15 May 2010

Tweets of Feb 2010

2010-02-28 17:20:13
RT @johntodor: RT @TweetRightBrain 100 Incredible Lectures from the World’s Top Scholars | Online Universities http://bit.ly/bycBiv

2010-02-28 09:43:05
He will come again to judge the living and the dead.

2010-02-27 12:21:16
Smashing Magazine: Better User Experience With Storytelling. Part 1: http://j.mp/baKoG3 and Part 2: http://j.mp/awpuRP /via .@OCLC

2010-02-27 12:13:45
When touchpoint is any interaction, then experience happens at touchpoint.

2010-02-27 11:03:27
5 Top Companies Winning Twitter Strategies... http://su.pr/4BljEF

2010-02-27 06:07:57
redefines touchpoint as any interaction between/among 2 or more entities any time any way any place for a purpose.

2010-02-26 08:18:04
@GrahamHill That's a good one. I guess you have the answer. They were born to be the guru. Ha!

2010-02-26 07:41:21
The power of peer production: @jhagel on From Do It Yourself to Do It Together Harvard Business Review: http://bit.ly/d4o2GB

2010-02-26 04:30:52
Listen, Analyze, Relate, Act: http://bit.ly/az5SfW

2010-02-26 02:37:38
"Everything has been said before, but since nobody listens we have to keep going back and beginning all over again." Andre Gide

2010-02-25 09:48:37
RT @customerthink What Exactly Is Touchpoint? http://bt.io/EYgH

2010-02-25 09:25:15
RT @wanszezit: Yahoo 宣布與Twitter 合作 http://bit.ly/cGUbfM

2010-02-25 03:11:04
Measuring Service Effectiveness in the Call Center http://goo.gl/fb/Ynuh #customerservice

2010-02-25 01:48:35
In order to have a positive experience, "ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country." John F Kennedy

2010-02-24 17:42:10
A marketer’s guide to behavioral economics http://bit.ly/bzKJkO

2010-02-24 17:05:42
RT @davidabrock: Moving from campaigns to focusing on customer experience. Interesting article via @mopartnersceo http://ow.ly/1aN7Y

2010-02-24 17:04:01
Lots of interesting service experience papers from one of my favourite academics: Ruth Bolton http://tinyurl.com/ydzrnel

2010-02-24 15:24:29
RT @sethgodins Once in a lifetime http://bit.ly/bkxASu What's exactly the message...?

2010-02-24 06:00:51
"Life must be understood backwards; but... it must be lived forward." Soren Kierkegaard

2010-02-23 09:54:22
"It is not how old you are, but how you are old." Jules Renard

2010-02-23 01:40:59
"Life is the art of drawing without an eraser." John Gardner

2010-02-22 04:55:53
"Good judgment comes from experience and experience comes from bad judgment." Fred Brooks

2010-02-21 14:27:20
RT @GrahamHill Which is the original, which the plagiarised copy? http://tinyurl.com/m6a3oe http://tinyurl.com/nq85y7 That's an experience!

2010-02-21 06:34:15
RT @MKTFire: The Three "Ds" of Customer Experience: http://tinyurl.com/cfuvka Although I am suspicious of anything Fred Reichheld writes

2010-02-21 05:43:46
Customer Experience Model: Which is the original, which the plagiarised copy? http://tinyurl.com/m6a3oe http://tinyurl.com/nq85y7

2010-02-20 17:12:41
Interesting new blog by Richard Tait on Winning Customer Experiences http://tinyurl.com/yc2okxq

2010-02-20 06:56:36
#reddit A social-media marketer's guide on Reddit: Bring bacon | Danwin ... http://bit.ly/bs5jFJ

2010-02-20 01:20:47
5 Twitter Tools You Can't Live Without... Lee Odden...http://su.pr/2JOQbb

