26 December 2009

Who Stole My Qoo?

Cool... that's Qoo vending machine!!!

Growl... how come there is no Qoo... :(

Set wrong expectations... end up in negative experience...

22 November 2009

XY 之 Hea









05 October 2009

XY 之 五區公投


公投! ?真的是公嗎?全部人都會跑出來投嗎?就連這個公都還沒搞清楚,就鬧鬧鬧要什麼垃圾公投!我呸!


政治、經濟。 。 。其實我在乎的就只是經濟。




05 September 2009

Emotion versus Reason

Jerry Hocutt wants to understand why selling to the emotions work?


There is always the battle between emotional and rational mind...

When to use emotional? When to activate rational? What are emotional issues? What are rational?

People are human beings, and they have emotions, feelings and thoughts.

The line between emotion and reason almost does not exist. The only way to make better decision is to strike a balance between the two.

05 August 2009

Good to Great Salespeople

Alen Majer suggests this: sales people sell ideas, not products.

Is this true?


Bad salespeople sell products. Good salespeople sell ideas. Great salespeople sell experience.

03 July 2009










30 June 2009





甲:所以佢講埋d好難聽的東西,令佢自動走。對我最大困擾的,是佢訂價出現問題。比方說,我地的批發價係$150;但係其他地方的零倉價竟然係$500 3 盒,另加送測試。

07 May 2009

05 May 2009

Who Cares About Rules? Beta

According to the MTR, there are certain rules to observe in order to ensure a safe and comfortable journey. Some important but always ignored ones are listed below.

1. Please move into the bus compartment after boarding.
2. Please do not obstruct the staircase or doorways.
3. Please hold on to the handrails while standing.
4. Please offer your seats to the senior citizens, disabled persons or pregnant ladies.

There are rules to almost everything. However, people always relax rules governing themselves. They care less about how others feel and what others think.

As Mahatma Gandhi put it, "there are limits to self-indulgence, none to restraint." When will people learn to respect others through respecting themselves?

04 May 2009

Derwent Executive

Because of the poor economic climate, I start looking for a job again. Below is the reply from one recruitment agency. Interesting one!

Derwent: Dear Daryl

Experience: This one is better than Manulife... at least they know my name.

Derwent: Reference Number: GXX/1XXX1

Position: Asia Pacific Training Manager - Retail

Thank you for your recent application and the details you provided outlining your employment history in relation to the above position. I have perused your resume in detail but unfortunately, on this occasion you have been unsuccessful.

Experience: I have been unsuccessful... I HAVE BEEN UNSUCCESSFUL!!! Thank you for telling me that I've failed!!!

Derwent: Again, thank you for taking the time to respond to our advertisement. I wish you well in your job search.

Experience: Oh yeah... you wish!

Derwent: Yours sincerely


for and on behalf of Xxxxxxxx Heng

Agnes Xxxx

derwent executive
t. +852 2xxx 1xx1
d. +852 2xx1 8xxx

Experience: On behalf of someone? How busy is this Heng!? Well... maybe that's how the world operates. When you have no value, they don't even bother writing back personally.

Derwent: NOTICE
The information contained in this electronic mail message is privileged and confidential, and is intended only for use of the addressee. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, reproduction, distribution or other use of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the sender by reply transmission and delete the message without copying or disclosing it.

think before you print - a component of Derwent Executive's enviromental management system

Experience: Will I print out this junk!?

03 May 2009


This is a letter I received on 23 April from Manulife. Obviously, this is just another junk letter. However, should a company that positions itself as a professional service provider do junk mail?

Manulife: Apr 23, 2009

Dear Manulife Customer,

Experience: They don't even know my name!?

Manulife: Change of Manulife Advisor/MPF Intermediary

Experience: So what is it exactly? Manulife Advisor? Or MPF Intermediary? Gee!!!

Manulife: Policy(ies)/Account(s): 0xx0x0xx-2xx3x6

We would like to advise you that WONG XX XXX, XXXX, who has been serving your policy(ies) or account(s) is no longer registered with our Company. To ensure the continuity of our professional service to you as our valued customer, we have assigned one of our experienced Manulife Advisors/MPF Intermediaries* to serve you:

Name of new Manulife Advisor/MPF Intermediary: MAK SAU XXXX, XXXXXXX
Contact Number: 9XXX XX6X

Experience: I never know that there is this WONG something! And who's this MAK again!? Experienced?! How do I know!?

