02 May 2007

Neighbor Beta

"Love thy neighbour as yourself, but choose your neighbourhood." Louise Beal

If relationship is an investment, then invest wisely. Otherwise, it will result in negative touchpoint experience, and eventually end up in touchpoint chain termination. The more the touchpoint, the deeper the relationship. When the chain is terminated, nothing much can be done.

First positive touchpoint experience should not be used as final judgment to determine whether the relationship is going to be short- or long-term. It is a wrong decision to commit everything based on the first few touchpoints. People usually are inconsistent overtime because of the need to adapt to change. They do not have the ability to wear the mask forever. When they are accepted, they tend to loosen up. Nothing can hide. The truth will be revealed.

Pause... before impossible is nothing. Act... when everything seems possible.

Positive touchpoint experience is really about doing right things right at the right time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