2010-02-19 17:38:03
Top 10 Customer Service Books: http://bit.ly/9hkb58

2010-02-19 08:16:44
RT @customerthink An Introduction to Outcome-Driven Innovation http://bt.io/EWW7

2010-02-18 12:20:33
Great post by Alan Mitchell showing why marketers must mend their myopic metrics http://tinyurl.com/yhw4xa5

2010-02-18 10:23:13
5 Forces That Drive Mobile Marketing... Are You Aligned...Rohit Bhargava...http://su.pr/2dz8uX

2010-02-18 07:00:32
Is your business making WOWful Connections with your customers?: http://bit.ly/b5JAtM

2010-02-18 02:42:21
Location, Location, Location http://goo.gl/fb/XaNh #customerservice

2010-02-17 22:25:57
#facebook How To Build A Customized Facebook Page For Your Business http://ow.ly/16Bpg2

2010-02-17 06:18:53
is back!

2010-02-17 06:05:36
Great insight: Ask what your customer is doing 3 min before & 3 min after using your product http://ow.ly/18156 (via @merigruber)

2010-02-16 19:53:03
The best small business strategy for Twitter... Matt Rhodes...http://su.pr/8R8FY3

2010-02-16 18:04:14
Is conversation an art or a skill? | http://su.pr/1SPI0w

2010-02-16 17:44:42
"Get in tune with your customers' needs, then over deliver" - The Line 6 Rule http://bit.ly/aTSX5s (via @thinktankonline)

2010-02-16 16:36:36
Social media for small businesses 2: Making the most of Twitter http://goo.gl/fb/Wnca #sales

2010-02-16 16:04:46

2010-02-16 16:02:48

2010-02-16 15:54:41

2010-02-16 07:56:06
Do We Need a Customer-Dominant Logic in Service Companies? http://tinyurl.com/y8qsosz

2010-02-16 07:40:56
Aric Rindfleisch on Customer Co-creation: A Typology  and Research Agenda http://tinyurl.com/nqmbry

2010-02-16 07:22:11
RT @bobapollo How much process is too much process? http://bit.ly/dabu4g

2010-02-16 05:12:19
#Brands with the most engaged and loyal customers -http://bit.ly/cRtW3X #crm #scrm #cmo #ceo #retail

2010-02-16 04:45:44
Useful post re: The engineering of the ideal customer experience http://bit.ly/94Luo7 #cio #cmo #sme #crm #scrm

2010-02-16 02:37:40
Social Media Lifecycle Framework http://goo.gl/fb/wrsG #sales

2010-02-15 13:26:56
Really looking forward to this in a few weeks, wtih @mariosundar: Ten Tips on Marketing with LinkedIn http://bit.ly/9SrBvL

2010-02-15 09:00:19
Must read: Packed full of uncommon sense about the Customer Development Model http://tinyurl.com/clefaf

2010-02-15 07:51:37
Social Media turning Marketers into Media Companies?: http://bit.ly/9yw9gf

2010-02-15 07:51:35
The Fillmore customer experience signature: apples and limited prints: http://bit.ly/cm0K35

2010-02-15 07:51:34
About Them Customers’ Expectations: http://bit.ly/bsHiUn

2010-02-14 18:49:18
LinkingOUT http://bit.ly/d9DX5a

2010-02-14 11:04:44
Invent a holiday http://bit.ly/b7jJPk

2010-02-14 00:18:17
Why #innovation, by itself, will never be enough. Brian Arthur on 'The Structure of Invention' http://tinyurl.com/ygsqc8u

2010-02-13 21:27:35
Best article about Toyota's problems I have read so far. The Economist http://tinyurl.com/y8kl34w A failure in governance.