Manulife: Please be aware that it may not be in your best interest to surrender your policy early or switch your policy to a new one. If you are approached at any time in this regard, please contact Manulife for further follow up.

Experience: Holy! Should I contact Manulfie, or that MAK!???

Manulife: We are confident that you will continue to receive quality service from Manulife and thank you for choosing Manulife to meet your financial needs.

Experience: As far as I could remember, I have never received any quality service from Manulife.

Manulife: If you have any enquiries regarding your policy(ies) or account(s), please contact your new Manulife Advisor/MPF Intermediary or our Customer Service Hotline at 2108 1188.

Experience: If there is MAK, then why again this Customer Service Hotline? Does it imply that I should not rely on MAK for the professional service but Customer Service Hotline!?

Manulife: Yours faithfully,

Manulife (International) Ltd.
Customer Services

Experience: I was expecting MAK to write me this letter, but not Customer Services!

Manulife:* If you prefer to be served by a particular Manulife Advisor/MPF Intermediary for your policy(ies) or account(s), we will organize this upon receipt of your written confirmation.

Experience: Forget about it!

Manulife: This is a computer printout. No signature is required.

Experience: Oh so what!? Am I supposed to sign on a junk letter?

28 April 2009

Project on Writer Opportunity (O2)









蔡伯偉致力協助不同類型的客户著眼每一細處,度身設計合適及針對性的改善方案。曾與他合作的重要客户包括香港證監會、荷蘭銀行、中國銀行、貝沙灣、佳能、國泰航空、California Fitness、太古可口可樂、大昌行、惠普、安泰人壽、英格蜜兒、英特爾、香港樂施會、電訊盈科、香港市務學會、香港人力資源學會及香港科技大學等。




18 April 2009

Forrester on Customer Experience

Forrester: Are you a leader in customer experience? Nominate your company for Forrester's Voice Of The Customer Award http://snipurl.com/g1a7i #FCXP09

Experience: Customer experience? Who's the customer? What's the definition of experience? Is this customer experience movement a similar experience of customer relationship management?

Forrester: Customer experience? What's the definition of experience? There is no standard, agreed upon definition of customer experience. There are some decent ones out there vying for acceptance, though. Here is one from Bruce Temkin's blog that we like: "The perception that customers have of their interaction with an organization." Or you could go with Wikipedia: "Customer experience is the sum of all experiences a customer has with a supplier of goods or services, over the duration of their relationship." Those two are pretty compatible, although I prefer Bruce’s version.

Who's the customer? Depends on the organization. For Wal-Mart it’s mostly consumers. For Oracle it’s mostly people at businesses. For the I.R.S. it’s mostly taxpayers. For NGOs it’s mostly donors. That’s a slight over simplification but I’m sure you get the idea: Customers are the humans your organization serves.

Is this customer experience movement a similar experience of customer relationship management? Customer experience and CRM are related but not the same. If you want to learn more about customer experience – and you’re not a Forrester client – you might want to go to Bruce Tenkin’s blog: http://experiencematters.wordpress.com/ If you are a Forrester client just go to the site, click Change My Role (a hyperlink near the top of the page) and select Customer Experience Professional.

Experience: Thank you for writing back... at least someone from Forrester is listening. That's an important first step.

I find it difficult to accept your definition of expereince. Bruce Temkin is a consultant of Forrester, so I won't take his definition. And wiki... I rather check the defintion from dictionaries.

For the defintion of customer, there are basically 2 types: internal and external. For internal, there are at least 3 layers: subordinate, staff, superior. Or we can refer to the Leadership Pipleline model developed by Drotter, where there are at least 5 layers. For external, you could go from B2B, B2C, B2B2C, B2G, NGO, SE... or simply follow the SIPOC model where you consider not only the demand side but also supply.

What's the defintion of relationship? What's the relationship between relationship and touchpoint? How does experience relate to touchpoint/relationship?

Try not to sell your stuff to the market. Instead, try to understand how the market thinks.

