31 August 2006

Give Up?

There are times when people work very hard but get nothing in return. Nothing goes wrong throughout the process, and touchpoint experience is consistently positive. What then is the problem? Doesn't positive touchpoint experience ensure positive result?

Xun Zi says there are three critical success factors: heaven (right time), earth (right place), and human (right people). "If you gain timeliness from heaven, favorable geographical position on earth, and the support of people, the source of revenue could gush out like spring water, could be running high like river and sea, and the property could enhance like mountains. If you lose timeliness from the top, favorable geographical position from the bottom and the support of people from the middle, people must be subjected to all kinds of sufferings like burns and scorches."

However, great result does not come even when heaven offers opportunity, earth supplies resources, and people working together in harmony.

That's life, and it's unfair. Nobody's at fault for not delivering result. Everything rolls out according to plan, but it just doesn't work out. Although it s a disaster when there is no payoff after tremendous efforts have been made, it happens all the time. One could keep mourning forever, but it won't change anything.

If people consistently delivering positive touchpoint experience do not get the appreciation they deserve, why keep trying to please others? It just isn't rational and mimimizes return on investment (ROI). Giving up seems to be the obvious choice.

But, please adopt a wait-and-see attitude. Focus not on the short run but the long run. Save the best for last. Efforts will ultimately pay off.

May the best of your past be the worst of your future!

18 August 2006


"Quit now, you'll never make it. If you disregard this advice, you'll be halfway there." David Zucker

It's time for me to call it quits. 205 blogs since 24 October 2004. Does that mean anything to anyone? I don't think so. Touchpoint eXperience Management is nothing after all these years of development. But why TXM cannot even be something if CRM, ERP, SCM, and BI can almost be everything?

I'll take a long rest now, and end with an email from St James' Settlement (SJS). To learn more about SJS, please visit http://www.sjs.org.hk/

RE: Thank-You Note - St. James' Settlement

Dear Alfred

Thank you very much for your encouragement. I appreciate much. Below is my reply. Thank you very much.

Best Regards

Daryl Choy

----Original Message Follows----
Subject: RE: Thank-You Note - St. James' Settlement
Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2006 11:34:11 +0800

Dear Daryl,

Many great thinkers using their whole life to create only one fundamental concept, like a little tree growing in an fast growth forest. You should be the little tree while the root is not deep enough and the structure is not complete to compete with others. If you want it a weapon to earn a living, you do not have the backup in the acadamic and commerial world.

Daryl Choy: I agree, and I'm working hard to strengthen my connections in both worlds. I just joined PCCW as a Training Consultant, and I have partnered with a local software company in Hong Kong to co-develop the application. As said, I always want support from others to help develop the concept together, but Hongkongers are definitely too realistic and not innovative.

Are you sure touch point is a great theory in your life?

Daryl Choy: Yes, Alfred. I've been working on it alone for 5 years now. As I see it, touchpoint is the root of everything; and when touchpoint is quantified, it becomes manageable because what gets measured gets managed.

I do believe it is a great point to help. However, I do believe they have many grey area or weakness.

Daryl Choy: Alfred, are you interested to co-develop this concept with me? You have been in the industry for a long time, and with your support and guidance, I strongly believe that the TXM concept will be more solid and marketable.

How to make it applicable to the serious problem is their market value, especially where you have to make the tree grow.

Daryl Choy: This is very unfair indeed. Look at CRM. Is it useful, effective, or even innovative? Is managing the customer relationship really something new? I don't think so. But what is the impact of CRM on the business world? Everyone thinks it is the solution. Why is that? Just because it is from the West!?

Hong Kong is not a good area to develop the idea. We just follow the main trend of the western great thinking.

Daryl Choy: I agree with you again, Alfred. Basically, we follow whatever comes from the Western world, even if it is not great at all. Why?

How many great thinkers in the consultancy world in Hong Kong have their own theory? How you can create a market for your theory?

Daryl Choy: As said, Hongkongers are not creative, and we are not trained to be creative. We are mostly copycat. I'll try to promote my idea through publication and website.

I agree with you that without name or wings,the bird will not fly. Then find the shortest route to earn the name, your effort will not be wasted. Hope you can get the success you wish. John is a man in the market who in charge the buy and sell and have good sense of the existing market. His question are touch and I think you have to spend time to re-consider it.

Daryl Choy: Thank you, Alfred. Look forward to hearing from you soon. Take care.