2010-02-13 12:44:04
RT @GrahamHill If you have interest in Service or Experience Design, you should join @servicethinkers Wenovski http://tinyurl.com/l5muka

2010-02-13 09:28:09
If you have an interest in Service Design or Experience Design, you should join @servicethinkers Wenovski http://tinyurl.com/l5muka

2010-02-13 08:14:36
Word of Mouth from non-loyal customers has the biggest impact on sales by @fgossieaux http://tinyurl.com/y9zngh5

2010-02-13 06:55:44
The Matthew Effect – linking and how things become viral in social media http://goo.gl/fb/AuZs #sales

2010-02-13 04:04:50
SCAMP: Five Pillars of Shopper Experience http://tinyurl.com/y8qtpww

2010-02-13 04:04:48
SCAMP: Five Pillars of Shopper Experience http://bit.ly/apmrC2 CRM

2010-02-13 04:04:47
SCAMP: Five Pillars of Shopper Experience: http://bit.ly/9pkRww

2010-02-12 17:53:45
RT @McKQuarterly: Using behavioral science to improve the customer experience http://bit.ly/9TK443

2010-02-12 17:05:36
Using behavioral science to improve the customer experience http://bit.ly/9TK443

2010-02-12 13:07:38
What Your Company Should Know About Social Networking http://goo.gl/fb/UJQO #customerservice

2010-02-12 13:03:37
Four Seasons literally leaves their mark in customer service: http://bit.ly/cjsuRV

2010-02-12 12:15:05
Brand Republic: Two companies that 'get' social media - Pepsi and Toyota http://tinyurl.com/y9btj7d

2010-02-12 09:24:45
How WOM Impacts Loyalty Marketing... Francois Gossieaux...http://su.pr/1ixYjQ

2010-02-12 07:58:45
How would you define social media?

2010-02-12 06:17:41
Design Evolution of 40 Famous Corporate Company Logos http://bit.ly/9O6wBd

2010-02-12 05:24:45
@Choypw [mobilechad] Thanks for the tweet about status on LinkedIn iPhone. I'm following up with the mobile team on this issue.

2010-02-11 18:50:33
RT @CEB_MLC: 10 Habits of Highly Effective Social Media Marketers http://bit.ly/cV3OgC #sbosm

2010-02-11 18:43:58
Twitter Marketing http://bit.ly/9wFeVS

2010-02-11 16:25:18
What's The ROI Of Social Media? That's What EVERYONE WANTS TO KNOW! http://goo.gl/fb/i3Tr #customerservice

2010-02-11 07:42:40
Buzz can be connected to Twitter?!

2010-02-11 07:30:25
Is that an iPhone bug, or LinkedIn bug?

2010-02-11 07:29:31
Interesting... message posted on LinkedIn using iPhone won't be posted on Twitter! Is that a bug?

2010-02-11 06:30:48
Oh... to be more exact... Link to T and FB using iPhone not ok!!!

2010-02-11 05:21:36
T to FB ok but Link not ok. Link to T ok but FB not ok. FB to Link and T never ok! Why?

2010-02-11 05:13:42
Tweet? Buzz? Silence... zzz...

2010-02-11 02:15:21
"Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes." Oscar Wilde

2010-02-11 02:09:39
Touchpoint can be seen and unseen. With touchpoint comes experience. With experience comes relationship.

2010-02-10 20:47:10
10 Habits of Highly Effective Social Media Marketers http://bit.ly/cV3OgC #sbosm

2010-02-10 16:59:02
How come my Tweet does not show up in LinkedIn anymore...?

2010-02-10 15:40:18
"Every moment is an experience." Jake Roberts

2010-02-10 15:29:47
"Every moment is an experience." Jake Roberts

2010-02-10 15:28:27
@joecalloway Every touchpoint should have a purpose instead of a reason. There is a fine line between purpose and reason.

2010-02-10 12:42:24
How often do you spend time looking for little things?

2010-02-10 12:39:20
Little things are things that aren't obvious. When you make little things count, it gives positive experience because of zero expectation.

2010-02-10 06:06:22
From mass to 1-to-1; from product to value; from relationship to experience. What's next? Back to basics? What're the basics?

