2010-04-30 22:59:09
How Twitter's New Media Blog Aims To Teach By Example - http://bit.ly/bneep9
2010-04-30 19:12:01
The Future of Email Marketing (via @paulchaney) http://bit.ly/93iefW
2010-04-30 18:46:32
Effective cross-functional communication = Competitive advantage #1. Next week: Plan-execute10 (!) activities enhancing XF communication.
2010-04-30 17:30:13
21st Century Success: 3 Ways to Get It and Keep It http://bit.ly/9evfz7 (OPEN blog)
2010-04-30 17:05:13
One of the most thoughtful articles I have ever read: @snowded A Leader's Framework for Decision Making http://tinyurl.com/yf9rcko
2010-04-30 16:17:59
It’s time to reinvent management (and we want your help). Share your ideas on Management Innovation eXchange http://bit.ly/hackmanagement
2010-04-30 05:24:10
is trying to define experience... any thoughts?
2010-04-30 04:52:35
Why SAP enjoys continuous growth when most users think it sucks!?
2010-04-30 04:50:04
is experiencing the power of LinkedIn!
2010-04-30 04:10:24
is reading Emotional Satisfaction of Customer Contacts... interesting book.
2010-04-30 03:13:50
"Do you know what it is like to be your company's customer?" BCG
2010-04-30 03:10:13
"Customer experience embraces the emotional aspects of customer encounters in the entire journey from pre-acquisition to post-sales." Gungor
2010-04-30 03:00:29
"The human interaction component of service delivery is essential to the determination of satisfaction and dissatisfaction." Bitner et al
2010-04-29 23:43:56
From @AdamCohen today: "Every customer touchpoint is an opportunity to influence retention" - so true - looking at our touch points now
2010-04-29 22:02:47
in der medianet zum Customer Touchpoint Management: http://bit.ly/9dPW6s
2010-04-29 19:13:22
Leadership — It's (Much) More than Position http://s.hbr.org/dl7mYK
2010-04-29 19:06:21
Tim Ferriss: 7 Great Principles for Dealing with Haters - http://bit.ly/9EsI0F
2010-04-29 17:44:26
Facebook is down!?
2010-04-29 16:26:02
@JimJosephExp It works now... will post something there soon.
2010-04-29 16:24:31
Reading @cbsnews: Is Roger Federer Out of Gas?: http://bit.ly/bqUvqv
2010-04-29 15:21:33
The C.K. Prahalad Fortune at the Bottom of My Backpack http://s.hbr.org/bSXntf
2010-04-29 15:19:10
85 social media info graphics for new business development http://bit.ly/dwizuc #fb
2010-04-29 15:15:02
A commitment to excellence at every touchpoint of your life is one of the best commitments you'll ever make
2010-04-29 14:55:11
Twitter Strategy: Branded vs. Individual Twitter Accounts http://ow.ly/1EC2u
2010-04-29 14:48:25
The Best New York Times Business Columnist You've Never Heard Of http://s.hbr.org/aDpHgR
2010-04-29 14:45:57
@Choypw [JimJosephExp] Thanks! Tried it again!
2010-04-29 13:23:14
Pepsi is using location to advertise, collect data, and drive traffic into stores: http://nyti.ms/d4ijY8 What are you doing with location?
2010-04-29 13:00:27
@JimJosephExp Is that spam? The link is empty... or is it virus!?
2010-04-29 10:34:09
RT @suijkerwerk: New issue of Touchpoint out soon! "#servicedesign and Behavioural Change" http://bit.ly/atyJAG /via @MrStickdorn
2010-04-29 08:30:21
RT @HarvardBiz: Management Tip: Use the Three-Minute Rule to Better Understand Your Customers http://s.hbr.org/cP3CxR
2010-04-29 08:14:49
Management Tip: Use the Three-Minute Rule to Better Understand Your Customers http://s.hbr.org/cP3CxR
2010-04-29 06:20:07
"I love talking about nothing. It is the only thing I know anything about." So what's wrong with bullshit? Oscar Wilde
2010-04-29 05:57:13
What is power? Information? Knowledge? Or Wisdom?
2010-04-29 04:39:44
just learned that there is U in the DIKW flow... where U stands for understanding-http://bit.ly/9qyAWd
2010-04-29 03:55:31
is developing a knowledge management system... the concept is easy... the implementation is something else... :S
2010-04-29 01:33:48
Tweet is like spam if it provides no value-http://bit.ly/98Ke8J
2010-04-29 01:24:39
@ErikPosthuma Sorry for my late reply... but what's the message that you would like me to receive based on your link http://bit.ly/clg6pm
2010-04-28 16:54:48
hm... time check...
2010-04-28 20:21:36
The link between customer service and customer loyalty http://goo.gl/fb/JXneK #customerservice
2010-04-28 20:17:23
Driving Business Success- Communication Intelligence http://su.pr/1sauok
2010-04-28 18:58:29
Strategy's Golden Rule http://s.hbr.org/9yVyHA
2010-04-28 18:51:29
What are your six words? http://www.one.org/women/sixwords/
2010-04-28 13:42:35
PowerPoint Is Evil, Redux http://s.hbr.org/bQE01l
2010-04-28 13:35:14
How our cousins across the pond use immediacy to improve Customer Experiences | Beyond Philosophy http://ow.ly/1ABXk
2010-04-28 12:21:05
RT @GrahamHill LOL Old Organisation plus Powerpoint equals Perplexed Old Organisation (OO+PP=POO) NYTimes article http://tinyurl.com/23kd3rs
2010-04-28 11:54:16
@AlanSee The 5W1H way of getting your job done. Isn't that amazing? The basics are always simple yet so powerful!
2010-04-28 11:47:04
@GrahamHill May I please have a copy of your deck?
2010-04-28 10:21:35
LOL. Old Organisation plus Powerpoint equals Perplexed Old Organisation (OO+PP=POO) NYTimes article http://tinyurl.com/23kd3rs
2010-04-28 10:05:33
How do you manage your time when you are following more than 50 people? Tweets just keep coming in...
2010-04-28 07:22:51
RT @GrahamHill: Must read paper by @lixindex on From user-centred design to designing for service http://tinyurl.com/3xb8nqp
2010-04-28 07:10:34
Must read paper by @lixindex on From user-centred design to designing for service http://tinyurl.com/3xb8nqp
2010-04-28 05:47:38
10 Dos and Don’ts for Brands on Twitter: http://bit.ly/d00fcr
2010-04-28 04:24:02
just unfollowed Salesforce too because it's not offering me any solid value.
2010-04-27 19:08:34
Free CRM for the Papa http://goo.gl/fb/Qy3xG #customerservice
2010-04-27 16:53:53
Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn Leading Social Media Marketing Tools via MarketingVOX http://bit.ly/9qPXfT
2010-04-27 16:03:06
Check out these Twitter Analytics Tools http://su.pr/3QUcw5
2010-04-27 13:34:33
B2B Reputation Management using Social Media Monitoring http://bit.ly/9Blcgp
2010-04-27 13:22:14
CROP pres at #MFU10, social media is high touchpoint when it comes to building relationships with a brand
2010-04-27 12:56:56
The Importance of Customer Listening http://goo.gl/fb/iSQmF #customerservice
2010-04-27 12:51:22
5 Tips for More Effective Sales Communication http://goo.gl/fb/2fMUR #sales
2010-04-27 10:27:37
just unfollowed SellBizTodayCom because it spams!!!
2010-04-27 01:24:45
@Choypw [ErikPosthuma] A quick thought about touchpoints: http://bit.ly/clg6pm
2010-04-26 21:19:40
Are you measuring your social media efforts? Suggested frameworks from @jowyang: http://bit.ly/a5MW0o #in
2010-04-26 20:50:17
Say Hello to Mass Media 2.0 (by Jonathan Salem Baskin) http://su.pr/2EK6Ml
2010-04-26 20:00:19
Twitter can predict the future, can it predict your Customer Experience? http://ow.ly/1D6oA
2010-04-26 19:47:01
What's the point of customer analytics without customer discovery? No offer survives first contact with the customer.
2010-04-26 19:30:48
#facebook Twitter, Facebook Leading Social Media Marketing Tools http://ow.ly/17bicN
2010-04-26 14:44:38
Brand advertising doesn’t fulfill real time consumer needs http://goo.gl/fb/hVWAi #sales
2010-04-26 14:19:29
"It's not a Kodak moment unless u share" - Jeff Hayzlett, CMO Kodak (and BMC2010 speaker!) http://is.gd/bIvBb
2010-04-26 14:06:08
nice addition of measurement to my engagement/media model http://bit.ly/ch6Ukn via @johnvlane
2010-04-26 14:04:28
Training day added in Boston on May 3 (Monday) at #mpb2b: Social Media Integration: http://bit.ly/97T3Eo #in
2010-04-26 12:43:43
Know the 'Why' Before the 'How' of Social Media: Great discussion in the comments! http://bit.ly/9frmgg #in
2010-04-26 12:38:29
How to Win a Customer for Life (After You Screw Up) http://goo.gl/fb/948O7 #sales
2010-04-26 04:45:56
Just submitted to get an advanced copy of Open Leadership from @charleneli http://bit.ly/c5AIrZ #fb
2010-04-25 23:30:47
With so much reacting vs. thinking in business, got to thinking about how true thought leadership is different http://bit.ly/cHKn0M
2010-04-25 21:29:06
RT @VenessaMiemis Design Thinking Made Visible – wonderful free book by @Humantific http://is.gd/bHx7b
2010-04-25 21:02:18
Make every word count: http://bit.ly/c6gcP1 #in
2010-04-25 19:06:45
Stephen Hawking warns over making contact with aliens. He makes a good point. http://ow.ly/1CQQ6
2010-04-25 18:40:38
is making little things count.
2010-04-25 15:14:43
Twibes Marketing group on Twibes.com has over 2K members ... http://www.twibes.com/group/Marketing ... the "make twitter list" is helpful
2010-04-25 14:57:59
Twitter profile directory ... register your profile on Twellow ... I like the TwellowHood feature http://bit.ly/AauAk
2010-04-25 12:15:44
Love the take on training! RT @JohnFMoore Good post @royatkinson: The Customer Service Commitment http://ow.ly/1CGvu #service
2010-04-25 12:10:42
RT @sustbehav: Marketers shifting focus toward consumers' #sustainable behavior: Advertising Age http://bit.ly/cu1wZk via @jacquelynottman
2010-04-25 09:21:30
RT @adfig: Last issue of 'Service Science' just out. http://bit.ly/cGIJv0 #servicedesign
2010-04-25 07:14:41
@dreamis How would you define touchpoint then?
2010-04-25 07:13:51
is but...
2010-04-25 05:41:30
@gapingvoid more like "without influence there is no media" (@briansolis)
2010-04-25 03:56:50
iPhone apps top 100: "Camera Flash" #utilities A camera flash is among iPhone s most requested features.... http:/... http://bit.ly/aCY9bL
2010-04-24 18:02:10
Top 10 LEGO Movie Tributes on YouTube - http://bit.ly/8X6Hdu
2010-04-24 17:59:20
See the cartoons of the week | http://su.pr/1bcvUR
2010-04-24 13:58:21
If you were stranded with only 14 business(-ish) books to read, which would they be? http://bit.ly/aPVuZO #in
2010-04-24 13:38:36
Cup of Joe: Steve Jobs Is a Marketing Guru http://goo.gl/fb/laTID #sales
2010-04-24 13:00:29
RT @KristinaEvey Does sharing the experience make it more enjoyable or increase it's internal value? (via @reaburn) http://ow.ly/1CqCT
2010-04-24 12:51:07
21 Essential Social Media Resources You May Have Missed - http://bit.ly/d9ird8
2010-04-24 06:37:47
@gapingvoid sorry I might have missed something interesting, but what kind of story are you looking for, and how to share?
2010-04-23 20:09:27
Social Media is a platform of touchpoints where info is shared at the speed of light 24x7 to an infinite number of people in a flat world.
2010-04-23 20:06:22
Social Media is a platform of touchpoints where information is shared at the speed of light 24x7 to an infinite number of people.
2010-04-23 19:55:31
RT @GrahamHill: ELLE: The Importance of Friendship - http://bit.ly/bYmyi5 (via @connected_book)
2010-04-23 19:51:40
RT @McKQuarterly: What Matters: Innovating at scale in the social sector http://bit.ly/a8EPaD #swf10 #socent
2010-04-23 19:31:28
ELLE: The Importance of Friendship - http://bit.ly/bYmyi5 (via @connected_book)
2010-04-23 15:05:13
Customer Experience Trend Tracker - insights on business and consumer research http://ow.ly/1C6lj
2010-04-23 14:02:16
What Matters: Innovating at scale in the social sector http://bit.ly/a8EPaD #swf10 #socent
2010-04-23 13:15:04
#Customer #Experience #Trend #Tracker - Insights on business and consumer research http://ow.ly/1C6rB
2010-04-23 12:43:09
What Can Social Media Do to Improve Your Business http://goo.gl/fb/w5fc0 #sales
2010-04-23 12:35:57
13 Strategies To Jumpstart Your Productivity http://bit.ly/dy9FHc #fb
2010-04-23 10:30:02
The science of sharing a Customer Experience | Beyond Philosophy http://ow.ly/1C6jG
2010-04-23 10:11:50
8 things I wish everyone knew about email http://bit.ly/bxTpfl
2010-04-23 04:23:54
RT @ideationz: It's all about change... How to drive it, how to adapt to it, how to manage through it... http://ideationz.wordpress.com
2010-04-23 04:22:12
RT @McKQuarterly: Harnessing the power of word of mouth (Audio) http://bit.ly/9ui9ix
2010-04-23 00:19:52
One key to successful brand management? Internal adoption=engage your employees first. http://bit.ly/aRvtjZ (via @KimBrater)
2010-04-22 20:35:59
Assumptions are costly with clients http://goo.gl/fb/Faw0T #sales
2010-04-22 20:20:12
11 Free Ways to Generate Referrals http://bit.ly/9MTv7m (OPEN blog)
2010-04-22 19:20:31
It's all about change... How to drive it, how to adapt to it, how to manage through it... http://ideationz.wordpress.com
2010-04-22 16:28:23
Turn Your Facebook into a Mini Blog with Facebook.Me - http://bit.ly/aANzZZ
2010-04-22 16:06:36
Harnessing the power of word of mouth (Audio) http://bit.ly/9ui9ix
2010-04-22 15:25:32
Here’s how to have real customer loyalty http://goo.gl/fb/PQMhX #customerservice
2010-04-22 14:56:12
@Choypw [ideaDistillery] A platform of touchpoints!- Because SM is a one-to-one conversation with web saavy consumers it is a way to create "evangelists."