12 August 2006


"If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart." Nelson Mandela

"Then" is "if's" partner. They always go hand in hand, but then, so what? "If" can survive alone without "then", and "then" can flirt with any other words. Loyalty? Not a chance! Same happens to "Although" and "but". "Although" doesn't need "but", but people always put them together. Happy relationship? Could be, but definitely under a lot of pressure.

When people face dilemma, "if" provides direction by helping them perform cost-benefit analysis. If they do this, then what's next. If that, then what's what?

Undoubtedly, "if" is a very powerful word. It's most used in competition, particularly chess. If I make that move, how's the opponent going to react? If I don't make that move, will the opponent take advantage? Although "if" doesn't help people solve everything, it at least prevents people from taking immediate action, and prompt people to think twice before taking any action. People using "ifs" may make effective decision but definitely not efficient.

Nothing gets done when there are too many "ifs". The more one knows, the less one delivers. There is always a strong gap between knowing and doing. Time is either spent worrying about the risk, or learning junk. Everyone has limited brain cells and time. Instead of wasting energy on irrelevant items, people should focus on things that are relevant to success. That's actually the shortcut to success. It's really funny that it's people themselves who always keep picking the most difficult and longest path to success. Only if they know what to focus, will they realize that the success they've been longing for is originally within reach.

"If" gives false hope. If I were you, then I'd do this and that. Fact is, each individual is a single entity. Nobody can ever be

If... if there were no "ifs", people won't have dreams and would do things that please themselves rather than "if".

11 August 2006

Never Mind

"True love doesn't come to you, it has to be inside you." Julia Roberts

People won't let go, either because they don't want to or because they don't know how to. Peope only care about themselves without the ability to put themselves into others' shoes. They are blind to others, but they see clearly for themselves.

People who envy others' achievement will always give negative touchpoint experience to others. They pretend that they are happy for others' positive results but deep inside they think otherwise. They just can't accept that they are inferior than others, and that others are better than themselves. Their behavior is a reflection of immaturity.

Some people are born with a silver spoon in their mouth. Others are too smart to be true. The world is unfair. Nothing runs smooth. Setback is just a part of life. It's a fact that nobody should deny but should instead learn to accept. Someone has to be superior and other inferior. If everybody is the same, then there is no relativity, no comparison, and no competition. What will the world be like when everything equals everything? Nothing, and change is finally constant.

Why bother with negative touchpoint experience then?

Never mind the negative experience if it is delivered when nobody has done anything wrong. That's going to be nothing in the end, for it doesn't bother anyone but the one who forever minds every insignificant detail.

Take life easy, pal.

10 August 2006


"People are afraid of themselves, of their own reality; their feelings most of all. People talk about how great love is, but that's bullshit. Love hurts. Feelings are disturbing. People are taught that pain is evil and dangerous. How can they deal with love if they're afraid to feel? Pain is meant to wake us up. People try to hide their pain. But they're wrong. Pain is something to carry, like a radio. You feel your strength in the experience of pain. It's all in how you carry it. That's what matters. Pain is a feeling. Your feelings are a part of you. Your own reality. If you feel ashamed of them, and hide them, you're letting society destroy your reality. You should stand up for your right to feel your pain." Jim Morrison

Rubbish is defined as unwanted waste. There are basically two kinds of rubbish: tangible and intangible. The amount of tangible rubbish keeps rising and contaminating the world. Even with the introduction of 4R (Refuse, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle), the situation stays the same, if not worsening. However, tangible waste can at least be managed, because it is measurable. Alert system can be developed to control the amount of tangible waste being produced every day.

People taking an "easy come, easy go" attitude always live a "throwaway" lifestyle. They don't cherish the things they have, and they don't have to. Everything is dispensible at any time at will or whim. It is an interesting fact that most tangible rubbish is produced by the developed countries, which accounts for only 5% of the world's population. The so-called better educated people living in the developed countries are the murderers of the world, but they are not sentenced to death.

Intangible waste is bullshit, or nonsense. Nobody can touch it, but everybody can feel it. Bullshit is basically created 24x7. As long as the deliverable has no value and thus irrelevant, that's bullshit! Its impact could be even more devastating than that of tangible. Nonsense isn't measurable, and is beyond everyone's control.