2010-02-10 06:03:45
@ADHumlen I am not sure if the sequence is right. Relationship is made up of touchpoints, and touchpoint creates experience...

2010-02-10 05:13:16
RT @customerthink Customer Experience Management: 10 Best Practices to Create Real Business Value http://bt.io/ET8R

2010-02-10 04:00:00
Service is long irrelevant, for any service initiative is to deliver positive experience.

2010-02-09 15:31:54
Every touchpoint has a purpose: 1) positive experience with others, 2) positive experience with customers, 3) positive experience on brand.

2010-02-09 15:24:26
Individual touchpoint creates personal experience; customer touchpoint customer experience; brand touchpoint brand experience.

2010-02-09 15:22:50
Touchpoint does not create customer experience, but experience.

2010-02-09 15:21:25
RT @EngageConsult: Every touchpoint creates a customer experience, and every customer experience either advances or hinders the achievem ...

2010-02-09 13:37:16
Relationship is a human thing. A robot won't understand feelings. Software only makes things go faster but won't improve relationship!

2010-02-09 13:35:06
It's interesting that so many firms still invest heavily in CRM. When will they realize that CRM is not about software but human process?

2010-02-09 13:31:23
RT @GrahamHill Understanding the 'value in use' of a service experience http://tinyurl.com/ya3pd5w Excellent article! Thank you Graham.

2010-02-09 13:27:19
@YourCustomers Don't forget the guanxi thing.

2010-02-09 12:58:55
The Missing Link of CRM Profitability: Building Marketing Capabilities http://tinyurl.com/ycsqtj6 Interesting idea but incomplete?

2010-02-09 12:22:38
He does a great job showing why Social Media is so important and why it is here to stay. http://bit.ly/bRfqHg

2010-02-09 11:28:29
Inputs from a Generation-Y Customer http://goo.gl/fb/Mcfg #customerservice

2010-02-09 09:48:08
#socialmedia Social Media Marketing | Mobile Marketing Association http://bit.ly/csvm7z

2010-02-09 09:01:15
#socialmedia 10 Ways to Manage Your Online Social Media Reputation http://bit.ly/dyyUER

2010-02-09 07:31:46
adidas gives ‘a little something extra’ using augmented reality: http://bit.ly/c0NTmC

2010-02-09 06:20:05
RT @sclmedia_buzz: #socialmedia 5 Insightful TED Talks on Social Media http://bit.ly/9KgVWE

2010-02-09 06:15:36
#socialmedia 5 Insightful TED Talks on Social Media http://bit.ly/9KgVWE

2010-02-09 05:01:59
is believing...

2010-02-09 02:30:36
Every touchpoint creates a customer experience, and every customer experience either advances or hinders the achievement of your vision.

2010-02-09 02:30:06
"There should be a clear reason for every single aspect of every touchpoint you have with customers." from Never By Chance

2010-02-08 16:02:46
RT @armano: after 40 years, Heinz (client) re-designs ketchup packets http://bit.ly/bnKHoH #in

2010-02-08 16:01:11
@YourCustomers Isn't that too obvious? It'd be great if we have some solid and classic examples.

2010-02-08 15:59:20
after 40 years, Heinz (client) re-designs ketchup packets http://bit.ly/bnKHoH #in

2010-02-08 15:41:27
@choypw [ADHumlen] many thanks for RT Critical link between customer experience and the #brand http://bit.ly/bnQdBM

2010-02-08 15:11:52
Excellent article by Alan Mitchell on treating customers fairly to create win:win outcomes http://tinyurl.com/y96cy93

2010-02-08 10:51:49
RT @graphicdesignsw Touchpoint Conflict « Design for Service http://bit.ly/azfQAX

2010-02-08 10:19:09
Touchpoint Conflict « Design for Service http://bit.ly/azfQAX

2010-02-08 09:38:44
calls it quits. Ciao.

2010-02-08 09:21:18
thinks LinkedIn is only for people in HR and T&D.; Want to join some local marketing groups? Sorry. It's not available.