2010-04-22 14:46:36
Like is the new love.
2010-04-22 14:35:08
The Customer Experience Planning Gap | Beyond Philosophy http://ow.ly/1BAVI
2010-04-22 14:23:04
Why is buying so difficult sometimes? http://goo.gl/fb/ik0qk #sales
2010-04-22 13:23:11
The Ultimate Question http://goo.gl/fb/vSrtX #customerservice
2010-04-22 13:19:11
Ten Steps to Positioning Your Firm for the Recovery http://goo.gl/fb/Q7IJL #sales
2010-04-22 13:18:54
@ahawkcollinger touchpoint creates experience, and forms relationships. (via @Choypw) Agreed!
2010-04-22 12:06:21
@Choypw [JimJosephExp] Yes, otherwise you have a brand!
2010-04-22 11:50:34
And how much effort must companies reasonably put in to avoid draconian discrimination laws? A difficult grey area!
2010-04-22 11:49:31
Compaines are rigth to decline business from customers whose needs cannot be met profitably. When does this become discrimination?
2010-04-22 09:31:35
Three Key Ideas for Leading Innovation by Tim Kastelle http://bit.ly/cWyvqx (via @lindegaard)
2010-04-22 09:30:18
Fast Company: Design Thinking and Services - Why this is New and Needed (by @ArnoldBeekes) http://ow.ly/1ACf9 (via @ralph_ohr)
2010-04-22 09:01:47
Levi’s Integrates Facebook Social Plugins into Online Shop - http://bit.ly/bd1wDH
2010-04-22 09:17:44
RT @mashable: Levi’s Integrates Facebook Social Plugins into Online Shop - http://bit.ly/bd1wDH
2010-04-22 06:55:47
@ideaDistillery Is social media more a platform than a touchpoint? SM creates more touchpoint experience than traditional platform? #toex
2010-04-22 06:45:48
@JimJosephExp so touchpoint has to consistently deliver positive experience across the employee-customer-brand relationships.
2010-04-22 06:30:12
@ahawkcollinger touchpoint creates experience, and forms relationships.
2010-04-22 06:29:48
@ahawkcollinger touchpoint is any interaction between/among 2 or more entities any time any way any how for a purpose.
2010-04-22 06:19:50
has just created #toex to replace #touchpointexperience.
2010-04-22 05:00:28
Make Each Touchpoint Memorable-http://bit.ly/depU18
2010-04-22 04:57:21
@rdfrench It's not there... :(
2010-04-22 04:03:33
@Choypw [rdfrench] Hey, hope you are well. Good to hear from you. Try this backup site: http://bit.ly/b7UHfZ
2010-04-22 04:02:19
@rdfrench Hi Robert, long time no see. Is Marcomblog gone? I'm trying to locate one of the articles I wrote there before. Any thoughts?
2010-04-22 04:00:42
How to send direct messages to people who don't follow you?-http://bit.ly/cdGej5
2010-04-22 02:20:42
An interesting YouTube on Customer Experience-http://bit.ly/d9kSrT
2010-04-22 02:18:29
How important is Guanxi?-http://bit.ly/bTH9bN
2010-04-22 02:09:55
@mortensax Thank you for the recommendation... I've got all 3. :)
2010-04-22 01:35:04
How our cousins across the pond use immediacy to improve Customer Experiences | Beyond Philosophy http://ow.ly/1ABXl
2010-04-21 13:00:28
Reputation and the importance of Customer Service | Beyond Philosophy http://ow.ly/1Ap1C
2010-04-21 12:39:40
Customer Ownership: Relationship? Conversation? http://goo.gl/fb/IJwhP #customerservice
2010-04-21 12:12:37
The Race to Sales Competence: A Case for Sales Training http://goo.gl/fb/4u1t0 #sales
2010-04-21 10:49:47
RT @BeyondP: The 4 Steps to Touchpoint Redesign | Beyond Philosophy http://ow.ly/1ACc0
2010-04-21 10:45:09
@GrahamHill What's more important Graham: value or experience?
2010-04-21 10:26:04
#touchpointexperience is a bad hashtag as it's too long... less is more in Twitter.
2010-04-21 10:25:02
The science of sharing a Customer Experience | Beyond Philosophy http://ow.ly/1B7FD
2010-04-21 10:22:12
What is more important: value, or experience? #touchpointexperience
2010-04-21 10:15:43
is losing #touchpointexperience again...
2010-04-21 10:14:58
RT @GrahamHill: Interesting. Nissan moving its marketing spend towards customer experience http://tinyurl.com/y47ssj8
2010-04-21 10:13:19
Interesting. Nissan moving its marketing spend towards customer experience http://tinyurl.com/y47ssj8
2010-04-21 09:51:31
RT @GrahamHill: RT @ComplexitySol: HBR Must-reads on Strategy - free download until June at http://bit.ly/dnHjTI #strategy #transformation
2010-04-21 08:19:00
RT @cynthiaholladay: Wonderful method for designing & generating business models: http://bit.ly/bvaIT6 <= Order book now
2010-04-21 06:59:18 RT @ComplexitySol: HBR Must-reads on Strategy - free download until June at http://bit.ly/dnHjTI #strategy #transformation
2010-04-21 06:57:26
Reading http://tinyurl.com/y56soal reminds that producta are always value propositions. Value is co-created with the product during usage.
2010-04-21 05:10:35
"Top 10 YouTube Tips for Small Businesses" - http://bit.ly/dwowFc by @amymaeelliott
2010-04-20 20:49:18
4 Tips for Tapping Into Twitter Conversations - http://bit.ly/aRu0fA
2010-04-20 20:30:51
"Our top story on @mashbusiness today: ""5 Unique Ways to Use Twitter for Business"" - http://bit.ly/bu2x6D"
2010-04-20 20:05:29
Freemium = broken promises http://su.pr/2mJR9C
2010-04-20 19:43:35
The Best Email Marketing Strategies and Tactics of 2009 http://su.pr/4s5QsN
2010-04-20 15:00:15
The 4 Steps to Touchpoint Redesign | Beyond Philosophy http://ow.ly/1ACc0
2010-04-20 09:53:52
RT @AlanSee: If you overmeasure a relationship, you alter the nature of the relationship itself ... http://bit.ly/dcyyTP ...good read fr...
2010-04-20 08:48:49
RT @ArnoldBeekes: DESIGN THINKING AND SERVICES: WHY THIS IS NEW AND NEEDED http://tumblr.com/xna8uqqrb
2010-04-20 08:43:58
RT @HarvardBiz: Management Tip: 3 Ways to Overcome Barriers to Change http://s.hbr.org/aPYxJ6
2010-04-19 22:27:19
微博式人際關係 http://bit.ly/aReOhc
2010-04-19 22:02:58
Engaging your customers with more than just an offer...: http://wp.me/puCnS-6G
2010-04-19 18:48:04
RT @wimrampen: Starbucks Experience Map http://bit.ly/d8n09i
2010-04-19 12:34:17
There's never a case where you do NOT have a customer experience. Is it a good one or a bad one? (Never By Chance)
2010-04-19 07:01:13
Google Chrome Ditches Http:// - http://bit.ly/djnfST
2010-04-18 19:08:32
...As well as general TOMA (Top-of-Mind-Awareness) measures, Social media is an additional and sometimes critical consumer touchpoint.
2010-04-18 01:42:13
Storytelling and ping pong http://bit.ly/cscca4
2010-04-17 20:22:24
20 Essential Social Media Resources You May Have Missed - http://bit.ly/97FUWy
2010-04-17 14:44:56
4 reasons why PR firms are taking over social media http://bit.ly/c9J3ad via @jakrose
2010-04-17 11:49:36
Infinity and Eternity... Relativity...?
2010-04-17 11:47:50
Thinking about the relationship between AIDA and DIKW.
2010-04-17 11:46:46
Principle of Sufficient Reason: the reason any actual state of affairs is actual is that it would be impossible for it to be otherwise.
2010-04-17 06:29:15
"We're only here for a short visit. But compared to what? An unlimited number of years?" Plato and a Platypus Walk into a Bar
2010-04-17 06:04:43
There is a distinction between what we are "meant to be" and what we "want to be."
2010-04-17 06:02:47
"Everything has a telos." Aristotle. What's your telos?
2010-04-16 21:31:41
Salesperson Matrix Revisited http://goo.gl/fb/KhNv6 #sales
2010-04-16 19:39:37
Your company Twitter account shouldn't just broadcast it should engage. Watch @edelmandigital in action
2010-04-16 19:24:02
RT @YourCustomers: What’s the monetary value of a fan of your Facebook Page? http://goo.gl/fb/acO4i #sales
2010-04-16 19:12:57
What’s the monetary value of a fan of your Facebook Page? http://goo.gl/fb/acO4i #sales
2010-04-16 18:54:24
12 myths about the world of Sales and B2B customer loyalty, from the POV of an MLC "glocalizer" http://bit.ly/ckM9CI
2010-04-16 16:39:05
Twitter stats reveal 11 new facts: http://bit.ly/c4ZGcs #fb
2010-04-16 15:27:30
Five ways to manage Twitter lists http://bit.ly/cI6p9K #edelmandigital
2010-04-16 14:09:30
RT @ProximityWW: Is social media causing "relationship inflation?" http://bit.ly/cK0PiO
2010-04-16 13:18:47
If all changes come from the same ORIGIN, then why not focus on the origin? Why chase after what's going to happen in the so-called FUTURE?
2010-04-16 13:01:28
"Research shows that our free time has increased by 20 mins per day over the last 35 years." Oh really!?
2010-04-16 12:58:44
"When the customer comes first, the customer will last." Robert Half... Where is the employee?
2010-04-16 12:56:52
"We guide intellectual and emotional experience of the customer through the store." Ron Johnson, SVP of retail, Apple
2010-04-16 12:55:32
The richest experiences contain aspects of all four types.
2010-04-16 12:54:36
In an aesthetic experience we are absorbed by the environment, we enjoy it but everything remains untouched.
2010-04-16 12:53:36
In an escapist experience we mostly want to do something.
2010-04-16 12:53:04
In a learning experience we want to learn something.
2010-04-16 12:52:36
In a fun experience it is more about feelings.
2010-04-16 12:52:00
4 types of experience: fun, learning, escapist, and aesthetic...
2010-04-16 12:50:47
Gen P approaches everything on the basis of their own personality.
2010-04-16 12:49:20
Forget about Gen X and Gen Y! Drop this age-related generation! Now it's Gen P, or Participative Generation. We share everything!
2010-04-16 12:45:38
Thinking about an uncommon experience...
2010-04-16 12:34:15
"An experience is the result of an interaction between an event and a person..." The simplest perhaps the best definition by Ann De Kelver.
2010-04-16 12:14:46
Sylvia Ann Hewlett says in Top Talent (page 91) that top leadership should increase touchpoints to show they care? How about experience?
2010-04-16 11:58:30
The first MOT is the decision to purchase at the store shelf? The second is delivery on the promise of that product? That's from P&G?
2010-04-16 11:48:49
If you don't understand touchpoint experience, don't claim that you know marketing.
2010-04-16 11:48:03
100 Tips for Marketing Success white paper released this week: http://bit.ly/aQKIbo via @bigrossman
2010-04-16 11:11:47
RT @McKQuarterly What Matters: A new paradigm for change, essay by John Elkington @volandia http://bit.ly/d3dlxT #swf10 #socent
2010-04-16 10:57:12
@Choypw [GrahamHill] Innovation reading list: http://tinyurl.com/y5yody2 http://tinyurl.com/yyzzuvc and http://tinyurl.com/ycqryev
2010-04-16 10:54:41
@Choypw [GrahamHill] Co-creation reading list: http://tinyurl.com/3xljmo http://tinyurl.com/y6lo8kv and http://tinyurl.com/y4vqog9
2010-04-16 10:49:22
RT @ariegoldshlager: Innovation Starts with Empathy: http://bit.ly/1aUfKG
2010-04-16 10:48:45
A promise made is a debt unpaid. How difficult is it to remember this?
2010-04-16 10:48:08
@GrahamHill You are very much into co-creation and innovation lately. What books would you recommend me to read if I want to learn more?
2010-04-16 10:16:08
Do managers have to trade-off customers versus innovation. Or can they have their cake and eat it? http://tinyurl.com/y66nb2u
2010-04-16 08:46:34
Innovation: Concentrate on People and Process, not Tools by Tim Kastelle http://bit.ly/bfLqTX (via @lindegaard)
2010-04-16 05:23:01
RT @Brioneja: What Executives Make of Innovation http://bit.ly/9xVQTS #management #leadership #MBA
2010-04-16 03:22:29
The accelerators of strategy: compelling vision, purposeful culture, value that is relevant, distinct customer experience.
2010-04-15 21:24:27
RT @socialmedia2day 50+ Ways to Search Twitter http://bit.ly/cHzxYi ... wow ... that's a good list
2010-04-15 20:15:52
For business there’s an art to using Twitter ... http://bit.ly/9OUlpP ... insight via Michael Brito
2010-04-15 19:02:46
Twazzup Launches New Twitter Analytics Service and Web-Based Twitter Client: Just about a year ago, Twazzup launch... http://bit.ly/9jVM1K
2010-04-15 16:45:41
Who owns the responsibilty to define your company's culture and align it with your business strategy?