"I love you" is the most frequently used bullshit. Words really mean nothing. Action speaks louder than words. Everything people say is bullshit if it does not come with action. Putting words into actions is the true test of a person's character. Regrettably, people are becoming more and more irresponsible for everything said, and keep creating negative people experience.

09 August 2006


"Reach for the moon, because if you don't make it you'll land among the stars."

Every month there is one Full Moon, or to be more exact, the full moon appears once every 29.53 days. When there are two Full Moons in a month, which occurs, on average, every 2.7 years, the second one is called a "Blue Moon". Because this happens rarely, it has resulted in the expression "once in a Blue Moon."

There are 8 phases of the Moon: New Moon, Waxing Crescent, First Quarter, Waxing Gibbous, Full Moon, Waning Gibbous, Last Quarter, and Waning Crescent. This cycle is also known as lunation, but who really cares. There is always day and night. It is too common to be noticed. The Mid-Autumn Festival which celebrates abundance and family togetherness falls on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month of the Chinese calendar. It's also a Full Moon, but this Full Moon is a lot different from the rest of the 11 Full Moons.

The deliverable actually is exactly the same, but the Full Moon in the eighth lunar month seems to be totally different. Common sense is not so common. The uncommon is all about information packaging.

Make a wish upon the next Blue Moon, and may it be granted.

08 August 2006


"Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better." Samuel Beckett

Italy has won the 2006 World Cup. It's definitely a great news to those who for years stay loyal to and haven't yet lost faith in Italy. What's more exciting than a dream finally come true?

Italy last tasted the happiness for the championship on World Cup 24 years ago. During the years, the best result for Italy was second, in 1994.

Once won, it's really difficult to accept failure and the inability not to win again. Fact is, winners are more difficult to accept
failure than those who don't even understand what competition is all about. They just resist to lose.

The experience of winning is so great that people who have won before always want to win again. They simply see the next winning as a challenge. They never stop challenging themselves until nobody dares to challenge them. They prove their existence value by winning. If they fail the first challenge, they'll work harder to make sure that they'll beat the competition the next time. If they still fail the second time, they'll keep on trying. But what if they forever fail without any chance of winning again, should they still persist?

While winning strengthens confidence, losing destroys. It requires enormous courage and confidence not to give up, then stand up, and to believe in their own belief.

Although Italy may not be everyone's favorite, its attitude to win is worth learning. Anything can change in two decades.

ITALY also stands for I Truly Always Love You.

How great if the love one has for the other is true and lasting? However, true love is rare nowadays, and break-up is not uncommon in every relationship. The divorce rate in Hong Kong is climbing, so is elsewhere in the world, particularly US.

Freedom to choose results in negative experience in the end. Love is blind anyway, so why not go back to basics, and try blind date?

Italy, ITALY.

07 August 2006


"This is not remarkable, for, as we know, reality is not a function of the event as event, but of the relationship of that event to past, and future, events. We seem here to have a paradox: that the reality of an event, which is not real in itself, arises from the other events which, likewise, in themselves are not real. But this only affirms what we must affirm: that direction is all. And only as we realize this do we live, for our own identity is dependent upon this principal." Robert Penn Warren

What is a paradox? A paradox is a situation where the more one does, the less one gets.

Paradox puts people in a Catch-22 situation. Life is full of paradox. The most common one is related to love. The more one falls in love with another person, the more pain that person gets due to temporary separation. Should the person continue to love?

Love is blind and irrational. It has no right or wrong. The course of true love never did run smooth, and calculated love is not true love. Everything can be expressed in the form of formula, but no formula works for love.

Paradox gives neutral touchpoint experience most of the time, leaving people in a confused state. Although everyone procrastinates to some extent, confusion delays decision-making process significantly. If a decision has to be made, it has to be made decisively. Hesitation leads everyone nowhere. Deliverable will be forever pending, and resulted in neutral deliverable experience but negative people experience.

How to handle paradox?

It's all about the ability to see things through, and the willingness to let go of things that can't be seen through.

Toss a coin, and let fate decide. It's really meaningless trying to look through things that even X-ray can't get inside. After all, life is nothing but a 'minus' sign, a sign that is shown on the headstone giving information on one's lifespan.

Rest in peace.

06 August 2006

Chris Patten

"Junk is the ultimate merchandise. The junk merchant does not sell his product to the consumer, he sells the consumer to the product. He does not improve and simplify his merchandise, he degrades and simplifies the client." William S Burroughs

Chris Patten is the last British governor of Hong Kong. What did he bring to Hong Kong after years of "serving" his people? People may not be able to recall any, either because he seldom walked the talk, or because he's not a great governor at all. However, almost everyone can relate Fat Pang, Patten's nickname, to egg tart.