17 April 2009










體驗:陶傑這人心術不正,就連菲律賓也選擇避之則吉。凌羽一既出自其門下,也就難成大器!倘若能青出於藍,就成大小不良為害人間!而且,劉天賜和陶傑也算不上是創意的佼佼者。如果想多了解什麽是創意,還不如讀一下愛德華。德。博諾(Edward de Bono)和李天命的書。

原文:思考大師東尼.布贊(Tony Buzan)及雷門.金(Raymond Keene)在他們的著作《天才之書》(Buzan's Book of Genius: And How to Unleash Your Own)中,以科學的方法評選人類史上的頂尖天才,並依名次排列。結果,博學家達文西(Leonardo da Vinci)力壓群雄,位居榜首。達文西同時是出色的藝術家、天文學家、物理學家、數學家、發明家、解剖學家、工程師和建築師。他憑着無窮的「創意」在不同領域取得空前的成就。多位學者曾經研究達文西的筆記簿,發現他思考時,總喜歡先分類列出不同的單項,然後天馬行空把這些單項自由混合和搭配,萌發出千千萬萬的新猶。


原文:「日光底下無新事,脫袍換錦見新天」──只要細心觀察和分析,我們不難發現一些廣受讚揚的「創新點子」,其實也是由兩個、三個、甚至更多個的「舊概念」整合而成。港鐵在東鐵、西鐵和馬鞍山線列車播放的「新聞直線」,也不是把九巴的「路訊通」搬到列車上,而是與有線電視洽談,請他們為頻道提供節目內容。這樣一來,不但為有線電視帶來一個更廣闊的宣傳平台,也為乘客提供免費的新聞及娛樂資訊,更為港鐵帶來可觀的廣告收益,成就「多贏」。太興燒味餐廳集團的「原味冰鎮奶茶」,不就是把港式奶茶和傳統「冰鎮酸梅湯」的概念結合而成,吸引行家爭相仿效,掀起了香港奶茶文化的一股新熱潮。必勝客早前的「三國風情批」,也是啟發於經濟學的「邊際收益遞減律」(Law of Diminishing Marginal Returns),把鴛鴦炒飯以及健達(Kinder)出奇蛋「一次過滿足晒三個願望」的概念,融注在「港式比薩餅」中,為客戶帶來更多的附加價值。




14 April 2009

Project on Writer Opportunity (O1)

It's been my dream for many years writing for a publication, but when you are nobody who's willing to talk to you? As a result, that chance never came. I ain't that kind of person who gives up easily so I made some contacts again the past few days.

The newspapers that I tried to connect with include: am730, Metro, HKHeadLine, and HKET. I'll keep track of this project progress, and see if it will ever produce any deliverable by when.

The first touchpoint date (O1) is 13 April 2009, and the next touchpoint date (O2) will be 22 April 2009. Below is the "sales" letter I sent via email and fax.









06 April 2009

Little Things Defined?

What are little things? Why little things? How to do little things right?

As always, there is no standard answer to this seemingly simple question. In such a case, let's consult conventional wisdom.

"What we call little things are merely the causes of great things; they are the beginning, the embryo, and it is the point of departure which, generally speaking, decides the whole future of an existence. One single black speck may be the beginning of a gangrene, of a storm, of a revolution." Henri Frederic Amiel

"Show me a man who cannot bother to do little things and I'll show you a man who cannot be trusted to do big things." Lawrence D Bell

"Don't be afraid to give your best to what seemingly are small jobs. Every time you conquer one it makes you that much stronger. If you do the little jobs well, the big ones tend to take care of themselves." Dale Carnegie

"It has long been an axiom of mine that the little things are infinitely the most important." Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

"Its the little things that matter, that add up in the end, with the priceless thrilling magic found only in a friend." Elizabeth Dunphy

"A small leak can sink a great ship." Benjamin Franklin

"For the person for whom small things do not exist, the great is not great." Jose Ortega Y Gasset

"There is nothing, Sir, too little for so little a creature as man. It is by studying little things that we attain the great art of having as little misery and as much happiness as possible." Samuel Johnson

"All difficult things have their origin in that which is easy, and great things in that which is small." Lao Zi

"The human tendency to regard little things as important has produced very many great things." Georg C Lichtenberg

"Inches make champions." Vince Lombardi

"Never neglect the little things. Never skimp on that extra effort, that additional few minutes, that soft word of praise or thanks, that delivery of the very best that you can do. It does not matter what others think, it is of prime importance, however, what you think about you. You can never do your best, which should always be your trademark, if you are cutting corners and shirking responsibilities. You are special. Act it. Never neglect the little things." Og Mandino