2010-04-14 22:54:36
Google Helps You Find People to Follow on Twitter - http://bit.ly/aqwcXh
2010-04-14 22:04:25
Looking to Sustain Word of Mouth? http://su.pr/3mxG0Y
2010-04-14 22:03:43
Economic Recovery = Information Velocity?http://su.pr/5LwS6S
2010-04-14 22:03:22
Social Media---->Measuring is Easy http://su.pr/1zVIhE
2010-04-14 21:10:18
What Matters: A new paradigm for change, essay by John Elkington @volandia http://bit.ly/d3dlxT #swf10 #socent
2010-04-14 20:46:27
Measuring Social Media Effectiveness Without Clickthru Metrics http://bit.ly/9dDcCi #Wide_Angle
2010-04-14 20:16:20
Expert’s Corner: Delivering Voice of the Customer http://goo.gl/fb/jKUfA #customerservice
2010-04-14 20:02:14
Twitter Announces an Ad program...here is how to rank organically http://goo.gl/fb/QEvx4 #sales
2010-04-14 19:48:06
How Companies Should Approach the New Twitter Advertising Model - http://bit.ly/dimkuw
2010-04-14 19:06:45
5 Ways B2B Companies Can Use New Twitter Ads http://bit.ly/bw8irv
2010-04-14 17:17:30
Great #customer #service #SM #CEM stuff from @ekolsky today! Worth spending some time to read through his last 60-or-so tweets. #SCON10
2010-04-14 16:45:28
Twitter’s CEO Discusses the Future of Twitter [LIVE] - http://bit.ly/9gcd90
2010-04-14 16:36:59
#facebook How much is a Facebook fan worth? http://ow.ly/174fQi
2010-04-14 14:51:34
The New Consumer Review Is All About You - http://bit.ly/bkcGSy
2010-04-14 14:31:32
If you overmeasure a relationship, you alter the nature of the relationship itself ... http://bit.ly/dcyyTP ...good read from Charles Green
2010-04-14 14:26:33
Bringing your sales into the social media network with proper training and focus ... http://bit.ly/9EvN5G ... good via salesandmarketing.com
2010-04-14 07:51:02
RT @CMO_com: on #CMO.com: How much a fan on social media is worth, in $ and ¢. http://om.ly/iEEs (via @belindaang)
2010-04-14 07:05:15
The World's Most Innovative Companies by Fast Company http://tinyurl.com/yhs9wpl Facebook No1!!!
2010-04-14 06:40:05
A dialogue about the future of organizational storytelling has begun on my blog http://bit.ly/cIxYUQ
2010-04-14 04:58:16
After Eureka: 7 questions to test #innovation for profit potential http://ff.im/-iZL67 (via @jorgebarba)
2010-04-14 00:26:34
Is revenue related to recommendability? http://bit.ly/dge0Z3
2010-04-13 23:35:19
Tweets at 35,000 Feet: How Virgin America is Using Promoted Tweets - http://bit.ly/9qF7rp
2010-04-13 14:00:02
Making design principles stick [Adaptive Path - Dec 01, 2009] http://bit.ly/7bOxWd
2010-04-13 13:34:38
7 Keys To Speaking In Your Customers Language http://tinyurl.com/ybnbsl8 (via @microgeist)
2010-04-12 08:22:59
is re-learning how to use hashtag... because #touchpointexperience is gone...
2010-04-12 04:14:17
@choypw your personal newspaper is ready : http://www.twittertim.es/choypw ! It is updated regularly showing new items.
2010-04-12 03:32:49
There is a difference between quality and service!
2010-04-12 02:59:59
RT @GrahamHill: Successful Service Design: Turning Innovation into Practice http://tinyurl.com/y9wos2r
2010-04-11 17:49:32
RT @tedcoine: RT @shyam_kumar: RT @KetelboeterPR: Employees First or Customers First? Fantastic post from @Reaburn http://bit.ly/aOEKwz
2010-04-11 17:35:04
RT @vanderbeeken: New blog post: Interactions Magazine - March/April 2010 issue http://www.experientia.com/blog/interactions-magazine
2010-04-11 08:22:52
RT @business_design: Profit is an outcome of getting a customer's job done with the right business model...Obliquity in action
2010-04-10 10:37:26
Breaking news http://bit.ly/baLLB3
2010-04-10 09:02:01
What are the reasons we give our users to promote our stuff? What is the motivation to promote really?
2010-04-10 08:27:24
How to encourage people to come to you... And they will share your stuff... And then they will remember you... It's all about convenience?
2010-04-10 08:07:03
Convenience is the big word in Viral Marketing?
2010-04-10 08:05:25
Time is limited but content is unlimited so people will become lazier...
2010-04-10 07:56:09
Viral marketing is about sharing... sharing what...?
2010-04-10 07:54:39
is learning viral marketing...
2010-04-10 07:53:27
RT @gapingvoid In My Experience: Idea-Driven People come up with Ideas, more often than Results-Driven People come up with Results.
2010-04-10 01:20:51
In My Experience: Idea-Driven People come up with Ideas, more often than Results-Driven People come up with Results.
2010-04-09 23:05:11
You have customers. Customers who love you. So how do you get them to make their feelings public? http://ow.ly/1vSMo
2010-04-09 20:50:09
"The beginning of knowledge is the discovery of something we do not understand." -Frank Herbert #quote
2010-04-09 19:00:56
RT @McKQuarterly A new world for brand managers http://bit.ly/bbe8Qx
2010-04-09 18:35:15
Reading: "Managing The Customer Experience Makes Perfect Sense" http://ow.ly/1vT8H
2010-04-09 15:05:11
A new world for brand managers http://bit.ly/bbe8Qx
2010-04-08 06:39:30
Amazed how misleading statistics about Customer Experience - http://bit.ly/9zka55 - has gathered so much attention. Are we so desperate?
2010-04-08 00:45:04
"We figure our best salesman is our customer. Treat that person right, he'll walk out the door and sell for you." Jerry Murrell
2010-04-07 12:27:43
Nice article (with FACTS!) about ROI of good Customer Experience http://bit.ly/9zka55 (Hint - it's good) (via @choosenick
2010-04-07 01:38:11
RT @McKQuarterly: Video interview: Building the next-generation business leader http://bit.ly/d6Xsyv
2010-04-06 12:01:52
Marketable Emotions or Engaging Experiences-http://bit.ly/cCfOfv
2010-04-06 11:58:28
Measuring Emotions in a Consumer Decision-Making Context-http://bit.ly/blCiRV
2010-04-06 11:53:32
@EngageConsult Should that be purpose, or reason?
2010-04-06 11:51:35
"There should be a clear reason for every single aspect of every touchpoint you have with customers." from Never By Chance
2010-04-06 09:48:22
Emotions are feelings linked to a specific behavior (Gardner 1984).
2010-04-06 09:43:26
Linking Emotions and Values in Consumption Experiences-http://bit.ly/9zlxww
2010-04-06 07:23:52
Who, when and how to drive increased profitability through customer referrals http://tinyurl.com/yztpvmf
2010-04-05 14:58:26
RT @YourCustomers The Powerful Question to Which We All Need an Answer http://goo.gl/fb/3hSsf
2010-04-05 11:34:13
The Powerful Question to Which We All Need an Answer http://goo.gl/fb/3hSsf #sales
2010-04-05 11:17:33
Not all service staff have the same view of service: It can mean service, hitting targets, or value co--creation http://tinyurl.com/y9ffgot
2010-04-04 13:55:28
@GrahamHill What's exactly the customer jobs? Are they supposed to do anything?
2010-04-04 13:54:12
@stevedenning That's rude! The pope is not here to act as CEO! Go read the bible before you make any negative comments against a religion!
2010-04-01 10:39:44
RT @sethgodins Are you rational? http://bit.ly/c9KtIF We all know that long ago, don't we?
2010-04-01 09:34:14
Are you rational? http://bit.ly/c9KtIF
2010-04-01 07:28:41
touchpoint, experience-http://bit.ly/9qfdIF #touchpointexperience
2010-04-01 07:26:57
has just created #touchpointexperience...
2010-04-01 07:26:24
just discovered #touchpoint and #experience!!!
2010-04-01 06:51:59
touchpoint, experience, relationship from LinkedIn-http://bit.ly/9qfdIF
15 May 2010
Tweets of Mar 2010
2010-03-31 22:15:04
Reading: "Fall From Grace: How Brands Can Avoid Losing Status, Respect, and Prestige" http://ow.ly/1tdrg
2010-03-31 08:46:20
What is an Experience Strategy? http://bit.ly/cyv2DE
2010-03-30 13:36:50
Do you really trust what you experience?
2010-03-30 00:29:09
Why do most change programs in organizations fail? Ten principles to get change right http://bit.ly/aeHfi3 http://bit.ly/azodYo
2010-03-26 02:09:56
@TIME Why not?
2010-03-25 08:12:42
@GrahamHill Great Graham. What's the link? I'll definitely visit your own blog daily.
2010-03-25 07:51:39
@Choypw [GrahamHill] Am getting round to writing again. Probably on my own Ning blog. Work in progress.
2010-03-25 07:49:12
@GrahamHill So where do you write now? Or I just follow you here at Twitter? Honestly, I like most of your tweets! I learn so much there.
2010-03-25 07:48:23
@GrahamHill Couldn't agree more Graham. I was thinking to write there again, but since you ain't there, I just dismiss the idea.
2010-03-25 07:24:41
@Choypw [GrahamHill] I have so much project, study and development work to do I don't really find time. And CustomerThink is not what it was.
2010-03-25 07:20:50
@GrahamHill You don't write for CustomerThink now, Graham?
2010-03-25 03:25:01
Success is the sweetest revenge.
2010-03-25 01:44:20
doesn't understand why people always want to think China likes to fight? Is it because those people who want to fight in the first place?
2010-03-25 01:18:24
@armano China doesn't fight. Just that people want China to fight.
2010-03-24 08:19:14
Interesting. Building and Leading Customer-Centric Organisations, HBS in Paris, June 2010 http://tinyurl.com/y94xzqy @masscustom
2010-03-24 10:56:18
RT @GrahamHill: Interesting. Building and Leading Customer-Centric Organisations, HBS in Paris, June 2010 http://tinyurl.com/y94xzqy @ma ...
2010-03-24 07:23:28
gam ngo bong ng doh nei ga woh...
2010-03-23 16:09:25
Successful Service Design: Turning Innovation into Practice http://tinyurl.com/y9wos2r
2010-03-23 04:55:37
Discussion on touchpoint and MOT-http://bit.ly/9aEUUo
2010-03-23 03:08:37
has just changed the password... and unfollow a few people. Suddenly, the world is a lot more peaceful and quieter... :)
2010-03-22 13:31:05
@Choypw [CustomerMgmtIQ] My apologies-I think my account was hacked...
2010-03-22 07:04:41
@CustomerMgmtIQ You are sending out virus with this link!!! http://twt.tl/JPkBi3k
2010-03-22 07:01:05
Shit!!! Blake Landau of CustomerMgmtIQ is sending out virus through Twitter!!! I just clicked on the stupid link!!! http://twt.tl/JPkBi3k
2010-03-19 05:52:00
is depressed...
2010-03-18 12:06:23
@Choypw [AlanSee] Agreed! thanks for the note.
2010-03-18 11:09:12
@AlanSee That's a good one Alan! Always look into the future. Doing the best at present will only feed you now.
2010-03-18 11:04:31
RT @AlanSee Don't just focus on what biz comes your way; go after biz that will position U & ur organization 4 expanded future opportunities
2010-03-16 09:07:37
RT @GrahamHill: The Guardian has a 10 page supplement on Service Design. 10 Pages, 350.000 copies.Great stories! Download http://bit.ly/ ...
2010-03-16 05:23:49
The Guardian has a 10 page supplement on Service Design. 10 Pages, 350.000 copies.Great stories! Download http://bit.ly/9dNOAo (via @BiSDN)
2010-03-16 03:25:47
Waht do you thnik? "A smpile fololw up fromlua." Is it effcetvie? http://bit.ly/bYcNl7
2010-03-16 02:16:48
My rihgt ear got stnug by a moqsiuto!!!
2010-03-15 07:24:23
finally kowns waht litlte tnihgs are!!!
2010-03-15 07:23:39
is hvanig geart fun wtih ltitle tihngs!!!
2010-03-15 07:23:03
is larennig to wirte in "lttile tghins" way...
2010-03-15 03:48:50
is mnkeaig lttile tginhs cuont!
2010-03-14 15:38:51
Since “society cares for the individual only so far as he is profitable,” why feel bad when you are being ignored? (Simone de Beauvoir)
2010-03-12 03:29:12
is having a long vacation... not physically but mentally... and that's important... because that's pom, or peace of mind...
2010-03-11 07:15:07
Are loyal customers really more profitable. Not always http://tinyurl.com/yg42qsm It's time for fact-based management
2010-03-11 04:02:14
There is a BIG difference in "we've tried hard but failed" and "we never try but failed!"
2010-03-11 03:37:29
Silence is not GOLDEN when communication is the key to SUCCESS!
2010-03-11 03:06:11
Every Contact is Golden http://is.gd/a2H0v
2010-03-10 09:50:57
is "impressed" with www.careers.jnj.com. Try apply Requisition Number 0758100302, and it takes forever to complete the online applicaton!
2010-03-09 09:54:09
touchpoint creates experience and forms relationships.
2010-03-09 07:03:43
is reviewing articles on engagement.
2010-03-09 06:55:26
There is something wrong with Twitter and LinkedIn again. Twitter won't show up on LinkedIn. Is it the problem of Twitter, or LinkedIn?
