic and accountable employees.  However, it is only just the beginning…

Henry Ford once said, "It is not the employer who pays the wages.  Employers only handle the money.  It is the customer who pays the wages."  Building a team of engaged workforce is important, for it will protect the firm from delivering negative customer experience.

LOVE helps firm understand "how user gets what user wants."  To ensure that LOVE delivers win-win result for both user and firm, it is important for firm to master WhOW.  WhOW is combination of Who and How.  For who, firm needs to identify target user.  More importantly, the firm needs to understand both rational (what) and emotional (why) needs of target user.  However, what is no longer good enough to win customer, for what can easily be copied by competitors.  Why makes all the difference.  More resources should be allocated for why.  For how, the basic is to understand when the need is initiated, and where would the user prefer to get the need solved.  At a more advanced level, it is how to wow customer and make every touchpoint unforgettable using LOVE.

LOVE is element of experience.  It is an acronym for touchLine, touchpOint, fiVe+ senses, and Expectation.  To deliver positive touchline experience, firm needs to understand "how user gets what user wants."  A 4-step process involves: initiate need, search output, use value, and share experience.  At each step, firm should employ 4Es to deliver CUP experience.  The four Es are: ER, everywhere, extra mile, and enrichment.  Everyone wants something ER: bettER, fastER, cheapER, easiER, newER, fewER, strongER…  ER is what leads customer to take action.  Product should be made available to where the user wants it.  Or else, user will be tempted to switch.  When user decides to go with the product, it is important to not only meet expectation, but also do just a little bit extra and make the experience unforgettable.  Sharing is everything in the socially connected world.  Firm should enrich user experience by responding effectively to both positive and negative experience.  At each touchpoint, customer will “see, feel, think, and do,” and it involves 5 senses… or just 5 senses?  It is no longer enough.  5 senses are just part of 3H, or hands, head, and heart.  Firm needs to touch the heart in order to stay on top of mind of customer.  Experience is evaluation of outcome against expectation, but expectation is hard to manage.  The best way to manage expectation is not to manage it at all.  Life is random, so should be experience.  Firm should be consistently inconsistent in order to give something customer to hope for.  That’s mystery.  That’s magic.

There is infinite number of touchpoints along the consumption journey.  Customer has every right to choose the touchpoint with CUP experience along the journey.  Every move made by customer is determined by how the firm designs LOVE.  In order to help customer move forward, firm needs to know what the customer really wants in the first place.  It is important to begin with the end in mind, then along the process… be a scorpion: what is hidden is more interesting than the obvious!

At each touchpoint, it is important to figure out how customer interacts with the firm.  Is it the first touchpoint?  What element is involved in the touchpoint?  What is the pain point?  Is there any opportunity to make a positive difference in order to delight the customer?  Is the touchpoint at the early or later stage of journey?  Is it critical?  Who owns the touchpoint?

Customer expectation always escalates.  When the touchpoint does not deliver the expected outcome, the experience becomes negative.  Negative experience is not the end of the story.  What matters most is how the firm reacts to negative experience.  Customers, be they loyal or not, expect the negative experience to be the LAST one.  Firm needs to Listen thoroughly what went wrong, Assure that the situation will be fixed, Solve the problem immediately, and Thank for providing feedback.  A complaint is a gift in disguise.  Cheer up.  Deal with the problem immediately can turn things downside up!

When every touchpoint delivers CUP experience, there is no reason for the customer to switch.  Think of a keyboard with 26 characters.  The firm needs to help customer get used to the keyboard.  Once the customer gets used to QWERTY instead of DVORAK, it becomes difficult for the customer to switch back to DVORAK.  It simply becomes a habit to stick with the firm.  Customer not only buys from the firm, but customer will spread positive word of mouth.  When confronted with a choice, the customer will make up reasons to stick with the firm, the one thing the customer really wants.  Positive employee experience is necessary for building an engaged workforce; positive customer experience is necessary for winning market share.  However, it is mindshare that helps firm build to last.

A great brand is like religion.  It goes beyond interaction between employee and customer; it is about interaction between mind and firm.  A great brand touches heart.  User becomes diehard fan, and s/he becomes the best salesperson for the brand.

A brand ain’t nothing but a promise.  Brand exists to fulfill need: cure pain of making choice and bring pleasure of everything er.

Brand experience is about mindshare; and mindshare is zero moment of truth.  ZMOT is something that happens in the mind, so it is everywhere.  It is difficult for the firm to control ZMOT, because it is almost impossible to control what and how customer thinks.  What the firm can do is however find the North Star, the star that points the firm to the right direction of capturing mindshare.

Brand is a promise, and a promise made is a debt unpaid.  Firm should honor the promises made in order to build to last, or else, it will be built to flip.  In order to fulfill the promise, firm needs to know, flow and grow.  First, the firm should know its edge against competitor.  Without identifying its edge, the user won't be able to tell the difference of who’s who.  There are too many choices available.  Differentiate or die.  So it becomes important to know i) who you are, ii) what you do, iii) why do you matter, and iv) what makes you different.  "Why do you matter" address rational need, which is FAB, or feature, advantage, and benefit.  "What makes you different" is about emotional engagement.  Once the edge is defined, the message has to be reached out and communicated to the target audience.  Here is the flow of communicating the positioning to the target audience.  Who is the intended target audience?  What is the most effective channel to reach the target audience given that customers are now everywhere, both online and offline?  How to reach, rather than spam, them at the right place at the right time?  When the message is delivered, firm has to fulfill and grow the promise in order to enhance its positioning and therefore negate competition.  That is grow, and it is about keeping promise and beating expectation.  The firm keeps promises by delivering positive customer experience.  And how to grow promise?  It is through sensuality (5 senses), intimacy (customer experience), mystery (random), and innovation.  Peter Drucker said, "Because the purpose of business is to create a customer, the business enterprise has two—and only two—basic functions: marketing and innovation."

Brand is about mindshare, and mindshare has direct impact on share of wallet, an indicator of loyalty.  It is therefore important for firm to know, flow and grow its brand promise in order to stay top-of-mind with customer.  Share of mind leads to share of wallet, and share of wallet leads to share of market.  It is like a virtuous cycle in the form of taiji: good begets good.  However, there is always competition.  Firm should neutralize competition through the use of innovation to make the brand ever more unique.  This will ultimately lead to profitable sustainability.

According to Sun Zi, knowing and understanding the enemy and oneself, one can engage in a thousand battles without ever being in danger and win.  Win with wisdom is the surest form of victory!

WAVE is about managing firm, wowing user, and neutralizing competition.  To achieve this, it is important to provide the CUP experience.  Consistency: customer not only expects consistent experience with the firm, but s/he also expects each interaction quality to fulfill brand promise.  Unique: firm should avoid the “me-too” experience.  Not all customers are created equal, but each customer demands 1-on-1 attention.  Through experience innovation, customer becomes loyal and sticks with the firm.  Positive: LOVE thy customer!  People before profits!  Long-term relationships over short-term gains.  To know customer need is to love customer.  When the firm is able to ride the wild surf, it will result in positive employee, customer and brand (ECB) experience.  With consistent positive ECB experience comes profitable sustainability.