Exactly what is the relationship between politics and egg tart, a popular Chinese pastry?

Politics is about making and doing shows. Any artist can do a great job. Ronald Reagan and Arnold Schwarzenegger are some good examples. Politicans who are poor actors have difficulties winning their people's hearts. People are shallow and too lazy to think, so what they see is what they get. As long as the show is entertaining, they'll just love it. Politics does nothing to help improve the economy's performance, but can do everything to hinder economic growth. But how is politics related to food?

Snacks are nothing but junk foods. Junk refers to things with almost zero value. It is usually created and developed with no specific meaningful objective in the first place, which further explains why the deliverable is junk. Another reason is that the deliverable is not of relevance to the receiver. When the deliverable is not relevant, it simply has no value even though it may possess enormous economic importance. That's junk.

Both unrelated things may have one thing in common: The Ultimate Merchandise!

The poor owner of Tai Cheong Bakery Mr Au Yeung never stops taking the opportunity to shine shoes in the hope of getting market attention, and Patten never stops trying to milk his last-dime from the old colony.

Mr Au Yeung may have adopted a wrong marketing strategy. Patten is not a food critics, and his taste doesn't represent the taste of others. After all, he is a westerner, and has different taste buds. It's pathetic that Fat Pang didn't have any egg tarts during his recent visit to promote his books Not Quite the Diplomat because he was "too fat".

05 August 2006


"The holiest of all holidays are those kept by ourselves in silence and apart; the secret anniversaries of the heart." Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

In database marketing, frequency is one of the three core variables. The other twos are recency and monetary, together known as RFM.

RFM analysis helps marketers segment market, and develop effective marketing strategies which maximize ROI, or return on investment. In Handbook of Market Segmentation, Art Weinstein defines "recency as the last service encounter or transaction; frequency assesses how often these customer contact / company experiences occur; and monetary value probes the amount that is spent, invested, or commited by customers for the firm's products and services."

Customers with the highest RFM worth the most attention, where those with the lowest require either win-back or defective strategy to move them up or remove them from the tier.

Among the three variables, F is the most important. Although M gives solid results, which provide the nutrition to survive, without F, or the heartbeat, nutrition is meaningless.

Same applies to touchpoint. The more frequent the touchpoint, the better the relationship.

But, is that a fact?

Nothing lasts if the frequency is high but the chain is filled with negative touchpoint experience. The relationship may seem promising during the initial stage, but it will eventually fail. If the frequency is low but with positive experience, it stands the test of time.

The next factor, or actually the critical success factor, is experience.

03 August 2006


03 August 2006. Hong Kong. Rained like cats and dogs. Many trees down. Streets blocked. Typhoon signal no 3 was hoisted.

Hong Kong Observatory (HKO) maintained typhoon signal number 3 although typhoon Prapiroon has caused chaos on the roads. The reason of HKO's decision was that the typhoon signal is determined by the average wind speed among districts, but not by individual district. HKO will not take into account the fact that the wind speed of some districts has already fulfilled the requirement of number 8 signal. People who were in districts which had gale force wind, or equivalent to number 8 signal, were told that it was still only strong wind, or number 3 signal. It's like telling them they're safe but in fact there's war going on. This is not only negative information experience, but also bad and irresponsible judgment. Did they not predict the wind speed and evaluate the consequences? Did they not care lives at all?

There were reports on fallen trees caused by Prapiroon. People walking on the street were knocked off by flying rubbish bins. Although there's no serious injury, people in the danger zone might have already suffered if they had put their faith in HKO.

Being a governmental organization, it should protect every resident from any possible harm. Safety of each citizen should be top priority and of utmost concern. Who cares about how the signal is being determined? People only believe in their instinct when they encounter crisis. HKO should further understand that its decision can cost lives. Accurate information should be given to everyone for his or her reference, but definitely not the guesstimate.

This is not the first time that HKO made bad judgments, which had caused significant inconvenience and damages to the residents of Hong Kong. HKO just never learns from experience, and it never will.

There is this rumor that HKO won't hoist number 8 signal during workdays and office hours, because this will affect the stock market operations. When number 8 is hoisted, it is just like another holiday. Everyone in the work force can call the day off. Students return home. Everything just shuts down. Nobody can blame anyone for the slackness.