2010-03-09 05:24:22
Is MSO2007 creating convenience or trouble for users since 10 years ago!?
2010-03-09 05:23:18
MSO2007 is really stupid! Why removing page number from first page is "different first page?!" I need to spend 10 mins to figure that out!
2010-03-09 04:47:29
has to conclude again that MSO2007 sucks! Give me back the old toolbars!!!
2010-03-08 10:26:10
RT @roscamabbing: Successful service innovation is brand-driven, say Wolff Olins http://bit.ly/UBtyk, full report here: http://bit.ly/aiBWd7
2010-03-08 01:50:05
RT @AlanSee: We can do more to affect the quality of our lives by controlling our expectations than we can by doing anything else ~ The ...
2010-03-05 07:23:38
What's the Next Big Thing after the experience economy? It's still experience... because humans are always emotional creatures.
2010-03-05 07:53:35
Believing is not seeing. Is there a relationship between CEx and performance? http://tinyurl.com/ydo6593 (see the comments)
2010-03-05 06:37:46
Is Social Media a new communication platform, or is it a tool?
2010-03-05 04:35:00
RT @SocBizOne Marketing on Twitter – Four styles compared http://bt.io/Eblf
2010-03-04 11:47:10
@GrahamHill Nice 5w1h application
2010-03-04 11:45:42
@Winnieciw Wow!!! Your first RT!!!
2010-03-04 02:39:14
16 Facebook Applications to Boost Popularity of Facebook Fan Page ... http://bit.ly/9sHv9l
2010-03-03 20:23:18
Social Customer Case Study: OK Labs Hits 150% of Customer Community Target http://goo.gl/fb/zEgz #customerservice
2010-03-03 19:23:31
Amazing Customer Service Resource: WBSOnline.com: http://bit.ly/bv0zgI
2010-03-03 19:22:10
Managing Customer Value: One Stage at a Time. Sample of a new book (pdf) http://bit.ly/dp4DU2 (via @johannabragge)
2010-03-03 09:54:45
The relationship between Value Chain by Porter and Service Profit Chain by Heskett et al is...
2010-03-03 09:44:26
The peak-end rule is irrelevant in determining customer experience.
2010-03-03 09:36:43
experience is not just about expectations. It is definitely more than that!
2010-03-03 09:36:12
If touchpoint is any interaction any time any way any place, understanding relationship from employee to customer to brand is a must.
2010-03-03 09:31:39
To understand customer experience, we have to understand its relationship with touchpoint.
2010-03-03 07:44:11
A marketer’s guide to behavioral economics -- Good stuff http://tinyurl.com/ygxde5s (via @ericfletcher @andressilvaa) (via @futurescape)
2010-03-03 01:42:42
is looking for someone who is really good at creating PowerPoint presentation. Any referral?
2010-03-02 13:37:02
Gartner's key predictions: "..by the end of 2010 Facebook will be #1 social networking site in all but 25 countries." http://is.gd/9t0FC #in
2010-03-02 03:45:08
Is your #brand a one night stand or keeper? RT@simonmainwaring http://bit.ly/cEdY24 #crm #cmo #engagement #sme
2010-03-01 12:40:15
What if your front-line staff are salesmen when you want problem solvers? Service models of frontline employees http://tinyurl.com/y9ffgot
2010-03-01 12:37:30
Driving Profitability by Encouraging Customer Referrals: Who, When and How http://tinyurl.com/yztpvmf
2010-03-01 10:33:03
Interesting list of companies (websites) actively using co-creation http://value-co-creation.blogspot.com/
2010-03-01 09:00:22
"Experience is not what happens to a man; it is what a man does with what happens to him." Aldous Huxley
Reading: "Fall From Grace: How Brands Can Avoid Losing Status, Respect, and Prestige" http://ow.ly/1tdrg
2010-03-31 08:46:20
What is an Experience Strategy? http://bit.ly/cyv2DE
2010-03-30 13:36:50
Do you really trust what you experience?
2010-03-30 00:29:09
Why do most change programs in organizations fail? Ten principles to get change right http://bit.ly/aeHfi3 http://bit.ly/azodYo
2010-03-26 02:09:56
@TIME Why not?
2010-03-25 08:12:42
@GrahamHill Great Graham. What's the link? I'll definitely visit your own blog daily.
2010-03-25 07:51:39
@Choypw [GrahamHill] Am getting round to writing again. Probably on my own Ning blog. Work in progress.
2010-03-25 07:49:12
@GrahamHill So where do you write now? Or I just follow you here at Twitter? Honestly, I like most of your tweets! I learn so much there.
2010-03-25 07:48:23
@GrahamHill Couldn't agree more Graham. I was thinking to write there again, but since you ain't there, I just dismiss the idea.
2010-03-25 07:24:41
@Choypw [GrahamHill] I have so much project, study and development work to do I don't really find time. And CustomerThink is not what it was.
2010-03-25 07:20:50
@GrahamHill You don't write for CustomerThink now, Graham?
2010-03-25 03:25:01
Success is the sweetest revenge.
2010-03-25 01:44:20
doesn't understand why people always want to think China likes to fight? Is it because those people who want to fight in the first place?
2010-03-25 01:18:24
@armano China doesn't fight. Just that people want China to fight.
2010-03-24 08:19:14
Interesting. Building and Leading Customer-Centric Organisations, HBS in Paris, June 2010 http://tinyurl.com/y94xzqy @masscustom
2010-03-24 10:56:18
RT @GrahamHill: Interesting. Building and Leading Customer-Centric Organisations, HBS in Paris, June 2010 http://tinyurl.com/y94xzqy @ma ...
2010-03-24 07:23:28
gam ngo bong ng doh nei ga woh...
2010-03-23 16:09:25
Successful Service Design: Turning Innovation into Practice http://tinyurl.com/y9wos2r
2010-03-23 04:55:37
Discussion on touchpoint and MOT-http://bit.ly/9aEUUo
2010-03-23 03:08:37
has just changed the password... and unfollow a few people. Suddenly, the world is a lot more peaceful and quieter... :)
2010-03-22 13:31:05
@Choypw [CustomerMgmtIQ] My apologies-I think my account was hacked...
2010-03-22 07:04:41
@CustomerMgmtIQ You are sending out virus with this link!!! http://twt.tl/JPkBi3k
2010-03-22 07:01:05
Shit!!! Blake Landau of CustomerMgmtIQ is sending out virus through Twitter!!! I just clicked on the stupid link!!! http://twt.tl/JPkBi3k
2010-03-19 05:52:00
is depressed...
2010-03-18 12:06:23
@Choypw [AlanSee] Agreed! thanks for the note.
2010-03-18 11:09:12
@AlanSee That's a good one Alan! Always look into the future. Doing the best at present will only feed you now.
2010-03-18 11:04:31
RT @AlanSee Don't just focus on what biz comes your way; go after biz that will position U & ur organization 4 expanded future opportunities
2010-03-16 09:07:37
RT @GrahamHill: The Guardian has a 10 page supplement on Service Design. 10 Pages, 350.000 copies.Great stories! Download http://bit.ly/ ...
2010-03-16 05:23:49
The Guardian has a 10 page supplement on Service Design. 10 Pages, 350.000 copies.Great stories! Download http://bit.ly/9dNOAo (via @BiSDN)
2010-03-16 03:25:47
Waht do you thnik? "A smpile fololw up fromlua." Is it effcetvie? http://bit.ly/bYcNl7
2010-03-16 02:16:48
My rihgt ear got stnug by a moqsiuto!!!
2010-03-15 07:24:23
finally kowns waht litlte tnihgs are!!!
2010-03-15 07:23:39
is hvanig geart fun wtih ltitle tihngs!!!
2010-03-15 07:23:03
is larennig to wirte in "lttile tghins" way...
2010-03-15 03:48:50
is mnkeaig lttile tginhs cuont!
2010-03-14 15:38:51
Since “society cares for the individual only so far as he is profitable,” why feel bad when you are being ignored? (Simone de Beauvoir)
2010-03-12 03:29:12
is having a long vacation... not physically but mentally... and that's important... because that's pom, or peace of mind...
2010-03-11 07:15:07
Are loyal customers really more profitable. Not always http://tinyurl.com/yg42qsm It's time for fact-based management
2010-03-11 04:02:14
There is a BIG difference in "we've tried hard but failed" and "we never try but failed!"
2010-03-11 03:37:29
Silence is not GOLDEN when communication is the key to SUCCESS!
2010-03-11 03:06:11
Every Contact is Golden http://is.gd/a2H0v
2010-03-10 09:50:57
is "impressed" with www.careers.jnj.com. Try apply Requisition Number 0758100302, and it takes forever to complete the online applicaton!
2010-03-09 09:54:09
touchpoint creates experience and forms relationships.
2010-03-09 07:03:43
is reviewing articles on engagement.
2010-03-09 06:55:26
There is something wrong with Twitter and LinkedIn again. Twitter won't show up on LinkedIn. Is it the problem of Twitter, or LinkedIn?
2010-03-09 05:24:22
Is MSO2007 creating convenience or trouble for users since 10 years ago!?
2010-03-09 05:23:18
MSO2007 is really stupid! Why removing page number from first page is "different first page?!" I need to spend 10 mins to figure that out!
2010-03-09 04:47:29
has to conclude again that MSO2007 sucks! Give me back the old toolbars!!!
2010-03-08 10:26:10
RT @roscamabbing: Successful service innovation is brand-driven, say Wolff Olins http://bit.ly/UBtyk, full report here: http://bit.ly/aiBWd7
2010-03-08 01:50:05
RT @AlanSee: We can do more to affect the quality of our lives by controlling our expectations than we can by doing anything else ~ The ...
2010-03-05 07:23:38
What's the Next Big Thing after the experience economy? It's still experience... because humans are always emotional creatures.
2010-03-05 07:53:35
Believing is not seeing. Is there a relationship between CEx and performance? http://tinyurl.com/ydo6593 (see the comments)
2010-03-05 06:37:46
Is Social Media a new communication platform, or is it a tool?
2010-03-05 04:35:00
RT @SocBizOne Marketing on Twitter – Four styles compared http://bt.io/Eblf
2010-03-04 11:47:10
@GrahamHill Nice 5w1h application
2010-03-04 11:45:42
@Winnieciw Wow!!! Your first RT!!!
2010-03-04 02:39:14
16 Facebook Applications to Boost Popularity of Facebook Fan Page ... http://bit.ly/9sHv9l
2010-03-03 20:23:18
Social Customer Case Study: OK Labs Hits 150% of Customer Community Target http://goo.gl/fb/zEgz #customerservice
2010-03-03 19:23:31
Amazing Customer Service Resource: WBSOnline.com: http://bit.ly/bv0zgI
2010-03-03 19:22:10
Managing Customer Value: One Stage at a Time. Sample of a new book (pdf) http://bit.ly/dp4DU2 (via @johannabragge)
2010-03-03 09:54:45
The relationship between Value Chain by Porter and Service Profit Chain by Heskett et al is...
2010-03-03 09:44:26
The peak-end rule is irrelevant in determining customer experience.
2010-03-03 09:36:43
experience is not just about expectations. It is definitely more than that!
2010-03-03 09:36:12
If touchpoint is any interaction any time any way any place, understanding relationship from employee to customer to brand is a must.
2010-03-03 09:31:39
To understand customer experience, we have to understand its relationship with touchpoint.
2010-03-03 07:44:11
A marketer’s guide to behavioral economics -- Good stuff http://tinyurl.com/ygxde5s (via @ericfletcher @andressilvaa) (via @futurescape)
2010-03-03 01:42:42
is looking for someone who is really good at creating PowerPoint presentation. Any referral?
2010-03-02 13:37:02
Gartner's key predictions: "..by the end of 2010 Facebook will be #1 social networking site in all but 25 countries." http://is.gd/9t0FC #in
2010-03-02 03:45:08
Is your #brand a one night stand or keeper? RT@simonmainwaring http://bit.ly/cEdY24 #crm #cmo #engagement #sme
2010-03-01 12:40:15
What if your front-line staff are salesmen when you want problem solvers? Service models of frontline employees http://tinyurl.com/y9ffgot
2010-03-01 12:37:30
Driving Profitability by Encouraging Customer Referrals: Who, When and How http://tinyurl.com/yztpvmf
2010-03-01 10:33:03
Interesting list of companies (websites) actively using co-creation http://value-co-creation.blogspot.com/
2010-03-01 09:00:22
"Experience is not what happens to a man; it is what a man does with what happens to him." Aldous Huxley
Tweets of Feb 2010
2010-02-28 17:20:13
RT @johntodor: RT @TweetRightBrain 100 Incredible Lectures from the World’s Top Scholars | Online Universities http://bit.ly/bycBiv
2010-02-28 09:43:05
He will come again to judge the living and the dead.
2010-02-27 12:21:16
Smashing Magazine: Better User Experience With Storytelling. Part 1: http://j.mp/baKoG3 and Part 2: http://j.mp/awpuRP /via .@OCLC
2010-02-27 12:13:45
When touchpoint is any interaction, then experience happens at touchpoint.
2010-02-27 11:03:27
5 Top Companies Winning Twitter Strategies... http://su.pr/4BljEF
2010-02-27 06:07:57
redefines touchpoint as any interaction between/among 2 or more entities any time any way any place for a purpose.
2010-02-26 08:18:04
@GrahamHill That's a good one. I guess you have the answer. They were born to be the guru. Ha!