2010-02-08 09:15:21
RT @sclmedia_buzz: #socialmedia Intel's Social Media Training - The Conversation - Harvard ... http://bit.ly/9zMeUK

2010-02-08 08:50:00
#socialmedia Intel's Social Media Training - The Conversation - Harvard ... http://bit.ly/9zMeUK

2010-02-08 08:06:52
has experienced breakdown, is experiencing breakeven, and will experience breakthrough soon.

2010-02-08 08:00:35
RT @sclmedia_buzz: #stumbleupon Mixx Facebook Twitter Digg delicious reddit MySpace StumbleUpon ... http://bit.ly/9TR96a

2010-02-08 07:38:51
#myspace Exploring The Benefits Of Advertising On MySpace http://bit.ly/ckXuOz

2010-02-08 04:54:18
RT @sclmedia_buzz: #socialmedia The Numbers Of Social Media And Some Foolish Examples http://bit.ly/auYnbR

2010-02-08 04:54:15
RT @sclmedia_buzz: #socialmedia Social Media, the "must have" for any brand in 2010 http://bit.ly/atkJYq

2010-02-08 04:53:57
@soniasimone That's really difficult... please let me know if you find the way.

2010-02-08 04:51:49
Good Intentions, Bad Experience: http://bit.ly/cu5yzZ

2010-02-08 04:24:34
has a new way of looking at touchpoint. There is no type but element of touchpoint.

2010-02-08 03:06:30
#socialmedia The Numbers Of Social Media And Some Foolish Examples http://bit.ly/auYnbR

2010-02-08 03:06:29
#socialmedia Social Media, the "must have" for any brand in 2010 http://bit.ly/atkJYq

2010-02-07 22:26:08
Did you know Microsoft is rated #3 in top global brands for 2010 (Interbrand study) http://bit.ly/XF1lt

2010-02-07 15:34:00
RT @GrahamHill: RT @grahamdbrown: @enoVate @oasisdigital: Customers Are The Brand (really interesting read) - http://bit.ly/cROSdl

2010-02-07 14:35:46
RT @grahamdbrown: @enoVate @oasisdigital: Customers Are The Brand (really interesting read) - http://bit.ly/cROSdl

2010-02-07 09:28:32
RT @aharbourne Two ways to improve customer experience: 1. Improve your product. 2. Find dumber customers #dilbert via @vishalmamania

2010-02-07 09:27:54
RT @ExactaGroupNOLA An Overview of The Role of Social Media in Creating Word of Mouth and Customer Experience http://shar.es/aNQMS

2010-02-07 09:27:32
RT @blumaya Role of Social Media in Creating Word of Mouth and Customer Experience http://bit.ly/dbsFG3 #socialmedia #wom

2010-02-07 09:26:57
RT @markericson Video - Customer Experience the way it should be http://tr.im/N8yB #CX

2010-02-07 09:26:35
RT @ADHumlen Critical link between customer experience and the #brand http://bit.ly/bnQdBM #cmo #cio #sme #design #scrm

2010-02-07 09:25:07
RT @nielsbuningh Customer Touchpoint is online: http://www.customertouchpoint.nl/

2010-02-07 09:24:56
RT @billwadman Another marketing word I can't stand, "Touchpoint"

2010-02-07 09:24:44
RT @DavidWLocke I get this different situations, but a touchpoint is a touchpoint, an effective touchpoint converts, regardless of sit.

2010-02-07 09:23:51
RT @thinkBIG_blog @Michaelervin Substitute "consumer touchpoint" for "advertisement" in that quote and he's right.

