05 June 2012

Tweets of 23-29 May 2012

29 May
Understand your Tipping Points http://ow.ly/bbLZb via @wimrampen @colinshaw_cx #CEM #custserv

29 May
The Future of Branding http://goo.gl/fb/yWlnF via @yourcustomers

29 May
The experience economy http://cdixon.org/2012/05/26/the-experience-economy/ @cdixon #cem

28 May
World Class Customer Experience http://lnkd.in/ge3eQd

28 May
Marketing Influence: The Power of Persuasion - Forbes http://lnkd.in/5UF8na

28 May
#Marketing Needs a New Metaphor http://ow.ly/b3Rks via @HarvardBiz @BrianWSelden #cocreation

28 May
Define the problem at the level of the behaviors http://bit.ly/MNdBDl via @Jabaldaia @ralph_ohr #designthinking

28 May
Let’s Be Less Productive http://nyti.ms/KtGDYb via @stevefurman

27 May
Beginning the Mobile Giving Dialogue http://blog.effectiveui.com/?p=8442 #cem #ux

27 May
Design Museum Boston + Smallbean+ Samsonite Part2 http://designingamuseum.ning.com/profiles/blogs/design-museum-boston #cem #ux

27 May
Patient Journey Map http://www.christieauw.com/Remote-Patient-Follow-Up-System-on-going #cem #ux

27 May
CX Journey: How Do You Test on Forgettability? http://lnkd.in/7QGcx2

27 May
The Genius Behind Steve Jobs’ Ability to Innovate | Business 2 Community http://lnkd.in/9Ta5zM

26 May
Should employees break the rules to help customers? http://bit.ly/6aOsqj via @ariegoldshlager #cem

26 May
Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood. via @DrEricWood

25 May
Why A Brand Matters http://lnkd.in/9fpvrc

25 May
Focus on Employee Engagement http://ow.ly/b4yfc via @sarahhedayati @impactlearning

25 May
A Habit of a Truly Memorable Person? Collect Experiences http://bit.ly/KtqzYB via @joepine @gostonemantel @incmagazine @jeff_haden #cem

25 May
Are Your Customers Hostages, Victims, or Participants? http://is.gd/ZumtQ2 via @GrahamHill #scrm

25 May
Facebook "likes" = loyalty? Show me data on a traditional brand. http://ow.ly/b82YU via @bsdalton #scrm

25 May
Boston Consulting Group quantifies the cost of losing consumer trust http://bit.ly/KRE0NT via @tpdashboard @rwang0 #crm #cem

25 May
Customer journey mapping exercise by Jason Goldberg http://instagr.am/p/K-9Nfoy8cd/ via @socialshark @crossview_inc @retailgeek #cem

25 May
The End Of #Brand Arrogance http://bit.ly/KRAJOJ via @tpdashboard @brandinginsider

25 May
Business promises. Customer promises. http://ht.ly/aypTp via @meannie @knealemann

24 May
"What one *wants* to do and what one is *capable* of doing needs to align." @johnmaeda

24 May
Really nice examples of customer journey maps http://j.mp/KfV3uB via @liou #servicedesign #cem

24 May
The customer has started the conversation w/o you! via @Jon_Ferrara #crm #cem

23 May
3 customer myths http://blogs.hbr.org/cs/2012/05/three_myths_about_customer_eng.html via @thecustomerblog #cem

23 May
Mending Gaps in the Dynamic Customer Journey http://shar.es/qgFnI via @PlurisMarketing @Loyalty360 @TPDashboard #cem

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