2010-02-26 07:41:21
The power of peer production: @jhagel on From Do It Yourself to Do It Together Harvard Business Review: http://bit.ly/d4o2GB
2010-02-26 04:30:52
Listen, Analyze, Relate, Act: http://bit.ly/az5SfW
2010-02-26 02:37:38
"Everything has been said before, but since nobody listens we have to keep going back and beginning all over again." Andre Gide
2010-02-25 09:48:37
RT @customerthink What Exactly Is Touchpoint? http://bt.io/EYgH
2010-02-25 09:25:15
RT @wanszezit: Yahoo 宣布與Twitter 合作 http://bit.ly/cGUbfM
2010-02-25 03:11:04
Measuring Service Effectiveness in the Call Center http://goo.gl/fb/Ynuh #customerservice
2010-02-25 01:48:35
In order to have a positive experience, "ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country." John F Kennedy
2010-02-24 17:42:10
A marketer’s guide to behavioral economics http://bit.ly/bzKJkO
2010-02-24 17:05:42
RT @davidabrock: Moving from campaigns to focusing on customer experience. Interesting article via @mopartnersceo http://ow.ly/1aN7Y
2010-02-24 17:04:01
Lots of interesting service experience papers from one of my favourite academics: Ruth Bolton http://tinyurl.com/ydzrnel
2010-02-24 15:24:29
RT @sethgodins Once in a lifetime http://bit.ly/bkxASu What's exactly the message...?
2010-02-24 06:00:51
"Life must be understood backwards; but... it must be lived forward." Soren Kierkegaard
2010-02-23 09:54:22
"It is not how old you are, but how you are old." Jules Renard
2010-02-23 01:40:59
"Life is the art of drawing without an eraser." John Gardner
2010-02-22 04:55:53
"Good judgment comes from experience and experience comes from bad judgment." Fred Brooks
2010-02-21 14:27:20
RT @GrahamHill Which is the original, which the plagiarised copy? http://tinyurl.com/m6a3oe http://tinyurl.com/nq85y7 That's an experience!
2010-02-21 06:34:15
RT @MKTFire: The Three "Ds" of Customer Experience: http://tinyurl.com/cfuvka Although I am suspicious of anything Fred Reichheld writes
2010-02-21 05:43:46
Customer Experience Model: Which is the original, which the plagiarised copy? http://tinyurl.com/m6a3oe http://tinyurl.com/nq85y7
2010-02-20 17:12:41
Interesting new blog by Richard Tait on Winning Customer Experiences http://tinyurl.com/yc2okxq
2010-02-20 06:56:36
#reddit A social-media marketer's guide on Reddit: Bring bacon | Danwin ... http://bit.ly/bs5jFJ
2010-02-20 01:20:47
5 Twitter Tools You Can't Live Without... Lee Odden...http://su.pr/2JOQbb
2010-02-19 17:38:03
Top 10 Customer Service Books: http://bit.ly/9hkb58
2010-02-19 08:16:44
RT @customerthink An Introduction to Outcome-Driven Innovation http://bt.io/EWW7
2010-02-18 12:20:33
Great post by Alan Mitchell showing why marketers must mend their myopic metrics http://tinyurl.com/yhw4xa5
2010-02-18 10:23:13
5 Forces That Drive Mobile Marketing... Are You Aligned...Rohit Bhargava...http://su.pr/2dz8uX
2010-02-18 07:00:32
Is your business making WOWful Connections with your customers?: http://bit.ly/b5JAtM
2010-02-18 02:42:21
Location, Location, Location http://goo.gl/fb/XaNh #customerservice
2010-02-17 22:25:57
#facebook How To Build A Customized Facebook Page For Your Business http://ow.ly/16Bpg2
2010-02-17 06:18:53
is back!
2010-02-17 06:05:36
Great insight: Ask what your customer is doing 3 min before & 3 min after using your product http://ow.ly/18156 (via @merigruber)
2010-02-16 19:53:03
The best small business strategy for Twitter... Matt Rhodes...http://su.pr/8R8FY3
2010-02-16 18:04:14
Is conversation an art or a skill? | http://su.pr/1SPI0w
2010-02-16 17:44:42
"Get in tune with your customers' needs, then over deliver" - The Line 6 Rule http://bit.ly/aTSX5s (via @thinktankonline)
2010-02-16 16:36:36
Social media for small businesses 2: Making the most of Twitter http://goo.gl/fb/Wnca #sales
2010-02-16 16:04:46
2010-02-16 16:02:48
2010-02-16 15:54:41
2010-02-16 07:56:06
Do We Need a Customer-Dominant Logic in Service Companies? http://tinyurl.com/y8qsosz
2010-02-16 07:40:56
Aric Rindfleisch on Customer Co-creation: A Typology and Research Agenda http://tinyurl.com/nqmbry
2010-02-16 07:22:11
RT @bobapollo How much process is too much process? http://bit.ly/dabu4g
2010-02-16 05:12:19
#Brands with the most engaged and loyal customers -http://bit.ly/cRtW3X #crm #scrm #cmo #ceo #retail
2010-02-16 04:45:44
Useful post re: The engineering of the ideal customer experience http://bit.ly/94Luo7 #cio #cmo #sme #crm #scrm
2010-02-16 02:37:40
Social Media Lifecycle Framework http://goo.gl/fb/wrsG #sales
2010-02-15 13:26:56
Really looking forward to this in a few weeks, wtih @mariosundar: Ten Tips on Marketing with LinkedIn http://bit.ly/9SrBvL
2010-02-15 09:00:19
Must read: Packed full of uncommon sense about the Customer Development Model http://tinyurl.com/clefaf
2010-02-15 07:51:37
Social Media turning Marketers into Media Companies?: http://bit.ly/9yw9gf
2010-02-15 07:51:35
The Fillmore customer experience signature: apples and limited prints: http://bit.ly/cm0K35
2010-02-15 07:51:34
About Them Customers’ Expectations: http://bit.ly/bsHiUn
2010-02-14 18:49:18
LinkingOUT http://bit.ly/d9DX5a
2010-02-14 11:04:44
Invent a holiday http://bit.ly/b7jJPk
2010-02-14 00:18:17
Why #innovation, by itself, will never be enough. Brian Arthur on 'The Structure of Invention' http://tinyurl.com/ygsqc8u
2010-02-13 21:27:35
Best article about Toyota's problems I have read so far. The Economist http://tinyurl.com/y8kl34w A failure in governance.
2010-02-13 12:44:04
RT @GrahamHill If you have interest in Service or Experience Design, you should join @servicethinkers Wenovski http://tinyurl.com/l5muka
2010-02-13 09:28:09
If you have an interest in Service Design or Experience Design, you should join @servicethinkers Wenovski http://tinyurl.com/l5muka
2010-02-13 08:14:36
Word of Mouth from non-loyal customers has the biggest impact on sales by @fgossieaux http://tinyurl.com/y9zngh5
2010-02-13 06:55:44
The Matthew Effect – linking and how things become viral in social media http://goo.gl/fb/AuZs #sales
2010-02-13 04:04:50
SCAMP: Five Pillars of Shopper Experience http://tinyurl.com/y8qtpww
2010-02-13 04:04:48
SCAMP: Five Pillars of Shopper Experience http://bit.ly/apmrC2 CRM
2010-02-13 04:04:47
SCAMP: Five Pillars of Shopper Experience: http://bit.ly/9pkRww
2010-02-12 17:53:45
RT @McKQuarterly: Using behavioral science to improve the customer experience http://bit.ly/9TK443
2010-02-12 17:05:36
Using behavioral science to improve the customer experience http://bit.ly/9TK443
2010-02-12 13:07:38
What Your Company Should Know About Social Networking http://goo.gl/fb/UJQO #customerservice
2010-02-12 13:03:37
Four Seasons literally leaves their mark in customer service: http://bit.ly/cjsuRV
2010-02-12 12:15:05
Brand Republic: Two companies that 'get' social media - Pepsi and Toyota http://tinyurl.com/y9btj7d
2010-02-12 09:24:45
How WOM Impacts Loyalty Marketing... Francois Gossieaux...http://su.pr/1ixYjQ
2010-02-12 07:58:45
How would you define social media?
2010-02-12 06:17:41
Design Evolution of 40 Famous Corporate Company Logos http://bit.ly/9O6wBd
2010-02-12 05:24:45
@Choypw [mobilechad] Thanks for the tweet about status on LinkedIn iPhone. I'm following up with the mobile team on this issue.
2010-02-11 18:50:33
RT @CEB_MLC: 10 Habits of Highly Effective Social Media Marketers http://bit.ly/cV3OgC #sbosm
2010-02-11 18:43:58
Twitter Marketing http://bit.ly/9wFeVS
2010-02-11 16:25:18
What's The ROI Of Social Media? That's What EVERYONE WANTS TO KNOW! http://goo.gl/fb/i3Tr #customerservice
2010-02-11 07:42:40
Buzz can be connected to Twitter?!
2010-02-11 07:30:25
Is that an iPhone bug, or LinkedIn bug?
2010-02-11 07:29:31
Interesting... message posted on LinkedIn using iPhone won't be posted on Twitter! Is that a bug?
2010-02-11 06:30:48
Oh... to be more exact... Link to T and FB using iPhone not ok!!!
2010-02-11 05:21:36
T to FB ok but Link not ok. Link to T ok but FB not ok. FB to Link and T never ok! Why?
2010-02-11 05:13:42
Tweet? Buzz? Silence... zzz...
2010-02-11 02:15:21
"Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes." Oscar Wilde
2010-02-11 02:09:39
Touchpoint can be seen and unseen. With touchpoint comes experience. With experience comes relationship.
2010-02-10 20:47:10
10 Habits of Highly Effective Social Media Marketers http://bit.ly/cV3OgC #sbosm
2010-02-10 16:59:02
How come my Tweet does not show up in LinkedIn anymore...?
2010-02-10 15:40:18
"Every moment is an experience." Jake Roberts
2010-02-10 15:29:47
"Every moment is an experience." Jake Roberts
2010-02-10 15:28:27
@joecalloway Every touchpoint should have a purpose instead of a reason. There is a fine line between purpose and reason.
2010-02-10 12:42:24
How often do you spend time looking for little things?
2010-02-10 12:39:20
Little things are things that aren't obvious. When you make little things count, it gives positive experience because of zero expectation.
2010-02-10 06:06:22
From mass to 1-to-1; from product to value; from relationship to experience. What's next? Back to basics? What're the basics?
2010-02-10 06:03:45
@ADHumlen I am not sure if the sequence is right. Relationship is made up of touchpoints, and touchpoint creates experience...
2010-02-10 05:13:16
RT @customerthink Customer Experience Management: 10 Best Practices to Create Real Business Value http://bt.io/ET8R
2010-02-10 04:00:00
Service is long irrelevant, for any service initiative is to deliver positive experience.
2010-02-09 15:31:54
Every touchpoint has a purpose: 1) positive experience with others, 2) positive experience with customers, 3) positive experience on brand.
2010-02-09 15:24:26
Individual touchpoint creates personal experience; customer touchpoint customer experience; brand touchpoint brand experience.
2010-02-09 15:22:50
Touchpoint does not create customer experience, but experience.
2010-02-09 15:21:25
RT @EngageConsult: Every touchpoint creates a customer experience, and every customer experience either advances or hinders the achievem ...
2010-02-09 13:37:16
Relationship is a human thing. A robot won't understand feelings. Software only makes things go faster but won't improve relationship!
2010-02-09 13:35:06
It's interesting that so many firms still invest heavily in CRM. When will they realize that CRM is not about software but human process?
2010-02-09 13:31:23
RT @GrahamHill Understanding the 'value in use' of a service experience http://tinyurl.com/ya3pd5w Excellent article! Thank you Graham.
2010-02-09 13:27:19
@YourCustomers Don't forget the guanxi thing.
2010-02-09 12:58:55
The Missing Link of CRM Profitability: Building Marketing Capabilities http://tinyurl.com/ycsqtj6 Interesting idea but incomplete?
2010-02-09 12:22:38
He does a great job showing why Social Media is so important and why it is here to stay. http://bit.ly/bRfqHg
2010-02-09 11:28:29
Inputs from a Generation-Y Customer http://goo.gl/fb/Mcfg #customerservice
2010-02-09 09:48:08
#socialmedia Social Media Marketing | Mobile Marketing Association http://bit.ly/csvm7z
2010-02-09 09:01:15
#socialmedia 10 Ways to Manage Your Online Social Media Reputation http://bit.ly/dyyUER
2010-02-09 07:31:46
adidas gives ‘a little something extra’ using augmented reality: http://bit.ly/c0NTmC
2010-02-09 06:20:05
RT @sclmedia_buzz: #socialmedia 5 Insightful TED Talks on Social Media http://bit.ly/9KgVWE
2010-02-09 06:15:36
#socialmedia 5 Insightful TED Talks on Social Media http://bit.ly/9KgVWE
2010-02-09 05:01:59
is believing...
2010-02-09 02:30:36
Every touchpoint creates a customer experience, and every customer experience either advances or hinders the achievement of your vision.
2010-02-09 02:30:06
"There should be a clear reason for every single aspect of every touchpoint you have with customers." from Never By Chance
2010-02-08 16:02:46
RT @armano: after 40 years, Heinz (client) re-designs ketchup packets http://bit.ly/bnKHoH #in
2010-02-08 16:01:11
@YourCustomers Isn't that too obvious? It'd be great if we have some solid and classic examples.
2010-02-08 15:59:20
after 40 years, Heinz (client) re-designs ketchup packets http://bit.ly/bnKHoH #in
2010-02-08 15:41:27
@choypw [ADHumlen] many thanks for RT Critical link between customer experience and the #brand http://bit.ly/bnQdBM
2010-02-08 15:11:52
Excellent article by Alan Mitchell on treating customers fairly to create win:win outcomes http://tinyurl.com/y96cy93
2010-02-08 10:51:49
RT @graphicdesignsw Touchpoint Conflict « Design for Service http://bit.ly/azfQAX
2010-02-08 10:19:09
Touchpoint Conflict « Design for Service http://bit.ly/azfQAX
2010-02-08 09:38:44
calls it quits. Ciao.
2010-02-08 09:21:18
thinks LinkedIn is only for people in HR and T&D.; Want to join some local marketing groups? Sorry. It's not available.