2010-02-07 09:23:12
RT @IM_Branded Your brand is communicated through every customer touchpoint, by every employee http://bit.ly/9Vp9qA

2010-02-07 09:22:33
RT @CEB_MLC B2B Customer Experience: So Many Touchpoints, So Little Time http://bit.ly/9NmjA5 #Wide_Angle

2010-02-07 09:21:52
RT @heidicohen Digital brand presence at each touchpoint. Think digital eco-system. #smwnyc #smwrazor

2010-02-07 09:21:37
RT @ideaDistillery Creative marketer looks at any change as another touchpoint; an opportunity to connect & bond.

2010-02-07 09:20:34
RT @passarelle always manage your job search well - every touchpoint is important - http://bit.ly/9sTXx4

2010-02-07 09:20:16
RT @jer979 How To Do A Customer Touchpoint Assessment http://bit.ly/dj0A6I

2010-02-07 09:16:49
is learning and trying to think different.

2010-02-07 05:40:53
Yes, Virginia, There Is A Return On Customer Experience Investments: http://bit.ly/dgh2MU

2010-02-06 13:46:11
@YourCustomers Twitterific. Still CRM? Do you really know how to manage relationships? Software? Really?

2010-02-06 10:28:09
If relationship is a function of happiness, then how do we quantify relationship?

2010-02-06 09:47:39
Unless you are Robinson Crusoe, relationship does matter. And connecting in a connected world becomes must-have but not nice-to-have.

2010-02-06 09:45:56
In a connected world, every relationship counts. It may not bring happiness, but it is the minimum requirement to survive.

2010-02-06 09:41:29
So why we build relationships? For gain? Or pain? Or both?

2010-02-06 09:40:37
In the case of Robinson Crusoe, relationship doesn't really matter.

2010-02-06 09:38:47
Relationship matters only when there is a relationship.

2010-02-06 09:37:15
So does relationship really matter?

2010-02-06 09:35:02
If external, then it's relationship with others.

2010-02-06 09:32:53
Is peace internal-driven, or external-driven?

2010-02-06 09:32:18
Peace? Without war, there is no peace. With war, then some RIP? Everything is relative?

2010-02-06 09:30:39
Healthy in terms of mind, body and soul? How? Work-life balance instead of integration?

2010-02-06 09:28:56
Happiness = Self(Health) + Others(Peace)

2010-02-06 09:23:48
If profit equals revenue minus cost, what's the formula for happiness?

2010-02-06 09:22:42
You have the equation for profit. How about happiness?

2010-02-06 09:19:19
For company, it's profitability. For individual, it's happiness.

2010-02-06 08:31:50
Who doesn't want to live happily and peacefully, but how?

2010-02-06 06:45:30
@sclmedia_buzz Not only Social Media but every communication.

2010-02-06 06:44:39
@soniasimone Regrettably it seldom works for me... Especially when it involves the dollar sign... Sigh...

2010-02-06 06:24:29
@armano That's too bad! That's bad practice!!! We should promote the sharing of knowledge but not discourage...

2010-02-06 06:21:27
has to agree that "success is the sweetest revenge."

2010-02-05 18:27:21
RT @Bob_Thompson: RT @SocBizOne The Social CRM and Enterprise 2.0 Experience Continuum http://bt.io/ERjN -- must-read post and discussion!

2010-02-05 18:00:24
believes that it's better late than never... :P

2010-02-05 17:59:51
is getting really excited... he just learned how to use bit.ly... ha!

2010-02-05 13:56:10
#socialmedia Guide to Choosing Social Media Tools | paulgillin.com http://bit.ly/al27HB

2010-02-05 07:15:00
is experiencing the power of LinkedIn now...

2010-02-05 03:03:37
is enjoying his virtual life...

2010-02-05 02:32:23
is making little things count.

2010-02-04 17:22:26
#youtube Hulu reaches 44 million users, a real challenge to YouTube? http://bit.ly/depNnR

2010-02-04 16:36:04
just linked Twitter with LinkedIn.

2010-02-04 15:25:39
#socialmedia In Social Media We Trust? http://bit.ly/a4ScpQ

2010-02-04 13:17:12
@GrahamHill Ha... I almost miss your reply Graham. I just love your point of view. :D

2010-02-04 13:15:37
Should we go for all? Or just focus on one tool?