"It's the little things that make the big things possible. Only close attention to the fine details of any operation makes the operation first class." J Willard Marriott

"We can not do great things. We can only do little things with great love." Mother Teresa

"It's the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen." John Wooden

"It isn't the big pleasures that count the most; it's making a great deal out of the little ones." Jean Webster

"Little things seem nothing, but they give peace, like those meadow flowers which individually seem odorless but all together perfume the air." Georges Bernanos

21 March 2009








15 March 2009

Religion Beta

"I am a deeply religious nonbeliever - This is a somewhat new kind of religion." Albert Einstein

Like any religion you either believe it or you don't. For those who do believe it, there is no question that this is the right approach and you probably can't understand why people are even questioning this. For those who don't believe it, they need more proof that this will work as they do not have your faith.

If you believe then nothing else matters, you don't need evidence, you take things on faith, like any religion.

The question is, how do we create a religion? How do we make people believe?

25 February 2009

Details Beta

"The true secret of happiness lies in taking a genuine interest in all the details of daily life." William Morris

Who's actually in the details? God, or the devil?

Some say "The devil is in the details," meaning the details might cause failure. Some say "God is in the details," meaning opportunities come from digging into the details. Both are true, but the latter is a more positive version.

However, it does not really matter which version is better. The key message is "even the grandest project depends on the success of the smallest components."

Make little things count!

29 January 2009

Life Beta

"Life is the art of drawing without an eraser." John W Gardner

What's the meaning of life?

Below are the defintions from different online dictionaries.

Cambridge Dictionaries
1. the period between birth and death; the experience or state of being alive
2. way of living or a particular part of someone's life
3. the period for which a machine or organization lasts
4. the quality which makes people, animals and plants different from objects, substances, and things which are dead
5. energy or enthusiasm
6. everything which is alive
7. In art, if you work from life, you paint, draw, etc. real people or objects usually while they are in front of you rather than from memory
8. especially in children's games, one of the limited number of times that you can lose, but still continue playing

1. the condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects and dead organisms, being manifested by growth through metabolism, reproduction, and the power of adaptation to environment through changes originating internally
2. the sum of the distinguishing phenomena of organisms, esp. metabolism, growth, reproduction, and adaptation to environment
3. the animate existence or period of animate existence of an individual
4. a corresponding state, existence, or principle of existence conceived of as belonging to the soul
5. the general or universal condition of human existence
6. any specified period of animate existence
7. the period of existence, activity, or effectiveness of something inanimate, as a machine, lease, or play
8. a living being
9. living things collectively
10. a particular aspect of existence
11. the course of existence or sum of experiences and actions that constitute a person's existence
12. a biography
13. animation; liveliness; spirit
14. resilience; elasticity
15. the force that makes or keeps something alive; the vivifying or quickening principle
16. a mode or manner of existence, as in the world of affairs or society
17. the period or extent of authority, popularity, approval, etc
18. a prison sentence covering the remaining portion of the offender's animate existence
19. anything or anyone considered to be as precious as life
20. a person or thing that enlivens
21. effervescence or sparkle, as of wines
22. pungency or strong, sharp flavor, as of substances when fresh or in good condition
23. nature or any of the forms of nature as the model or subject of a work of art

1. a: the quality that distinguishes a vital and functional being from a dead body b: a principle or force that is considered to underlie the distinctive quality of animate beings c: an organismic state characterized by capacity for metabolism, growth, reaction to stimuli, and reproduction
2. a: the sequence of physical and mental experiences that make up the existence of an individual b: one or more aspects of the process of living
3. spiritual existence transcending physical death
4. a. the period from birth to death b: a specific phase of earthly existence c: the period from an event until death
5. a way or manner of living
6. a vital or living being
7. an animating and shaping force or principle
8. the form or pattern of something existing in reality
9. the period of duration, usefulness, or popularity of something
10. the period of existence (as of a subatomic particle)
11. a property (as resilience or elasticity) of an inanimate substance or object resembling the animate quality of a living being
12. living beings (as of a particular kind or environment)
13. a: human activities b: animate activity and movement c: the activities of a given sphere, area, or time
14. one providing interest and vigor
15. an opportunity for continued viability
16. something resembling animate life

Is that life?

What's written on the tombstone?

At the end of the day, no matter how long the person lives, it's all summized in a simple symbol "-".

And, that's life.