2010-02-08 09:15:21
RT @sclmedia_buzz: #socialmedia Intel's Social Media Training - The Conversation - Harvard ... http://bit.ly/9zMeUK
2010-02-08 08:50:00
#socialmedia Intel's Social Media Training - The Conversation - Harvard ... http://bit.ly/9zMeUK
2010-02-08 08:06:52
has experienced breakdown, is experiencing breakeven, and will experience breakthrough soon.
2010-02-08 08:00:35
RT @sclmedia_buzz: #stumbleupon Mixx Facebook Twitter Digg delicious reddit MySpace StumbleUpon ... http://bit.ly/9TR96a
2010-02-08 07:38:51
#myspace Exploring The Benefits Of Advertising On MySpace http://bit.ly/ckXuOz
2010-02-08 04:54:18
RT @sclmedia_buzz: #socialmedia The Numbers Of Social Media And Some Foolish Examples http://bit.ly/auYnbR
2010-02-08 04:54:15
RT @sclmedia_buzz: #socialmedia Social Media, the "must have" for any brand in 2010 http://bit.ly/atkJYq
2010-02-08 04:53:57
@soniasimone That's really difficult... please let me know if you find the way.
2010-02-08 04:51:49
Good Intentions, Bad Experience: http://bit.ly/cu5yzZ
2010-02-08 04:24:34
has a new way of looking at touchpoint. There is no type but element of touchpoint.
2010-02-08 03:06:30
#socialmedia The Numbers Of Social Media And Some Foolish Examples http://bit.ly/auYnbR
2010-02-08 03:06:29
#socialmedia Social Media, the "must have" for any brand in 2010 http://bit.ly/atkJYq
2010-02-07 22:26:08
Did you know Microsoft is rated #3 in top global brands for 2010 (Interbrand study) http://bit.ly/XF1lt
2010-02-07 15:34:00
RT @GrahamHill: RT @grahamdbrown: @enoVate @oasisdigital: Customers Are The Brand (really interesting read) - http://bit.ly/cROSdl
2010-02-07 14:35:46
RT @grahamdbrown: @enoVate @oasisdigital: Customers Are The Brand (really interesting read) - http://bit.ly/cROSdl
2010-02-07 09:28:32
RT @aharbourne Two ways to improve customer experience: 1. Improve your product. 2. Find dumber customers #dilbert via @vishalmamania
2010-02-07 09:27:54
RT @ExactaGroupNOLA An Overview of The Role of Social Media in Creating Word of Mouth and Customer Experience http://shar.es/aNQMS
2010-02-07 09:27:32
RT @blumaya Role of Social Media in Creating Word of Mouth and Customer Experience http://bit.ly/dbsFG3 #socialmedia #wom
2010-02-07 09:26:57
RT @markericson Video - Customer Experience the way it should be http://tr.im/N8yB #CX
2010-02-07 09:26:35
RT @ADHumlen Critical link between customer experience and the #brand http://bit.ly/bnQdBM #cmo #cio #sme #design #scrm
2010-02-07 09:25:07
RT @nielsbuningh Customer Touchpoint is online: http://www.customertouchpoint.nl/
2010-02-07 09:24:56
RT @billwadman Another marketing word I can't stand, "Touchpoint"
2010-02-07 09:24:44
RT @DavidWLocke I get this different situations, but a touchpoint is a touchpoint, an effective touchpoint converts, regardless of sit.
2010-02-07 09:23:51
RT @thinkBIG_blog @Michaelervin Substitute "consumer touchpoint" for "advertisement" in that quote and he's right.
2010-02-07 09:23:12
RT @IM_Branded Your brand is communicated through every customer touchpoint, by every employee http://bit.ly/9Vp9qA
2010-02-07 09:22:33
RT @CEB_MLC B2B Customer Experience: So Many Touchpoints, So Little Time http://bit.ly/9NmjA5 #Wide_Angle
2010-02-07 09:21:52
RT @heidicohen Digital brand presence at each touchpoint. Think digital eco-system. #smwnyc #smwrazor
2010-02-07 09:21:37
RT @ideaDistillery Creative marketer looks at any change as another touchpoint; an opportunity to connect & bond.
2010-02-07 09:20:34
RT @passarelle always manage your job search well - every touchpoint is important - http://bit.ly/9sTXx4
2010-02-07 09:20:16
RT @jer979 How To Do A Customer Touchpoint Assessment http://bit.ly/dj0A6I
2010-02-07 09:16:49
is learning and trying to think different.
2010-02-07 05:40:53
Yes, Virginia, There Is A Return On Customer Experience Investments: http://bit.ly/dgh2MU
2010-02-06 13:46:11
@YourCustomers Twitterific. Still CRM? Do you really know how to manage relationships? Software? Really?
2010-02-06 10:28:09
If relationship is a function of happiness, then how do we quantify relationship?
2010-02-06 09:47:39
Unless you are Robinson Crusoe, relationship does matter. And connecting in a connected world becomes must-have but not nice-to-have.
2010-02-06 09:45:56
In a connected world, every relationship counts. It may not bring happiness, but it is the minimum requirement to survive.
2010-02-06 09:41:29
So why we build relationships? For gain? Or pain? Or both?
2010-02-06 09:40:37
In the case of Robinson Crusoe, relationship doesn't really matter.
2010-02-06 09:38:47
Relationship matters only when there is a relationship.
2010-02-06 09:37:15
So does relationship really matter?
2010-02-06 09:35:02
If external, then it's relationship with others.
2010-02-06 09:32:53
Is peace internal-driven, or external-driven?
2010-02-06 09:32:18
Peace? Without war, there is no peace. With war, then some RIP? Everything is relative?
2010-02-06 09:30:39
Healthy in terms of mind, body and soul? How? Work-life balance instead of integration?
2010-02-06 09:28:56
Happiness = Self(Health) + Others(Peace)
2010-02-06 09:23:48
If profit equals revenue minus cost, what's the formula for happiness?
2010-02-06 09:22:42
You have the equation for profit. How about happiness?
2010-02-06 09:19:19
For company, it's profitability. For individual, it's happiness.
2010-02-06 08:31:50
Who doesn't want to live happily and peacefully, but how?
2010-02-06 06:45:30
@sclmedia_buzz Not only Social Media but every communication.
2010-02-06 06:44:39
@soniasimone Regrettably it seldom works for me... Especially when it involves the dollar sign... Sigh...
2010-02-06 06:24:29
@armano That's too bad! That's bad practice!!! We should promote the sharing of knowledge but not discourage...
2010-02-06 06:21:27
has to agree that "success is the sweetest revenge."
2010-02-05 18:27:21
RT @Bob_Thompson: RT @SocBizOne The Social CRM and Enterprise 2.0 Experience Continuum http://bt.io/ERjN -- must-read post and discussion!
2010-02-05 18:00:24
believes that it's better late than never... :P
2010-02-05 17:59:51
is getting really excited... he just learned how to use bit.ly... ha!
2010-02-05 13:56:10
#socialmedia Guide to Choosing Social Media Tools | paulgillin.com http://bit.ly/al27HB
2010-02-05 07:15:00
is experiencing the power of LinkedIn now...
2010-02-05 03:03:37
is enjoying his virtual life...
2010-02-05 02:32:23
is making little things count.
2010-02-04 17:22:26
#youtube Hulu reaches 44 million users, a real challenge to YouTube? http://bit.ly/depNnR
2010-02-04 16:36:04
just linked Twitter with LinkedIn.
2010-02-04 15:25:39
#socialmedia In Social Media We Trust? http://bit.ly/a4ScpQ
2010-02-04 13:17:12
@GrahamHill Ha... I almost miss your reply Graham. I just love your point of view. :D
2010-02-04 13:15:37
Should we go for all? Or just focus on one tool?
2010-02-04 13:15:00
And also the relationships among fans, followers, and connections in LinkedIn?
2010-02-04 13:13:55
And are there any differences between fans in FB Page and followers in Twitter?
2010-02-04 13:10:45
And what're the benefits of having a long list of followers?
2010-02-04 13:08:19
How do you attract followers?
2010-02-04 12:23:56
RT @ariegoldshlager: 3 Surprising Perspectives on Influence in Social Networks http://post.ly/M8BW
2010-02-04 12:19:59
If you can't solve a problem just turn it on its head with behavioural economics http://tinyurl.com/ycmfqq3
2010-02-04 12:05:54
#socialmedia 5 Things True Social Media Experts Do Online » Techipedia | Tamar ... http://bit.ly/cFlIDK
2010-02-04 11:30:16
What are the dos and don'ts for Social Media?
2010-02-04 10:59:42
Anyone here uses LinkedIn?
2010-02-04 08:11:17
RT @enoVate: RT @grahamdbrown: @oasisdigital: Customers Are The Brand (really interesting read) - http://bit.ly/cROSdl
2010-02-04 07:49:23
HBR.org: Brand Experience Matters to Consumers More Than Loyalty Clubs http://web.hbr.org/e/?e=ds&d=020310
2010-02-04 06:12:54
Rethinking The Customer Buying Experience: http://bit.ly/aMxLyL
2010-02-04 02:04:59
@TIME Does China really care?
2010-02-04 02:03:31
@coltkwong I still ain't sure if Twitter will become another FB in HK.
2010-02-03 15:03:09
A Short (and Personal) History of Social Media http://tinyurl.com/ye4apsv
2010-02-03 11:01:28
Hm... Forty tales from the afterlives...
2010-02-03 10:33:16
Should I pick little things? Or The Code...?
2010-02-03 10:31:57
Little things... What are little things? Little things... Are actually bigger than big things.
2010-02-03 10:21:27
@GrahamHill I'm still in touchpoint... But I have to agree with you... Co-creation is always the big word...
2010-02-03 10:20:13
Are Social Media Measurement Tools Useful At All?
2010-02-03 09:41:43
@Choypw [GrahamHill] Yes we do. But by concentrating on the value-co-creation that creates real relationships, not on the relationships themselves.
2010-02-03 09:26:49
@GrahamHill Do we still need to care for relationships?
2010-02-03 09:25:36
Touchpoint is any point that is touched between/among 2 or more entities via any channel at any time for a purpose.
2010-02-03 06:38:43
is reading Twitterature... And wants to do similar thing for touchpoint experience management.
2010-02-03 06:37:52
There are 2 types and 3 levels of experience.
2010-02-02 22:40:57
RT @thinkdsignchnge: BusinessWeek special report: A closer look at how design can impact the bottom line of businesses http://j.mp/bg7lwf
2010-02-02 21:53:10
RT @customerthink Which affects customer experience more: marketing; direct sales and service contact; or... http://bt.io/EQmb
2010-02-02 11:34:31
Are YOU creative? The idea of creativity, the creativity behind an idea http://tinyurl.com/yen4sud
2010-02-02 06:12:09
thinks it's the same basic change cycle... From resistance to acceptance... Or the team building process: form, storm, norm, perform...?
2010-02-02 06:09:43
is wondering what kind of experience Social Media is giving us at different stages.
2010-02-01 23:00:14
is creating a presentation on Social Media.
2010-02-01 22:47:26
RT @SocialNicole A favorite marketing and social media website. you get your bang for your buck with @marketingprofs, great webinars! [yay!]
2010-02-01 21:12:11
RT @PattiBreckenrdg: 10 Rules of Customer Centricity - http://bv-url.com/shb3 - RT @Bazaarvoice
RT @johntodor: RT @TweetRightBrain 100 Incredible Lectures from the World’s Top Scholars | Online Universities http://bit.ly/bycBiv
2010-02-28 09:43:05
He will come again to judge the living and the dead.
2010-02-27 12:21:16
Smashing Magazine: Better User Experience With Storytelling. Part 1: http://j.mp/baKoG3 and Part 2: http://j.mp/awpuRP /via .@OCLC
2010-02-27 12:13:45
When touchpoint is any interaction, then experience happens at touchpoint.
2010-02-27 11:03:27
5 Top Companies Winning Twitter Strategies... http://su.pr/4BljEF
2010-02-27 06:07:57
redefines touchpoint as any interaction between/among 2 or more entities any time any way any place for a purpose.
2010-02-26 08:18:04
@GrahamHill That's a good one. I guess you have the answer. They were born to be the guru. Ha!
2010-02-26 07:41:21
The power of peer production: @jhagel on From Do It Yourself to Do It Together Harvard Business Review: http://bit.ly/d4o2GB
2010-02-26 04:30:52
Listen, Analyze, Relate, Act: http://bit.ly/az5SfW
2010-02-26 02:37:38
"Everything has been said before, but since nobody listens we have to keep going back and beginning all over again." Andre Gide
2010-02-25 09:48:37
RT @customerthink What Exactly Is Touchpoint? http://bt.io/EYgH
2010-02-25 09:25:15
RT @wanszezit: Yahoo 宣布與Twitter 合作 http://bit.ly/cGUbfM
2010-02-25 03:11:04
Measuring Service Effectiveness in the Call Center http://goo.gl/fb/Ynuh #customerservice
2010-02-25 01:48:35
In order to have a positive experience, "ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country." John F Kennedy
2010-02-24 17:42:10
A marketer’s guide to behavioral economics http://bit.ly/bzKJkO
2010-02-24 17:05:42
RT @davidabrock: Moving from campaigns to focusing on customer experience. Interesting article via @mopartnersceo http://ow.ly/1aN7Y
2010-02-24 17:04:01
Lots of interesting service experience papers from one of my favourite academics: Ruth Bolton http://tinyurl.com/ydzrnel
2010-02-24 15:24:29
RT @sethgodins Once in a lifetime http://bit.ly/bkxASu What's exactly the message...?
2010-02-24 06:00:51
"Life must be understood backwards; but... it must be lived forward." Soren Kierkegaard
2010-02-23 09:54:22
"It is not how old you are, but how you are old." Jules Renard
2010-02-23 01:40:59
"Life is the art of drawing without an eraser." John Gardner
2010-02-22 04:55:53
"Good judgment comes from experience and experience comes from bad judgment." Fred Brooks
2010-02-21 14:27:20
RT @GrahamHill Which is the original, which the plagiarised copy? http://tinyurl.com/m6a3oe http://tinyurl.com/nq85y7 That's an experience!