2010-02-04 13:15:00
And also the relationships among fans, followers, and connections in LinkedIn?

2010-02-04 13:13:55
And are there any differences between fans in FB Page and followers in Twitter?

2010-02-04 13:10:45
And what're the benefits of having a long list of followers?

2010-02-04 13:08:19
How do you attract followers?

2010-02-04 12:23:56
RT @ariegoldshlager: 3 Surprising Perspectives on Influence in Social Networks http://post.ly/M8BW

2010-02-04 12:19:59
If you can't solve a problem just turn it on its head with behavioural economics http://tinyurl.com/ycmfqq3

2010-02-04 12:05:54
#socialmedia 5 Things True Social Media Experts Do Online » Techipedia | Tamar ... http://bit.ly/cFlIDK

2010-02-04 11:30:16
What are the dos and don'ts for Social Media?

2010-02-04 10:59:42
Anyone here uses LinkedIn?

2010-02-04 08:11:17
RT @enoVate: RT @grahamdbrown: @oasisdigital: Customers Are The Brand (really interesting read) - http://bit.ly/cROSdl

2010-02-04 07:49:23
HBR.org: Brand Experience Matters to Consumers More Than Loyalty Clubs http://web.hbr.org/e/?e=ds&d=020310

2010-02-04 06:12:54
Rethinking The Customer Buying Experience: http://bit.ly/aMxLyL

2010-02-04 02:04:59
@TIME Does China really care?

2010-02-04 02:03:31
@coltkwong I still ain't sure if Twitter will become another FB in HK.

2010-02-03 15:03:09
A Short (and Personal) History of Social Media http://tinyurl.com/ye4apsv

2010-02-03 11:01:28
Hm... Forty tales from the afterlives...

2010-02-03 10:33:16
Should I pick little things? Or The Code...?

2010-02-03 10:31:57
Little things... What are little things? Little things... Are actually bigger than big things.

2010-02-03 10:21:27
@GrahamHill I'm still in touchpoint... But I have to agree with you... Co-creation is always the big word...

2010-02-03 10:20:13
Are Social Media Measurement Tools Useful At All?

2010-02-03 09:41:43
@Choypw [GrahamHill] Yes we do. But by concentrating on the value-co-creation that creates real relationships, not on the relationships themselves.

2010-02-03 09:26:49
@GrahamHill Do we still need to care for relationships?

2010-02-03 09:25:36
Touchpoint is any point that is touched between/among 2 or more entities via any channel at any time for a purpose.

2010-02-03 06:38:43
is reading Twitterature... And wants to do similar thing for touchpoint experience management.

2010-02-03 06:37:52
There are 2 types and 3 levels of experience.

2010-02-02 22:40:57
RT @thinkdsignchnge: BusinessWeek special report: A closer look at how design can impact the bottom line of businesses http://j.mp/bg7lwf

2010-02-02 21:53:10
RT @customerthink Which affects customer experience more: marketing; direct sales and service contact; or... http://bt.io/EQmb

2010-02-02 11:34:31
Are YOU creative? The idea of creativity, the creativity behind an idea http://tinyurl.com/yen4sud

2010-02-02 06:12:09
thinks it's the same basic change cycle... From resistance to acceptance... Or the team building process: form, storm, norm, perform...?

2010-02-02 06:09:43
is wondering what kind of experience Social Media is giving us at different stages.

2010-02-01 23:00:14
is creating a presentation on Social Media.

2010-02-01 22:47:26
RT @SocialNicole A favorite marketing and social media website. you get your bang for your buck with @marketingprofs, great webinars! [yay!]

2010-02-01 21:12:11
RT @PattiBreckenrdg: 10 Rules of Customer Centricity - http://bv-url.com/shb3 - RT @Bazaarvoice

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