A fact is a fact. HKO has no right to withhold true information. No excuses allowed. Which is more important? Daily stock turnover of HK$15 billion, or people's lives?

Only HKO knows!

To learn more about what's on the mind of HKO, please visit http://www.hko.gov.hk/

02 August 2006


What is a queue? It's a long line of people standing one behind the other waiting for something.

Chinese are bad at queueing up. They simply don't have the concept nor patience to wait for basically anything. They show no respect for others but just care for themselves. They may not even understand why they have to wait for the things they want. They want everything fast. Everything has to be made available when it is requested. No allowance or buffer is given. Every request is under tight deadline and severe time constraint. Chinese are not ashamed of such selfishness. Instead, they are proud of winning, even unethically. After all, people only care about short-term gain but not long-term. People are often short-sighted.

To the Chinese, losers are those who don't have the ability to occupy themselves the first position in the queue and let go of obvious opportunity. True. There's nothing wrong to grap every opportunity, particularly an opportunity is rare nowadays. However, nobody can ever guarantee that by being first in the queue will bring success.

Do first-movers always have all the advantages? Not necessarily. It's not a must.

People who don't have the habit of queueing up definitely deliver negative touchpoint experience to others. People who queue in the wrong line without knowing, but are later informed by the one behind when the line is moving, and are further requested to queue up again receive negative touchpoint experience.

Queueing is all about people touchpoint experience.

Queueing is similar to fishing. Positive fishing experience requires patience. Skills of course count! Queueing is not an enjoyable experience. One sees the destination, but still has to wait to reach it. Drilling on an unhappy issues won't bring happiness. Patience helps. Instead of asking why the wait, it brings peace of mind by shifting the focus to paying attention to things around.


The time now is 0012. According to the battery meter of my PowerBook, the battery will run out 39 minutes later. I'll try to finish this blog before the battery completely dies out.

If you are a loyal reader of my blog, you'd realize that basically I try to write a blog every day. Each blog is related to Touchpoint eXperience Management. Writing is already difficult, and keeping one per day is more difficult. This is persistence, which I've been trying to develop through this blog.

The time now is 0017. 34 minutes later, the battery will run out...


The time now is 0022. 31 minutes later, the batter will run out...

From 0017 to 0022, I was reviewing the first paragraph of this blog, and rewrote the content.

The time now is 0025. I only have 27 minutes left...


Do you care about my writing progress? Are you interested at all in how I come up with each blog? This may be the most irrelevant blog I've ever written, but this is actually my thinking process. It's not organized, and most of the time I do multi-task. I was watching TV while trying to finish this blog.

How do you feel now? There is simply nothing in this blog, right?

The message of this blog is, if you like this blog, then I just deliver you a positive touchpoint experience. Else, negative. However, I believe you simply have no idea what the message of this blog is, and you don't really care about anything, then friend, you have just had a neutral touchpoint experience in the past few minutes.

The time now is 0032...

Are you sleepy? Let's rest early.

Thank you for reading this blog.

Good night. Sweet dreams.

01 August 2006


"Success comes from taking the initiative and following up... persisting... eloquently expressing the depth of your love. What simple action could you take today to produce a new momentum toward success in your life?" Anthony Robbins

Momentum is about consistency. Without consistency, it is almost impossible to maintain momentum. Without momentum, everything gradually loses its drive, and ultimately results in negative touchpoint experience.

Although curiosity also helps maintain momentum, people simply don't have the patience to repeat the questions and answers process. They want immediate straight relevant answer for each question asked. Once curiosity is gone, it's gone until people's desire to know the unknown returns again.

People are usually more committed during the initial stage because they know nothing about the environment. They will do their best in order to win great first impression and thus create positive touchpoint experience . When the actual deliverable matches expectations, and they receive recognition for a job well done, they'll have the usual tendency to make excuses and begin to either slack off or even take rest.

After all, people are only animals with some wisdom. Just like any other animals, they have no or little self-control. Even if they have self-control, they are always tempted to let go. They'll perform best under scrutiny. Momentum disappears when people are content with what they already have.

However, results alone only determine deliverable experience. To truly acheive touchpoint experience excellence, all touchpoints, or people, information, and deliverable, have to provide positive touchpoint experience.

In order to keep momentum, follow up and never give up.