2010-02-21 06:34:15
RT @MKTFire: The Three "Ds" of Customer Experience: http://tinyurl.com/cfuvka Although I am suspicious of anything Fred Reichheld writes
2010-02-21 05:43:46
Customer Experience Model: Which is the original, which the plagiarised copy? http://tinyurl.com/m6a3oe http://tinyurl.com/nq85y7
2010-02-20 17:12:41
Interesting new blog by Richard Tait on Winning Customer Experiences http://tinyurl.com/yc2okxq
2010-02-20 06:56:36
#reddit A social-media marketer's guide on Reddit: Bring bacon | Danwin ... http://bit.ly/bs5jFJ
2010-02-20 01:20:47
5 Twitter Tools You Can't Live Without... Lee Odden...http://su.pr/2JOQbb
2010-02-19 17:38:03
Top 10 Customer Service Books: http://bit.ly/9hkb58
2010-02-19 08:16:44
RT @customerthink An Introduction to Outcome-Driven Innovation http://bt.io/EWW7
2010-02-18 12:20:33
Great post by Alan Mitchell showing why marketers must mend their myopic metrics http://tinyurl.com/yhw4xa5
2010-02-18 10:23:13
5 Forces That Drive Mobile Marketing... Are You Aligned...Rohit Bhargava...http://su.pr/2dz8uX
2010-02-18 07:00:32
Is your business making WOWful Connections with your customers?: http://bit.ly/b5JAtM
2010-02-18 02:42:21
Location, Location, Location http://goo.gl/fb/XaNh #customerservice
2010-02-17 22:25:57
#facebook How To Build A Customized Facebook Page For Your Business http://ow.ly/16Bpg2
2010-02-17 06:18:53
is back!
2010-02-17 06:05:36
Great insight: Ask what your customer is doing 3 min before & 3 min after using your product http://ow.ly/18156 (via @merigruber)
2010-02-16 19:53:03
The best small business strategy for Twitter... Matt Rhodes...http://su.pr/8R8FY3
2010-02-16 18:04:14
Is conversation an art or a skill? | http://su.pr/1SPI0w
2010-02-16 17:44:42
"Get in tune with your customers' needs, then over deliver" - The Line 6 Rule http://bit.ly/aTSX5s (via @thinktankonline)
2010-02-16 16:36:36
Social media for small businesses 2: Making the most of Twitter http://goo.gl/fb/Wnca #sales
2010-02-16 16:04:46
2010-02-16 16:02:48
2010-02-16 15:54:41
2010-02-16 07:56:06
Do We Need a Customer-Dominant Logic in Service Companies? http://tinyurl.com/y8qsosz
2010-02-16 07:40:56
Aric Rindfleisch on Customer Co-creation: A Typology and Research Agenda http://tinyurl.com/nqmbry
2010-02-16 07:22:11
RT @bobapollo How much process is too much process? http://bit.ly/dabu4g
2010-02-16 05:12:19
#Brands with the most engaged and loyal customers -http://bit.ly/cRtW3X #crm #scrm #cmo #ceo #retail
2010-02-16 04:45:44
Useful post re: The engineering of the ideal customer experience http://bit.ly/94Luo7 #cio #cmo #sme #crm #scrm
2010-02-16 02:37:40
Social Media Lifecycle Framework http://goo.gl/fb/wrsG #sales
2010-02-15 13:26:56
Really looking forward to this in a few weeks, wtih @mariosundar: Ten Tips on Marketing with LinkedIn http://bit.ly/9SrBvL
2010-02-15 09:00:19
Must read: Packed full of uncommon sense about the Customer Development Model http://tinyurl.com/clefaf
2010-02-15 07:51:37
Social Media turning Marketers into Media Companies?: http://bit.ly/9yw9gf
2010-02-15 07:51:35
The Fillmore customer experience signature: apples and limited prints: http://bit.ly/cm0K35
2010-02-15 07:51:34
About Them Customers’ Expectations: http://bit.ly/bsHiUn
2010-02-14 18:49:18
LinkingOUT http://bit.ly/d9DX5a
2010-02-14 11:04:44
Invent a holiday http://bit.ly/b7jJPk
2010-02-14 00:18:17
Why #innovation, by itself, will never be enough. Brian Arthur on 'The Structure of Invention' http://tinyurl.com/ygsqc8u
2010-02-13 21:27:35
Best article about Toyota's problems I have read so far. The Economist http://tinyurl.com/y8kl34w A failure in governance.
2010-02-13 12:44:04
RT @GrahamHill If you have interest in Service or Experience Design, you should join @servicethinkers Wenovski http://tinyurl.com/l5muka
2010-02-13 09:28:09
If you have an interest in Service Design or Experience Design, you should join @servicethinkers Wenovski http://tinyurl.com/l5muka
2010-02-13 08:14:36
Word of Mouth from non-loyal customers has the biggest impact on sales by @fgossieaux http://tinyurl.com/y9zngh5
2010-02-13 06:55:44
The Matthew Effect – linking and how things become viral in social media http://goo.gl/fb/AuZs #sales
2010-02-13 04:04:50
SCAMP: Five Pillars of Shopper Experience http://tinyurl.com/y8qtpww
2010-02-13 04:04:48
SCAMP: Five Pillars of Shopper Experience http://bit.ly/apmrC2 CRM
2010-02-13 04:04:47
SCAMP: Five Pillars of Shopper Experience: http://bit.ly/9pkRww
2010-02-12 17:53:45
RT @McKQuarterly: Using behavioral science to improve the customer experience http://bit.ly/9TK443
2010-02-12 17:05:36
Using behavioral science to improve the customer experience http://bit.ly/9TK443
2010-02-12 13:07:38
What Your Company Should Know About Social Networking http://goo.gl/fb/UJQO #customerservice
2010-02-12 13:03:37
Four Seasons literally leaves their mark in customer service: http://bit.ly/cjsuRV
2010-02-12 12:15:05
Brand Republic: Two companies that 'get' social media - Pepsi and Toyota http://tinyurl.com/y9btj7d
2010-02-12 09:24:45
How WOM Impacts Loyalty Marketing... Francois Gossieaux...http://su.pr/1ixYjQ
2010-02-12 07:58:45
How would you define social media?
2010-02-12 06:17:41
Design Evolution of 40 Famous Corporate Company Logos http://bit.ly/9O6wBd
2010-02-12 05:24:45
@Choypw [mobilechad] Thanks for the tweet about status on LinkedIn iPhone. I'm following up with the mobile team on this issue.
2010-02-11 18:50:33
RT @CEB_MLC: 10 Habits of Highly Effective Social Media Marketers http://bit.ly/cV3OgC #sbosm
2010-02-11 18:43:58
Twitter Marketing http://bit.ly/9wFeVS
2010-02-11 16:25:18
What's The ROI Of Social Media? That's What EVERYONE WANTS TO KNOW! http://goo.gl/fb/i3Tr #customerservice
2010-02-11 07:42:40
Buzz can be connected to Twitter?!
2010-02-11 07:30:25
Is that an iPhone bug, or LinkedIn bug?
2010-02-11 07:29:31
Interesting... message posted on LinkedIn using iPhone won't be posted on Twitter! Is that a bug?
2010-02-11 06:30:48
Oh... to be more exact... Link to T and FB using iPhone not ok!!!
2010-02-11 05:21:36
T to FB ok but Link not ok. Link to T ok but FB not ok. FB to Link and T never ok! Why?
2010-02-11 05:13:42
Tweet? Buzz? Silence... zzz...
2010-02-11 02:15:21
"Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes." Oscar Wilde
2010-02-11 02:09:39
Touchpoint can be seen and unseen. With touchpoint comes experience. With experience comes relationship.
2010-02-10 20:47:10
10 Habits of Highly Effective Social Media Marketers http://bit.ly/cV3OgC #sbosm
2010-02-10 16:59:02
How come my Tweet does not show up in LinkedIn anymore...?
2010-02-10 15:40:18
"Every moment is an experience." Jake Roberts
2010-02-10 15:29:47
"Every moment is an experience." Jake Roberts
2010-02-10 15:28:27
@joecalloway Every touchpoint should have a purpose instead of a reason. There is a fine line between purpose and reason.
2010-02-10 12:42:24
How often do you spend time looking for little things?
2010-02-10 12:39:20
Little things are things that aren't obvious. When you make little things count, it gives positive experience because of zero expectation.
2010-02-10 06:06:22
From mass to 1-to-1; from product to value; from relationship to experience. What's next? Back to basics? What're the basics?
2010-02-10 06:03:45
@ADHumlen I am not sure if the sequence is right. Relationship is made up of touchpoints, and touchpoint creates experience...
2010-02-10 05:13:16
RT @customerthink Customer Experience Management: 10 Best Practices to Create Real Business Value http://bt.io/ET8R
2010-02-10 04:00:00
Service is long irrelevant, for any service initiative is to deliver positive experience.
2010-02-09 15:31:54
Every touchpoint has a purpose: 1) positive experience with others, 2) positive experience with customers, 3) positive experience on brand.
2010-02-09 15:24:26
Individual touchpoint creates personal experience; customer touchpoint customer experience; brand touchpoint brand experience.
2010-02-09 15:22:50
Touchpoint does not create customer experience, but experience.
2010-02-09 15:21:25
RT @EngageConsult: Every touchpoint creates a customer experience, and every customer experience either advances or hinders the achievem ...
2010-02-09 13:37:16
Relationship is a human thing. A robot won't understand feelings. Software only makes things go faster but won't improve relationship!
2010-02-09 13:35:06
It's interesting that so many firms still invest heavily in CRM. When will they realize that CRM is not about software but human process?
2010-02-09 13:31:23
RT @GrahamHill Understanding the 'value in use' of a service experience http://tinyurl.com/ya3pd5w Excellent article! Thank you Graham.
2010-02-09 13:27:19
@YourCustomers Don't forget the guanxi thing.
2010-02-09 12:58:55
The Missing Link of CRM Profitability: Building Marketing Capabilities http://tinyurl.com/ycsqtj6 Interesting idea but incomplete?
2010-02-09 12:22:38
He does a great job showing why Social Media is so important and why it is here to stay. http://bit.ly/bRfqHg
2010-02-09 11:28:29
Inputs from a Generation-Y Customer http://goo.gl/fb/Mcfg #customerservice
2010-02-09 09:48:08
#socialmedia Social Media Marketing | Mobile Marketing Association http://bit.ly/csvm7z
2010-02-09 09:01:15
#socialmedia 10 Ways to Manage Your Online Social Media Reputation http://bit.ly/dyyUER
2010-02-09 07:31:46
adidas gives ‘a little something extra’ using augmented reality: http://bit.ly/c0NTmC
2010-02-09 06:20:05
RT @sclmedia_buzz: #socialmedia 5 Insightful TED Talks on Social Media http://bit.ly/9KgVWE
2010-02-09 06:15:36
#socialmedia 5 Insightful TED Talks on Social Media http://bit.ly/9KgVWE
2010-02-09 05:01:59
is believing...
2010-02-09 02:30:36
Every touchpoint creates a customer experience, and every customer experience either advances or hinders the achievement of your vision.
2010-02-09 02:30:06
"There should be a clear reason for every single aspect of every touchpoint you have with customers." from Never By Chance
2010-02-08 16:02:46
RT @armano: after 40 years, Heinz (client) re-designs ketchup packets http://bit.ly/bnKHoH #in
2010-02-08 16:01:11
@YourCustomers Isn't that too obvious? It'd be great if we have some solid and classic examples.
2010-02-08 15:59:20
after 40 years, Heinz (client) re-designs ketchup packets http://bit.ly/bnKHoH #in
2010-02-08 15:41:27
@choypw [ADHumlen] many thanks for RT Critical link between customer experience and the #brand http://bit.ly/bnQdBM
2010-02-08 15:11:52
Excellent article by Alan Mitchell on treating customers fairly to create win:win outcomes http://tinyurl.com/y96cy93
2010-02-08 10:51:49
RT @graphicdesignsw Touchpoint Conflict « Design for Service http://bit.ly/azfQAX
2010-02-08 10:19:09
Touchpoint Conflict « Design for Service http://bit.ly/azfQAX
2010-02-08 09:38:44
calls it quits. Ciao.
2010-02-08 09:21:18
thinks LinkedIn is only for people in HR and T&D.; Want to join some local marketing groups? Sorry. It's not available.
2010-02-08 09:15:21
RT @sclmedia_buzz: #socialmedia Intel's Social Media Training - The Conversation - Harvard ... http://bit.ly/9zMeUK
2010-02-08 08:50:00
#socialmedia Intel's Social Media Training - The Conversation - Harvard ... http://bit.ly/9zMeUK
2010-02-08 08:06:52
has experienced breakdown, is experiencing breakeven, and will experience breakthrough soon.
2010-02-08 08:00:35
RT @sclmedia_buzz: #stumbleupon Mixx Facebook Twitter Digg delicious reddit MySpace StumbleUpon ... http://bit.ly/9TR96a
2010-02-08 07:38:51
#myspace Exploring The Benefits Of Advertising On MySpace http://bit.ly/ckXuOz
2010-02-08 04:54:18
RT @sclmedia_buzz: #socialmedia The Numbers Of Social Media And Some Foolish Examples http://bit.ly/auYnbR
2010-02-08 04:54:15
RT @sclmedia_buzz: #socialmedia Social Media, the "must have" for any brand in 2010 http://bit.ly/atkJYq
2010-02-08 04:53:57
@soniasimone That's really difficult... please let me know if you find the way.
2010-02-08 04:51:49
Good Intentions, Bad Experience: http://bit.ly/cu5yzZ
2010-02-08 04:24:34
has a new way of looking at touchpoint. There is no type but element of touchpoint.
2010-02-08 03:06:30
#socialmedia The Numbers Of Social Media And Some Foolish Examples http://bit.ly/auYnbR
2010-02-08 03:06:29
#socialmedia Social Media, the "must have" for any brand in 2010 http://bit.ly/atkJYq
2010-02-07 22:26:08
Did you know Microsoft is rated #3 in top global brands for 2010 (Interbrand study) http://bit.ly/XF1lt
2010-02-07 15:34:00
RT @GrahamHill: RT @grahamdbrown: @enoVate @oasisdigital: Customers Are The Brand (really interesting read) - http://bit.ly/cROSdl
2010-02-07 14:35:46
RT @grahamdbrown: @enoVate @oasisdigital: Customers Are The Brand (really interesting read) - http://bit.ly/cROSdl
2010-02-07 09:28:32
RT @aharbourne Two ways to improve customer experience: 1. Improve your product. 2. Find dumber customers #dilbert via @vishalmamania
2010-02-07 09:27:54
RT @ExactaGroupNOLA An Overview of The Role of Social Media in Creating Word of Mouth and Customer Experience http://shar.es/aNQMS
2010-02-07 09:27:32
RT @blumaya Role of Social Media in Creating Word of Mouth and Customer Experience http://bit.ly/dbsFG3 #socialmedia #wom
2010-02-07 09:26:57
RT @markericson Video - Customer Experience the way it should be http://tr.im/N8yB #CX
2010-02-07 09:26:35
RT @ADHumlen Critical link between customer experience and the #brand http://bit.ly/bnQdBM #cmo #cio #sme #design #scrm
2010-02-07 09:25:07
RT @nielsbuningh Customer Touchpoint is online: http://www.customertouchpoint.nl/
2010-02-07 09:24:56
RT @billwadman Another marketing word I can't stand, "Touchpoint"
2010-02-07 09:24:44
RT @DavidWLocke I get this different situations, but a touchpoint is a touchpoint, an effective touchpoint converts, regardless of sit.
2010-02-07 09:23:51
RT @thinkBIG_blog @Michaelervin Substitute "consumer touchpoint" for "advertisement" in that quote and he's right.
2010-02-07 09:23:12
RT @IM_Branded Your brand is communicated through every customer touchpoint, by every employee http://bit.ly/9Vp9qA
2010-02-07 09:22:33
RT @CEB_MLC B2B Customer Experience: So Many Touchpoints, So Little Time http://bit.ly/9NmjA5 #Wide_Angle
2010-02-07 09:21:52
RT @heidicohen Digital brand presence at each touchpoint. Think digital eco-system. #smwnyc #smwrazor
2010-02-07 09:21:37
RT @ideaDistillery Creative marketer looks at any change as another touchpoint; an opportunity to connect & bond.
2010-02-07 09:20:34
RT @passarelle always manage your job search well - every touchpoint is important - http://bit.ly/9sTXx4
2010-02-07 09:20:16
RT @jer979 How To Do A Customer Touchpoint Assessment http://bit.ly/dj0A6I
2010-02-07 09:16:49
is learning and trying to think different.
2010-02-07 05:40:53
Yes, Virginia, There Is A Return On Customer Experience Investments: http://bit.ly/dgh2MU
2010-02-06 13:46:11
@YourCustomers Twitterific. Still CRM? Do you really know how to manage relationships? Software? Really?
2010-02-06 10:28:09
If relationship is a function of happiness, then how do we quantify relationship?
2010-02-06 09:47:39
Unless you are Robinson Crusoe, relationship does matter. And connecting in a connected world becomes must-have but not nice-to-have.
2010-02-06 09:45:56
In a connected world, every relationship counts. It may not bring happiness, but it is the minimum requirement to survive.
2010-02-06 09:41:29
So why we build relationships? For gain? Or pain? Or both?
2010-02-06 09:40:37
In the case of Robinson Crusoe, relationship doesn't really matter.
2010-02-06 09:38:47
Relationship matters only when there is a relationship.
2010-02-06 09:37:15
So does relationship really matter?
2010-02-06 09:35:02
If external, then it's relationship with others.
2010-02-06 09:32:53
Is peace internal-driven, or external-driven?
2010-02-06 09:32:18
Peace? Without war, there is no peace. With war, then some RIP? Everything is relative?
2010-02-06 09:30:39
Healthy in terms of mind, body and soul? How? Work-life balance instead of integration?
2010-02-06 09:28:56
Happiness = Self(Health) + Others(Peace)
2010-02-06 09:23:48
If profit equals revenue minus cost, what's the formula for happiness?
2010-02-06 09:22:42
You have the equation for profit. How about happiness?
2010-02-06 09:19:19
For company, it's profitability. For individual, it's happiness.
2010-02-06 08:31:50
Who doesn't want to live happily and peacefully, but how?
2010-02-06 06:45:30
@sclmedia_buzz Not only Social Media but every communication.
2010-02-06 06:44:39
@soniasimone Regrettably it seldom works for me... Especially when it involves the dollar sign... Sigh...
2010-02-06 06:24:29
@armano That's too bad! That's bad practice!!! We should promote the sharing of knowledge but not discourage...
2010-02-06 06:21:27
has to agree that "success is the sweetest revenge."
2010-02-05 18:27:21
RT @Bob_Thompson: RT @SocBizOne The Social CRM and Enterprise 2.0 Experience Continuum http://bt.io/ERjN -- must-read post and discussion!
2010-02-05 18:00:24
believes that it's better late than never... :P
2010-02-05 17:59:51
is getting really excited... he just learned how to use bit.ly... ha!
2010-02-05 13:56:10
#socialmedia Guide to Choosing Social Media Tools | paulgillin.com http://bit.ly/al27HB
2010-02-05 07:15:00
is experiencing the power of LinkedIn now...
2010-02-05 03:03:37
is enjoying his virtual life...
2010-02-05 02:32:23
is making little things count.
2010-02-04 17:22:26
#youtube Hulu reaches 44 million users, a real challenge to YouTube? http://bit.ly/depNnR
2010-02-04 16:36:04
just linked Twitter with LinkedIn.
2010-02-04 15:25:39
#socialmedia In Social Media We Trust? http://bit.ly/a4ScpQ
2010-02-04 13:17:12
@GrahamHill Ha... I almost miss your reply Graham. I just love your point of view. :D
2010-02-04 13:15:37
Should we go for all? Or just focus on one tool?
2010-02-04 13:15:00
And also the relationships among fans, followers, and connections in LinkedIn?
2010-02-04 13:13:55
And are there any differences between fans in FB Page and followers in Twitter?
2010-02-04 13:10:45
And what're the benefits of having a long list of followers?
2010-02-04 13:08:19
How do you attract followers?
2010-02-04 12:23:56
RT @ariegoldshlager: 3 Surprising Perspectives on Influence in Social Networks http://post.ly/M8BW
2010-02-04 12:19:59
If you can't solve a problem just turn it on its head with behavioural economics http://tinyurl.com/ycmfqq3
2010-02-04 12:05:54
#socialmedia 5 Things True Social Media Experts Do Online » Techipedia | Tamar ... http://bit.ly/cFlIDK
2010-02-04 11:30:16
What are the dos and don'ts for Social Media?
2010-02-04 10:59:42
Anyone here uses LinkedIn?
2010-02-04 08:11:17
RT @enoVate: RT @grahamdbrown: @oasisdigital: Customers Are The Brand (really interesting read) - http://bit.ly/cROSdl
2010-02-04 07:49:23
HBR.org: Brand Experience Matters to Consumers More Than Loyalty Clubs http://web.hbr.org/e/?e=ds&d=020310
2010-02-04 06:12:54
Rethinking The Customer Buying Experience: http://bit.ly/aMxLyL
2010-02-04 02:04:59
@TIME Does China really care?
2010-02-04 02:03:31
@coltkwong I still ain't sure if Twitter will become another FB in HK.
2010-02-03 15:03:09
A Short (and Personal) History of Social Media http://tinyurl.com/ye4apsv
2010-02-03 11:01:28
Hm... Forty tales from the afterlives...
2010-02-03 10:33:16
Should I pick little things? Or The Code...?
2010-02-03 10:31:57
Little things... What are little things? Little things... Are actually bigger than big things.
2010-02-03 10:21:27
@GrahamHill I'm still in touchpoint... But I have to agree with you... Co-creation is always the big word...
2010-02-03 10:20:13
Are Social Media Measurement Tools Useful At All?
2010-02-03 09:41:43
@Choypw [GrahamHill] Yes we do. But by concentrating on the value-co-creation that creates real relationships, not on the relationships themselves.
2010-02-03 09:26:49
@GrahamHill Do we still need to care for relationships?
2010-02-03 09:25:36
Touchpoint is any point that is touched between/among 2 or more entities via any channel at any time for a purpose.
2010-02-03 06:38:43
is reading Twitterature... And wants to do similar thing for touchpoint experience management.
2010-02-03 06:37:52
There are 2 types and 3 levels of experience.
2010-02-02 22:40:57
RT @thinkdsignchnge: BusinessWeek special report: A closer look at how design can impact the bottom line of businesses http://j.mp/bg7lwf
2010-02-02 21:53:10
RT @customerthink Which affects customer experience more: marketing; direct sales and service contact; or... http://bt.io/EQmb
2010-02-02 11:34:31
Are YOU creative? The idea of creativity, the creativity behind an idea http://tinyurl.com/yen4sud
2010-02-02 06:12:09
thinks it's the same basic change cycle... From resistance to acceptance... Or the team building process: form, storm, norm, perform...?
2010-02-02 06:09:43
is wondering what kind of experience Social Media is giving us at different stages.
2010-02-01 23:00:14
is creating a presentation on Social Media.
2010-02-01 22:47:26
RT @SocialNicole A favorite marketing and social media website. you get your bang for your buck with @marketingprofs, great webinars! [yay!]
2010-02-01 21:12:11
RT @PattiBreckenrdg: 10 Rules of Customer Centricity - http://bv-url.com/shb3 - RT @Bazaarvoice
Tweets of Jan 2010
2010-01-30 11:58:26
@Choypw [GrahamHill] Twitter is the perfect tool for me to keep in touch. Facebook is bogged down in SocMed junk from push marketers!
2010-01-30 09:01:49
doesn't get it. Do people interact in Twitter? If not, then what's it for? Just to share own thinking? Does anyone care?
2010-01-30 08:59:26
@GrahamHill Long time no see Graham. I'm new to Twitter. It seems cool. But why Twitter when there is Facebook?
2010-01-30 08:54:00
also wants to know the WIIFM of using Twitter.
2010-01-30 08:53:02
is trying to understand why Twitter isn't hot in HK and China yet...
2010-01-30 03:41:14
LOL: I think Guy invented a new acronym here with "BMFFL": http://tinyurl.com/yagu8jt (@guykawasaki @alltop)
2010-01-30 02:40:07
Six Ways to Find Social Media Talent http://bit.ly/cm7G56
2010-01-29 18:12:10
Can anyone tell me the difference between FB and TT?
2010-01-29 04:25:20
Addressing a Customer Pain Point as the Basis for a New Business: http://bit.ly/cpfGCS
2010-01-28 23:07:11
What Sets a Brand Apart from Any Other: The Crayola Song http://post.ly/L4I2
2010-01-28 20:48:52
RT @nextactioncoach: Social Media Marketing: How Pepsi Got It Right http://bit.ly/cDoJTd
2010-01-20 16:25:17
is still figuring out how to tweet... anybody help!?
@Choypw [GrahamHill] Twitter is the perfect tool for me to keep in touch. Facebook is bogged down in SocMed junk from push marketers!
2010-01-30 09:01:49
doesn't get it. Do people interact in Twitter? If not, then what's it for? Just to share own thinking? Does anyone care?
2010-01-30 08:59:26
@GrahamHill Long time no see Graham. I'm new to Twitter. It seems cool. But why Twitter when there is Facebook?
2010-01-30 08:54:00
also wants to know the WIIFM of using Twitter.
2010-01-30 08:53:02
is trying to understand why Twitter isn't hot in HK and China yet...
2010-01-30 03:41:14
LOL: I think Guy invented a new acronym here with "BMFFL": http://tinyurl.com/yagu8jt (@guykawasaki @alltop)
2010-01-30 02:40:07
Six Ways to Find Social Media Talent http://bit.ly/cm7G56
2010-01-29 18:12:10
Can anyone tell me the difference between FB and TT?
2010-01-29 04:25:20
Addressing a Customer Pain Point as the Basis for a New Business: http://bit.ly/cpfGCS
2010-01-28 23:07:11
What Sets a Brand Apart from Any Other: The Crayola Song http://post.ly/L4I2
2010-01-28 20:48:52
RT @nextactioncoach: Social Media Marketing: How Pepsi Got It Right http://bit.ly/cDoJTd
2010-01-20 16:25:17
is still figuring out how to tweet... anybody help!?
Tweets of 2009
2009-11-07 10:17:41
is making little counts!!!
2009-05-30 07:57:35
Learning how to use Twitter...
is making little counts!!!
2009-05-30 07:57:35
Learning how to use Twitter...
02 May 2010
"Any time" versus "Anytime"
Any amount of time = any time.
Do you have any time to review this piece?
We spent hardly any time in Dallas.
He doesn't have any time for us now that he has a girlfriend.
Whenever, at any time = anytime.
Call me anytime.
Anytime this happens, let me know.
I can meet anytime on Friday.
The correct choice after the preposition at is always the two-word form. Or leave out the preposition and use the one-word form. (Leaving out the at seems to be an American habit.)
An unedited version of this article is available at Legal Writing Prof Blog.I can meet with you at any time. (Compare: I can meet with you anytime.)
Did you talk with him at any time? (Compare: Did you talk with him anytime?)
I am free at any time between 1 and 4 p.m. (Compare: I am free anytime between 1 and 4 p.m.)
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